Heather Huckeba
My feedback
3 results found
23 votes
Heather Huckeba supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Huckeba commented
Thanks for your reply...
But can a member change their level themselves? I think an administrator (me!) would have to change the level for each person, which is not very seamless.
Or is there a way for a member to change their level themselves that I'm not aware of?
Sorry to add to this, but this is somewhat related: it would also be nice to let members choose if they want to do automatic renewal or not, but it seems like it's either one or the other - the member can't choose. We do not feel we can force everyone to do automatic renewal, but it would be nice if when they renew that they could choose that option (along with their membership length).
Heather Huckeba shared this idea ·
105 votes
Heather Huckeba supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Huckeba commented
I would like to see something like this, although I don't want it to seem too punitive. I want it to be more encouraging in a positive way rather than punishing in a negative way.
I was thinking that a "new" membership could be say $30 a year. As long as you renew within a set time (maybe 1 month of expiration) then "renewals" could be $25. But if you fail to renew within that time, you would basically have to pay the "new" price again. This would actually give a financial incentive to keep membership current. Right now, there's not really any "penalty" for people who fail to renew. But I would hope our members would see it more as a discount or reward for renewing, as opposed to a penalty or punishment for not renewing. Subtle difference, but I think it's important. If it's too negative, folks may just not renew.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Huckeba commented
Cool - thanks!!!
An error occurred while saving the comment Heather Huckeba commented
Hi -
I have the following in my ccs customization:
display: none;
}SPAN.postedByComment {
display: none
display: none
}Previously, this removed "anonymous" from blog posts in the blog widget on the front page, but when I added a new blog, it once again is showing "anonymous" for my latest post (but not the older ones). Any ideas?
UPDATE: I realized that the above code works if I am logged in as a member/administrator, but I also have an administrator only login that I use most often. If I post as that administrator (who is not a member), then it still shows anonymous. So I was able to fix it by deleting the post and re-doing it with a member/admin login. I will just use that login when making blog or forum posts, but I would be curious if there's any css code that would remove the name regardless of who posted...?
I just went back and re-read the documentation about levels and I see that the member can change their level themselves. They just would need to do it during their renewal time period or else they will be double charged if they switch their level mid-year.
Ok - that does help. It's going to be less straightforward for members to understand than if they could hit renew and then decide length, but it would at least give us something to work with.
I would like to propose that length be added as an option for renewal with different prices set in the future, assuming that is something there is enough interest in by other members.
As I noted above, also, being able to choose auto or manual renewal as an option would also be nice.
Thanks so much!
PS - we just finished our first major event with WA and our event organizers had rave reviews for how much easier our registration process was this year! Awesome!