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134 votes
jseville supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment jseville shared this idea ·
14 votes
jseville supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment jseville commented
I am getting more active with my blog. I want the basic functionality of creating the title of the page for each of my specific blog posts. I've never heard of NOT being able to do so on other blogs I have.
This thread never answered the question the best I can tell.
How do I change the title of my page of specific blog posts???
I do not see the option when I edit the blog.
An error occurred while saving the comment jseville commented
Oops. I think this belongs in wishlist probably unless one really can edit the page titles of blog posts.
jseville shared this idea ·
62 votes
jseville supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment jseville commented
I would give my left pinky for some batch processing capabilities....I've got 32 new requests for memberships and having to do it one by one is crazy. or some self enrollment would be cool tool where they verify their own email and I could go back in and confirm they were real by the answers they left etc.
I'd rather to be able to change the membership level and approve membership applications for when things get lumpy.
An error occurred while saving the comment jseville commented
I would give my left pinky for some batch processing capabilities....I've got 32 new requests for memberships and have to do it one by one is crazy. or some self enrollment would be cool too and I could go back in and confirm they were real by the answers they left etc.
I'll post my concerns in an independent thread as I did not find one when I searched.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment jseville commented
forgive me for asking such a simple question compared to others here.
I see nowhere to edit any CSS when I edit a blog post.
I'd like more control over the name of the author showing in the blog widget and the blog itself as some bloggers have given me permission to post their blog posts--at least a paragraph--that ends up sending the reader to their website for full article.
Here is an example from my business blog on a blog post about floaters in real estate: The blond bombshell who love me...NOT! http://www.justnewlistings.com/arlington-virginia-blog/the-blond-bombshell-lawyer-who-loved-menot.html
At the bottom of that post are the tags that readers can click on to get to similar posts
Blog Tags
* buyers (15) http://www.justnewlistings.com/arlington-virginia-blog/tags/buyers
* floaters (3) http://www.justnewlistings.com/arlington-virginia-blog/tags/floaters
* Selecting a Virginia Realtor (4) http://www.justnewlistings.com/arlington-virginia-blog/tags/selecting-a-virginia-realtor
And if you google "floaters real estate" http://www.google.com/search?q=floaters real estate&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a you get that tagged page #1 in google. This can be big for your customers who need to rank for keywords and phrases in google--being able to have stragetic tags where all the blog posts on that page are about those keywords/tags.
There is hardly a more important feature to add than tags to our blogs.