Removing (administrator) text from forum and blog pages
When an administrator with a public profile makes a post to the forum or blog, the name is suffixed "(administrator)". You can remove this text with the following CSS:
SPAN.postedByComment {
display: none

Matthieu commented
The CSS would be entered by going to the Settings tab and clicking on CSS Customization
Fluid Apricot commented
Sorry for the late reply, was on vacation.
In your case the "anonymous" label is shown to the public (instead of your name) because your privacy settings are set to show your name to logged in members only. Try the following CSS:
/* Hide author name on forum summary only */
#idForumContainer #idForumSummaryContainer div.boxBodyContainer table td.lastReplyTD div.lastReply span
display: none;
}/* Hide author name on forum topic */
#idForumContainer #idForumDetailsContainer #idMessageListContainer div.boxBodyContainer table.forumMessageTable td.left div.boxBodyInfoOuterContainer
width: 0px;
}/* Remove both top and bottom Add Comment buttons on forum topic */
#idForumContainer #idForumPanelContainer input.forumPanelButton, #idForumContainer #idForumDetailsContainer #idForumBottomPanelContainer input
display: none;
} -
jseville commented
forgive me for asking such a simple question compared to others here.
I see nowhere to edit any CSS when I edit a blog post.
I'd like more control over the name of the author showing in the blog widget and the blog itself as some bloggers have given me permission to post their blog posts--at least a paragraph--that ends up sending the reader to their website for full article.
JackMassa commented
I am trying to use your recommended CSS code to hide the author ("annonymous") in my forum. I've entered this in the CSS Customization page, but it is not working:
#idForumSummaryPageContainer #idForumListContainer div.boxBodyContainer table td.lastReplyTD div.lastReply span
display: none;
}/*** To hide author and "administrator" label on a specific forum page ***/
#idForumContainer #idForumSummaryContainer div.boxBodyContainer table td.lastReplyTD div.lastReply span
display: none;
Also, on this same forum, I have clicked the options so that no one is allowed to comment on posts, but I am still seeing a Comment button on every post! Is there a way to remove this?
My site is and the forum is at
Jack Massa
Greater Atlanta ASTD
KStompor commented
I found it on another post ! and it worked great ...thanks..this community is the best!
I have posted it below incase anyone cant find it....
You can hide the author and date using:
#idBlogPageContainer div.boxContainer div.boxInfoContainer h5
display: none;
}Comments can be hidden using:
display: none;
}The Add comment link is a bit tricky, since it is not possible to hide just this link without also hiding the Read more link, but to hide both links use:
#idBlogPageContainer .boxFooterContainer .inner .postBottom, #idBlogPageContainer .boxFooterContainer .inner .replyContainer
display: none;
}- You can then just click on the blog post title to read the rest of the post
Jim Sympathy, Fluid Apricot
KStompor commented
Hi Jim, I was trying to "hide" the date on the blog entries. I got the other codes hiding the author/admin etc...but the date is still showing??hmm
Can you provide a code for that! Thanks in advance!
Fluid Apricot commented
I see, you are referring to the "administrator" next to the author's name. Unfortunately you cannot just hide the "administrator" part without also hiding the author's name.
/*** To hide both author and "administrator" label on the forum summary page ***/
#idForumSummaryPageContainer #idForumListContainer div.boxBodyContainer table td.lastReplyTD div.lastReply span
display: none;
}/*** To hide author and "administrator" label on a specific forum page ***/
#idForumContainer #idForumSummaryContainer div.boxBodyContainer table td.lastReplyTD div.lastReply span
display: none;
}*Please note all tweaks and hacks like these should be used at your own discretion. We cannot guarantee ongoing compatibility of any CSS/JS customizations with our future upgrades.
Anne_K commented
It's in the member only section (not publicly viewable) on association ce (dot com)
Fluid Apricot commented
Can you tell us your website and the page in question so we can take a look?
Anne_K commented
Is there a way to remove "administrator" from a Forum Summary page? I would like to have the label "administrator" removed from my name in the "last message" column on the summary page. Shown below is the code I currently have. The code below does remove it from the actual post, just not the summary.
/*remove administrator from forum posts*/
SPAN.postedByComment {
display: none
}/*remove author from gadget*/
display: none;
}/*remove administrators name from blog posts*/
display: none
}Thanks, Anne
Fluid Apricot commented
The easiest way to go is to assign a membership to your admin record - your name is shown instead. You can then set your name to "Administrator" if you want.
Joanie commented
One more thing, sorry! I swear this is it!!
Yes, your fix took off anonymous on the blogs and the gadgets. It's still in the forums though. There is one forum that only I, as administrator, can post to. If it said adminstrator, that would be ok, but it still says anonymous.
Joanie commented
Much better! I don't mind not having the date in the gadget.
Fabulous job, as usual! Thanks so much.
Fluid Apricot commented
For the blog itself you were missing:
display: none;
}The gadget on the other hand is a bit tricky since you cannot hide just the "anonymous" part without hiding the date as well. To hide both the date and "anonymous" part use:
display: none;
} -
Joanie commented
Thanks Jim,
Apologies, I should have put that in my question!
Fluid Apricot commented
Can you tell us your website so we can take a look?
Joanie commented
I have all of the above in my CSS customization and anonymous is still there both on the blog and the gadget. Ideas?
Heather Huckeba commented
Cool - thanks!!!
Fluid Apricot commented
This should remove the "anonymous" label:
display: none;
} -
Heather Huckeba commented
Hi -
I have the following in my ccs customization:
display: none;
}SPAN.postedByComment {
display: none
display: none
}Previously, this removed "anonymous" from blog posts in the blog widget on the front page, but when I added a new blog, it once again is showing "anonymous" for my latest post (but not the older ones). Any ideas?
UPDATE: I realized that the above code works if I am logged in as a member/administrator, but I also have an administrator only login that I use most often. If I post as that administrator (who is not a member), then it still shows anonymous. So I was able to fix it by deleting the post and re-doing it with a member/admin login. I will just use that login when making blog or forum posts, but I would be curious if there's any css code that would remove the name regardless of who posted...?