Member Certifications / Achievements / Courses
Great software – life just got easier ;-)
If you’re looking for new things to add then my suggestion would be something for Achievements/Courses. Basically they would work a lot like events except they go against a “Member’s Achievement History” (new concept).
So, some of the function points might be:
· New Functional web page type with a Page Template of “Achievements Calendar”
o Access to Selected Groups
· Achievement Settings
o Achievement E-mails
§ Email Event Triggers (Registration, Approval, Rejection – to Member and/or Mentor/Trainer, Achievement End Date – to Mentor/Trainer)
· Achievements
o Add Achievement
§ Registration Types
· Availability
o Selected Groups
§ Mentor/Trainer (New)
· Select Member
· Register
o Add to Member Achievement History with Status of Pending
o Add to Mentor/Trainer Approvals Section
· Achievement Confirmation
o On logon and after the Achievement End Date, prompt Mentor/Trainer to approve pending Achievements
§ Approve, update date and status to “Achieved” on Member Achievement History
§ Reject, update date and status to “Not Achieved” on Member Achievement History
o Logon Links
§ “View Approvals” underneath “View Profile” (only for Mentors/Trainers with Approve/Reject buttons)
§ “View Member Achievement History List” (only for Mentors/Trainers – see Members point below with the ability for Mentors/Trainers to “Save” their own searches, the list would be filtered to only those Achievements that they are a Mentor/Trainer for)
§ “View Achievements” (only for Member)
· Members
o Member Achievement History List
§ Allow same functionality as per Member List except Level will be Member Group as opposed to Membership Level
This would really round out what is already a functionally rich product. Most of the above are just extensions of existing objects, the only really new object is the Member Achievement History.

Don Burdick commented
We would like the ability to tie/track awards and certifications to member records. This function would be performed by an administrator and function as a related record to the member record. We envision a date, classification and award or certificate type or name. Our members could then access that information through the member login and have access to event attendance, membership records, awards and certifications for the purpose of tracking and report their professional certification.
John Barrett commented
We would benefit from the same functionality as the membership card but in the form of a certificate. We would just like a certificate (rather than a card) for members to be able to frame and hang on their wall.
Taryn Sexton commented
This is a fabulous idea - we could put certificates for attendance, award recognition, service awards, etc here.
Emerald Cooksey commented
Have a place within the member's account that the member and admin can download and store documents, such as letters, certificates, corespondents, etc...
Sarah Clark commented
As a Junior League, our members must complete their requirements annually. Member requirements vary by level. Overall, they are required to attend meetings, fundraise and volunteer. Meetings and volunteer opportunities are all being organized through the WA event calendar, but it would be great if there was an automated way for member profiles to be updated with these member credits once they've been marked as an attendee. I imagine this would work by allowing admins to tag/categorize an event as being eligible for a member credit. Different types of credits would be needed.
We also have to use a separate system to manage our fundraisers, which include tickets to the events plus raffle tickets. It would be wonderful if we could sell raffle tickets through WA. And, if the system could track member credits for sales of tickets - and for general donations through WA.
thevideomd commented
As someone who is teaching courses (for us on weight loss) The achievement certificate would be nice but by itself doesn't add much functionality and I can see what take a fair amount of effort to implement. Rather I think a much larger needs exists (and perhaps the programming effort to make it happen) and that is to give Apricot the inherit ability to help the user create and manage online courseware. There are paid cloud based products out there that purport to simply the process of creating a protected site, protected pdf, word, and other files, the ability to course attendees to be charged, and for them to chat, to take tests and upon success to be passed on to another level. Apricot already has many of these attributes but spread throughout the program. Personally I am scrambling to figure out how to do this using Apricot, or perhaps paying for a cloud based solution and somehow then integrating it into Apricot.
Soooo; how about a module within Apricot that would step by step walk the site manager through the process of creating a course that would be easy to maintain; and yes the members who successfully participated could in the end get an achievement certificate! I for one would be willing to pay extra for that functionality and could be of interest to anyone who has an instructional product they would like to market, or implement training for their organization members.
Larry Killer commented
I've already commented in another post ( ), but I will comment here as well to show desire for this functionality as well.
Take care.
Dmitry Buterin commented
This is still on the wishlist and we are collecting insights to understand how different organizations do it/what they need. We would really appreciate more details on how you are currently dealing with that in your organization.
GCCA commented
We are a new group to Wild Apricot. So far we love the system. The achievements/certifications would be great. Any update on where that functionality is in your development queue? We don't mind being a tester!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
@iami: thanks for comments, but this is still in queue.
IAMI Administration commented
Hi all,
I know it's been a while since this suggestion was posted. Just wanted to chime-in and say that it would be great to be able to even provide a simple membership certificate to new and renewing members that merges their name, membership-level, date(s) of validity, etc.
We're currently doing this manually for some members -- or, in many cases, providing just a generic PDF download -- neither of those options is an ideal solution. But, if W.A. was able to create customized certificates on the fly, that would be super!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
This does not look like a common request... To extend WA in a way described in initial post is going to be a big chunk of work - and I'm not sure we're going to get into it soon if this is not a common request.
Anybody else can comment on this?
Meagan commented
We also would really like this feature.... It is important to our members to distinguish themselves in our directory by certifications they hold.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for posting, that's a pretty good outline. Let's see what other users think about this.