Online store
Current features:
Items can only be sold if they are part of a membership application, event registration, manual invoice or donation.
Desired features:
Create a store of items that can be purchased individually or collectively (e.g. shopping cart)

Hi supporters,
Today the Wild Apricot online store functionality was enabled for all paid accounts. We did our best to roll it out earlier than it was expected so you could try it out before the day of price increase.
Please fill out this survey to let us know what is missing in the initial version so we could define the followups:
Thanks for all the support and help during beta-test.
Best Regards,
Kate P
WA, Emailing development team
Dmitry Buterin commented
This is currently in analysis and design so it is too early to say what exactly will be released and when.
Janice Stevens commented
This feature is desperately needed! Our clients sign up for multiple events at one time - we receive at least 5-6 complaints per day at our "antiquated" registration system. Please get this feature added ASAP!
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
I'm currently designing the online store feature, and I am definitely including a section in it concerning how to sell and deliver digital items.
I am going to merge this thread into the one we currently have for the online store ( )
HappyFace commented
The site that I have been working on is, at present, very simple and can be found at
I will have around 350 products upon completion. I would like to have the ability to have both members and public sales made but I think it would be nice to have the public, members, onsite students, wholesale accounts, and instructor accounts on different pricing schedules.
I expect to have (hopefully) at least 500 sales/transactions per month in the range of $60 each. These should be carried out in paypal or credit card transactions with the ability to pay in USD or Euros.
I have also compiled a Video Catalog that should be incorporated into the site.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate as much detail as possible as we are starting to work on detailed analysis and design of this, e.g.:
- How many items do you have in your store
- how many sales/month
- are they bought by members/public
HappyFace commented
I am in the same position as Coach Dori and many others, selling both physical items and downloads. I would really appreciate this on my WA site and would like to see an "immediate coupon" for a site's store( i.e. sign up now and receive 20% Off Any item or Free Shipping, etc.).
I believe that by incorporating an online store into WA sites would be a HUGE factor in attracting people to WA because then it would truly be an all encompassing web product.
Thanks for the team's hard work!
Heather Huckeba commented
We need to sell physical items. We set up a bare bones store but it wasn't easy using webdav ( When we tried to set up shipping charges in PayPal, it ended up charging shipping to our membership subscriptions, so we had to remove shipping and just increase the price of the items to cover it. It would be really nice to have something seamless so we could set this up better!
Dmitry Buterin commented
Coach Dori - thanks a lot for your comment and all the details, this is very useful!
From what I am hearing so far, there are several distinct needs for online store:
1) Selling physical items (books, t-shirts, whatever)
2) Selling individual digital items (e.g. for each one - buy and get a download link)
3) Selling time-limited access to special restricted areas with a collection of content
I would appreciate comments from everybody re how they needs map to this list and any additional specific details.
Coach Dori commented
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it if you added an online store to the Wild Apricot system. I'm currently in the process of transferring 3 websites to Wild Apricot and all 3 require stores.
The lack of a store - especially a way to sell online trainings and downloadable e-books through the system - was the biggest concern I had when deciding whether to move to the Wild Apricot system.
In the end, I liked the membership and event management aspects of the Wild Apricot system so much I decided to move the sites anyway. However, finding a way to deliver our e-books and online trainings is still my biggest challenge.
As an FYI, to us an "Online Training" is a "restricted access area" where we can house an unlimited number of pages for videos and other materials on a specific topic.
We'd want our members to be able to buy a training and gain immediate access to the restricted access area, for the purchase to show in their member account, for them to be unsubscribed after a specified time period (like 90-days, for example), and for them to be able to buy several online trainings at once.
In regards to your current system, if it had the ability to handle multiple membership levels, you're actually set up with pretty much everything we'd want in an "Online Training Area" - restricted access areas, unlimited pages, ability to upload videos, blogs, forums, etc..
As an FYI for the Wild Apricot staff working on this new release, and for Wild Apricot users like myself who are facing a similar issue, the best solution we've found so far is a membership site plug-in for Wordpress called "Wishlist Member." You can check it out at .
So, YES, a thousand "thumbs-up" for an online store that includes a way to deliver downloadable products and online trainings!!!
Keep up the GREAT job!
Teri commented
this would be very useful for our members who wait to renew until time to attend the annual conference.
Justin Szymik commented
My "events" are classes that I teach. Just like a university my company has two semesters per year and most of our students like to sign up for several classes (events) at the beginning of each semester. Having a shopping cart would be a big improvement to my students online experience.
Kim Skimmons commented
Definitely would like this.
@roger111: I recently added a new Wishlist item related to one member registering multiple other members for an event in one transaction. Not sure if this is what you need too, but take a look .
Gene Pennington commented
1. Implement the online store - a big feature we've added to the wish list before.
2. Add the ability to not just sell items but to download a file (such as digital files and pictures) when purchased.
Thank you.
Gene -
Heather Huckeba commented
Yes - this would be fantastic. We wanted this software so that we no longer need "techies" to run different aspects of our club, but creating and embedding paypal buttons is still a bit too cumbersome for us and most of our volunteers who would otherwise manage our store. I'm trying to figure out how to use webDAV to get PayPal buttons in the meantime, but if there were an easier interface through Wild Apricot this would be a HUGE plus. I really hope this comes sooner rather than later!!!
I couldn't tell if I voted or not, but if I didn't, it was FIVE stars!
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
This is one of our Top 50 for 2010. We plan to develop it over the next 12 months.
We still love getting feedback and suggestions. We'll also let you know when we've analyzed the solution and have a release date set.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Very cool, thanks for sharing Gordon, I am sure this is of interest to many of our clients!
Gordon Stewart commented
A year or so ago we signed up with for our on-line store. They provide the HTML for a button which can be inserted as a snippet to a Wild Apricot page. We just sell clothing through them but their primary business is selling digital products.
We pay $8 per month for up to 20 products, each product can have numerous sizes and colors but is still just one product. We upload an sku, price, weight, all sizes and colors and an inventory for each item to their system.
A customer can place numerous items in their shopping card and when they checkout they are transferred to PayPal for payment. Then E-junkie sends us an email with the details of the sale and we ship the product. When the inventory drops to 0 they change the button to "Out of Stock". They calculate all shipping costs and can add them to the product cost.
There is one small problem in that if a product has 'variants' (colors, sizes, etc) the code they provide contains the HTML 'forms' tag which is not allowed on a WA web page. There are two solutions to this, the button code can be moved to WebDav or E-junkie will provide instructions for breaking down their HTML code so that it produces a single button for each size/color which does not contain the 'forms' tag.
Our store home page is at
peninsulashops commented
We are currently beta testing PayPal's widget shopping cart solution check out Members of Peninsula Shops can request to add an e-commerce page in which we simply will host the page. Eventually we will help local merchants liquidate seasonal inventory at close out prices.
Peninsula Shops
GLTF commented
We set up a simple Zazzle store for our club. We make a profit on products but benefit from not actually having to manage the transactions or house the stock. Also, we don't deal with quality control, returns, etc. It works quite well for us, keeps our time spent low, and is an added value to our members. I don't think we would use an online store through WA.
roger111 commented
We have members who might purchase multiple events for multiple persons. I think the new feature being added will allow multiple persons per event but we would like to have the ability multiple events as well or a member registration and an event. The problem is the member's current need to pay for each event/membership separately.