Different durations for the same membership level
Now that WA can accommodate memberships of different lengths (in years), we want to offer a menu of options such as 1 year, 2 year and 5 year membership lengths.
Right now, everyone who is a member has a 1 year membership.
It looks like I could add 2 and 5 year memberships which NEW members could sign up for, but I don't see how to offer my current members the option to renew for longer at their next renewal date. When they renew, it's automatically going to be for 1 year.
Is there a way that each time a member is up for renewal that they could decide how long to renew for?

@Felix, This is exactly what this thread is about - ability to accomodate different durations and pricing options in the same level instead of making separate levels for each duration/price.
Nicasio Design - Felix Figuereo commented
Combined my input with this one, but I think we are talking 2 different things. I am asking for a member level to have the option upon signup to choose between a monthly or annual membership, and thus the admin does not need to create 2 levels of the same each for a different billing option. Example -
Now we have to do it this way - -
Member Level A for monthly option
Member level B for annual optionI am asking it to be - -
Member Level A with 2 options (1) monthly, and (1) annual
thus there is just 1 Member Level A and not a A and a B -
Nicasio Design - Felix Figuereo commented
Each member level requires 1 specific payment option. Making payments options monthly/ annual for example for 1 member level would allow for 1 level and not 2 and let member chose which billing type he prefers and not require 2 different levels one for each pay option.
George commented
Organization wants 2yr/3yr/4yr etc. options in which potential members can select the duration of their membership in advance.Why?
Organization does not want to set up auto-renewal on membershipsWhy?
Organization is a high school sports organization. Once the kids of donors graduate, it would be unjust to continue to charge for membershipConsequences?
As a result, they want an option where members can choose their membership duration so they would lose less members from people forgetting to renew every year.Solutions:
- add multiple membership durations that potential members can select from. -
davemcteague commented
So I've created new levels for 3 year, and 5-year memberships; in addition to our 1 year annual membership. Existing Members can change their levels; at any time (and pay the new full fee), by accessing their Profile. However, when renewal time comes; you're stuck with your current level and can't change that. Unless I'm missing something. That's still a yuge problem.
Anonymous commented
Its a pain (and clutter) to have to create two levels for same membership level if you want to allow a monthly and annual payment option for it... Would be great if you can configure 1 membership level to be allowed either monthly or annually based on users preference at signup/renewal...
Podiatry WA EO commented
Membership level setting options that allows us to set up an annual subscription but a monthly payment. This will save time for administration and the member.
Sophie Musumeci commented
Create new functionality that enables us to create a 12 month membership on a payment plan that would then be treated like an annual membership by triggering renewal emails. Not on a monthly ongoing plan.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Billing - very good point, thanks
Dan commented
Just for billing. Currently we have 3 different levels of membership but within those levels members can choose to be billed annually, quarterly or monthly. It's not urgent but it would be nice to be able to only have 3 levels rather than 9 total with each level being duplicated thrice with the only difference being the renewal period.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
We are not thinking about this now. Can you please comment why current setup does not work for you and need to have a single level with different renewal periods in it? (comparing to having several levels)
Dan commented
I realize that this post is quite old, but I would certainly like to see this become available. Any chance of different renewal periods for the same membership level coming in the future?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Glad to hear your first WA event went well!
I agree with your idea that potentially different membership durations can be wrapped into the same level - though this is quite different from how Wild Apricot is setup now.
I will move your post back to the wishlist concentrating on this particular aspect.
Heather Huckeba commented
I just went back and re-read the documentation about levels and I see that the member can change their level themselves. They just would need to do it during their renewal time period or else they will be double charged if they switch their level mid-year.
Ok - that does help. It's going to be less straightforward for members to understand than if they could hit renew and then decide length, but it would at least give us something to work with.
I would like to propose that length be added as an option for renewal with different prices set in the future, assuming that is something there is enough interest in by other members.
As I noted above, also, being able to choose auto or manual renewal as an option would also be nice.
Thanks so much!
PS - we just finished our first major event with WA and our event organizers had rave reviews for how much easier our registration process was this year! Awesome!
Heather Huckeba commented
Thanks for your reply...
But can a member change their level themselves? I think an administrator (me!) would have to change the level for each person, which is not very seamless.
Or is there a way for a member to change their level themselves that I'm not aware of?
Sorry to add to this, but this is somewhat related: it would also be nice to let members choose if they want to do automatic renewal or not, but it seems like it's either one or the other - the member can't choose. We do not feel we can force everyone to do automatic renewal, but it would be nice if when they renew that they could choose that option (along with their membership length).
Dmitry Buterin commented
Currently memberships of different lengths are setup as different levels. So in this case people would need to do a level change rather than renewal.
Let me know if this helps.