Different payment options for events/membership
In release 2.3.4 you added the manual payment option which is valid for all payment types.
I would like to be able to make the manual payment option open to the few hundred people who are the membership but not make it available to the thousands who sign up for events.
I do not have a need to have it selectable at each membership level or for one event or another - just events vs. members. Any chance?

Released as a part of 5.7 version. See http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.7
Gordon Stewart commented
I just noticed that I opened this thread three years ago, almost to the day. The request was that we be able to have different payment methods for membership vs events, etc. The Chief agreed and suggested we wait for more opinions. I still can't use manual payments because of the rigid one-size-fits-all implementation
There are now 33 items on this thread, as far as I can tell all supportive. And now we're told that this is not going to change any time soon due to yet another fundamental re-design that is going on.
As happens so often, the reasonable is being trumped by the perfect - and the perfect is sometimes not all that wonderful.
The entire system could be dramatically improved (from the perspective of us, the folk who pay the bills), if you dedicated a full release (or two) to the wealth of little things that fill up these wish lists.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Sorry for a late reply but be sure we hear all your comments. Unfortunately, we do not consider any change here in 2011 - we have a long running internal redesign of our CMS (content editing module).
Still, currently I believe that we need to make a complex change that allows to:
* Setup as many payment methods as administrator wants. We think to use Tender management as a basis for that - each tender is a separate payment method (based on either manual payment option or online payment). Each payment method can have its own name and description. See http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308920-archive/suggestions/8833330-customize-payment-methods-labels-and-descriptions
* Also, different parts of system have settings to define which options are allowed to use in this specific area - i.e. events allow one set of options, membership and donations another. Even each event can have its own set of allowed payments. This post is about this option.
* After that we want also to allow to use multiple payment providers - so you can connect some online payment option to different providers. This will allow to use one payment provider for donations, another for membership and even different one for specific event. See http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8825845-allow-multiple-online-payment-gateways-in-one-wa-a -
Jennifer Walker commented
I would like to see this option as well. Any idea re: where on the queue this is?
P.S. - what constitutes a vote? I just want to make sure there is not a specific way to "vote" that I am overlooking.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Matt - at this stage it is a matter of us scheduling this into one of the releases - it has to wait its turn in the queue based on how many people vote for each request - and our internal evaluation of these.
MattJenkins77 commented
Thanks Cheif_Apricot, being new to this software it is great to see that you are listening to your members, and that this is probably only one of many upgrades available. However as it is clear that many members would benefit from this upgrade (myself included), exactly what needs to happen for this to become a 'priority' and be scheduled in a future update.
Dmitry Buterin commented
It's not a question of hard, it's a question of priority - we have released dozens of other enhancements in the last two years. So we still plan to address this - but this has not been scheduled into a particular release yet.
JackMassa commented
Add me to the many users requesting diferent payment options for Membership vs. Events. In our case we badyly need to enable paying offline for member applications, while presently all of our events are paid online only.
So this has been kicking around for over two years. C'mon Apricots, how hard can it be?
Glyn commented
When these changes are made, a small but really helpful change could be made in the wording used to describe payment options to users. "Credit card" is pretty clear, but "Manual" is not. What does it mean to pay "manually"? Some people might wonder if it involves calling up and providing credit card details over the phone, etc. I think "Invoice me" is a much more clear description than "manual". Can you please make the change? Thanks!
Glyn commented
Having the ability to offer different payment methods for different membership levels would be huge for us. We have both corporate and individual members. For individuals, we want to bill small monthly membership dues to their credit cards. For them, it makes no sense to offer manual payment. They are never going to take the time to send in monthly checks. But if manual payment is offered to them, some will accept it, not realizing what it entails. Most corporate members, on the other hand, don't want to pay with credit cards. They like to receive invoices and pay annually. We want to offer them the option of paying by credit card or invoice.
Shirley commented
I heartily endorse the request for the ability to set the different payment options for memberships and events. We would really like to enforce online credit card payment for our events, although would like to continue to offer the possibility of manual payment for memberships.
Francine commented
I completely agree. I would really like to be able to set up manual payments for events but not for site membership (we charge monthly and would not want to be managing incoming checks so frequently).
We would, however, consider offering manual payment for yearly memberships, though most users pay monthly.
It would be great to have a site default and then be able to add/remove a payment option for specific membership levels or events.
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
As we continue to gather and document requirements, we will be moving this issue to the wishlist.
Michael Fay commented
Another vote for payment type at the event level.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for the feedback. By the way, it would be great if you could create a new thread specificaly about installment payments - then it has much higher chance of being commented by others and moved onto our roadmap.
Patricia Eggers commented
I would LOVE the ability to set each event separately as available for manual and/or online payment. I would also LOVE the ability to support installment payments. Our event prices vary greatly, depending on how many days/air travel, etc. We don't want to pay Paypal expenses for on-line payment for our fly trips, and overnight trips since then we have to price our trips higher to cover our costs. We currently offer our members installment payment plan over several months with no interest to pay for these trips. Would love to do that in WA with manual payment. We might also want to have the ability to have the intitial deposit for an overnight trip be done either manual or online, but have subsequent payments be manual (give us the flexibility with installment payments of having the installments manual/online too would be even better, but I could live with separate option for each event. )
We also have about a 50% failure rate with Paypal --- user does not complete the transaction successfully, generally resorts to manual payment. We hope they get better with more experience.
VCOMA commented
Agreed. We would also like to see this for memberships. We have some memberships that are autorenewal with credit card online only and its confusing that the "manual" option is still listed as well as in the payment terms text. We offer a discount for selecting the autorenew option (where your credit card is automatically charged) so it defeats the purpose when someone thinks they can send us a check.
CJoeG commented
This is an addition which would be very useful to us also. Flexibility, in general, is a much better development goal, than lots of restrictions.
Strikers commented
WE TOTALLY AGREE with the direction of this thread.
I would like to suggest it be expanded to allow non-member and/or members, that have registered for an event, the ability to log back in and make a payment, as needed.
Idealy, it would even have a running account balance and payment history.
Users may have chosen a manual Payment originally, but later have chosen to pay by credit card.
Also when an online registration payment does not go through, it would allow them to login and resubmit the payment.
We are still having a big issue with regular credit payments ( non-paypal users) trying to make payment through the paypal interface...there is a 50% failure rate... But that is another problem.
stuntpeople commented
We'd also love to see a payment type per event option rather than site-wide. We like being able to accept manual payments for most transactions, but for our current events we want to limit it to online payments only. Thanks.
Rob Gilgan commented
I'd like our members to be able to pay for events by invoice - they register normally and the registration is accepted and an email invoice is generated, which the member can forward to their accounts payable department.
I'm a newbie - so this functionality might already be available by customizing the registration confirmation email. I'll come back and report on that, if it turns out that's a workable solution.