Online Store Report / Download orders
We need reporting capabilities of items sold from the store. We can report on the invoices, but not at the item level.
Right now, all we get is an email with the order items and quantities. Keeping track of inventory involves reading through emails and adjusting order-by-order.

Good news! We have implemented exporting online store orders in latest 7.20 release. Just press Export button on order list and here you are
Alongside with export, we have added filtering of order list by order status, date or buyer – this will help to narrow down your list and export file.
See more details in 7.20 release notes
Feel free to share your feedback!
Kristen commented
Please can you add export of product inventory? We need the original inventory (number available initially) and then the number ordered to date or number remaining. Without this, we can't use the Store.
Jim Garrison commented
One thing missing from the download is a line-item sequence number that makes it possible for external systems to unambiguously track changes in order/invoice status. Can this be added, and can you ensure that a line-item sequence number is included when the API is implemented?
qitbooks commented
Can we export a list of online store products?
Nancy Wilkins-Diehr commented
Totally agree with the anonymous comment from Dec 24, 202, no all purchasers in the store need to be contacts and we absolutely need a download capability. Right now I am entering 500 orders for a club event into a spreadsheet that we then sort by buyer and admission time. Plus I need to archive all the one-time contacts. Very, very time-consuming for a volunteer non-profit.
Anonymous commented
Really need this feature. It's becoming a deal breaker for my renewal of WA. Also, the fact that every person that purchases something counts as a contact. This is a membership App and licenses should be kept for members and not people that purchase our merchandise. Not every person buying something needs to become a member and use a license. Now we have to go in and archive people that have purchased something so we have licenses for our members. It's a pain to report on sold items and a pain to maintain a contact list for people that are one time online purchases.
CCS commented
@Treasurer I believe you're right. Check the Wild Apricot Facebook group for additional experiences...
We ended up moving to Shopify.
Treasurer commented
Another user on my team used the "Store" without understanding what options the treasurer would have for reconciliation. I am now sitting here reading this thread and if I'm understanding correct, I now have to go into each invoice one by one and create my own spreadsheet? Are there no reporting features that would allow me to download the order information and even mark "all" as fulfilled instead of opening one by one to fulfill?
Carolyn Thomas commented
While WA is a great membership app, I agree with all the comments posted about how cumbersome the online store is to work with in regard to reporting.
Jenna Hnilo commented
It would be helpful if you could run a report from the Store showing the details of the order so that you could run an income by item. You are able to show the order details in the dashboard for the recent unfulfilled orders... why can't you use that same details macro to run a report by item as well?
Also, while were speaking of the store, it would be helpful if the shipping address or special instructions macro could appear on the invoice too. It seems silly that people could use those fields but we can't get them out of the system.
Rebekah Stevens commented
We really need a way to report/export current inventory and sold inventory. It is very cumbersome in the current state since we need to go through every order and track everything on a separate spreadsheet.
Sold inventory would be really helpful by date range and/or status so that we can fill orders without having to flip through each invoice.
CCS commented
Any update on this?
Rebekah Stevens commented
It would really be helpful if we could pull and/or export a list of purchased items and a list of current inventory. We are starting to use the store and it looks like we are still going to need to manage everything through spreadsheets since we can't compile that data in the application. Is there any timeline for this capability?
Alex Sirota commented
We are going to add order details from Invoices into v2.1 of WARM -- have a look
You're right -- the API has order details and our custom reporting plugin will have the ability to retrieve these details in any format you wish.
Mark commented
I agree with everyone in this thread requesting the ability to export product item details from store purchases.
Having to click into every order number to open up a text form of what was purchased is incredibly primitive and a waste of time. This info is obviously available to WA – how hard can it be to compile a report? Isn’t this basic accounting stuff?
We would like to run a simple report out of the store (list all product purchases by invoice #, name, date, $, units purchased, and buyer’s phone number. -
Anonymous commented
Considering the rather hefty pricing of this product, not to mention the 2.9% + 30¢ cut of every online transaction, this is an egregious oversight. What are you doing with all that money? As of this date, the Store fuction is primitive at best. Can you hire a developer and get this fixed, please?
Anonymous commented
You know, this reporting is already part of the WA coding. The first couple of orders with item details show up on the main page. How hard is it to add this field to the excel export?
Dennis commented
I see this issue was first reported in 2018 and as far as i can tell, no action has been taken by WA. It is hard to understand why WA has developed a robust Order System and left out a very important feature, namely the ability for the vendor to see the details of what has been ordered. In my opinion, the lack of a simple detail report makes the Order System borderline usable.
Kim Pollock commented
How hard is is to add a export feature? That is a very necessary tool for fulfilling orders.
We take preorders for apparel and then distribute at registration at the event. Without reporting, we have no idea who ordered what and how many shirts of various sizes and colors to order. Please add this feature!
Captain Alpine Club commented
Online Order Reports. Why can't i create a list of members, with their contact info, by product they order. Having to click on each Order number to view products is very counter productive. :(
Chris commented
Yes, just adding to this plea for more versatility with orders and inventory. Need to be able to download an outstanding order list with details of the address and what has been ordered. Etc.