Delivery / Shipping scenarios
Need to have the function to add shipping charges example a $15 charge for express shipping and then $5 extra per item that gets added. But also an option for free shipping if it was purchased on site at an event.

The feature is implemented. See details in version release notes:
We tried to make a seamless migration, but I recommend to open store settings and make sure it is configured properly for your organisation.
If you want to request some improvements in current implementation of shipping, please create a separate topic, so that others can vote for it.
Further comments left to current topic will probably be lost.
Anonymous commented
Is there a possibility to have shipping added for multiple items? Current It's a flat rate for unlimited quantity. Would be extremely useful to have shipping related to quantity at least.
Caz43 commented
Thanks for your response Dmitry! Just saw it in prod! Shall give it a go!
Steven Jent commented
We just setup our first WA store, migrating our items over from PayPal buttons. Everything is great so far except for the lack of shipping charge support. Shipping charges by total order weight or item quantities is our largest concern atm. As PayPal is only handling the final charge amount and not maintaining the item list in its cart (as it does with the buttons) the shipping needs to be chosen / calculated on the WA side and tacked on prior to the final amount being submitted to PP. Looking forward to the enhancement to see if it solves this issue for us. Just to confirm: release time frame is Mid February 2019.
Development is complete, it will take about 2 weeks to roll out to production environment.
Caz43 commented
Is there any timescale for this feature release?
Yoko commented
We have only a online store, no physical store.
Missing different shipping locations where the products will be shipped from.
Different shipping carriers.
Shipping parameters like weight, lenght, depth and hight
Real time calculation by hecking out -
Anonymous commented
I need the ability to suppress the Shipping Address in the PayPal checkout flow (PayPal Payments Standard). There is a "no_shipping" parameter in the API that can be set to "0 - Prompt for an address but do not require one", "1 - do not prompt for an address" or "2 - prompt for an address and require one". The current WA integration seems to apply the value "2" to this parameter with no option for merchants to alter the value. This means that all transactions (including digital products, memberships etc that are not physical products and will not be shipped to a physical address) will be presented with the "Shipping address" field during checkout.
Considering that Wild Apricot primarily deals with memberships it's surprising to see that all new members are asked for a shipping address when it's not necessary.
Jim Biram commented
This latest list 9/18/18 update covers the options for our group.
Luis A. Rivas commented
Please consider a scenario for in person pick up with no shipping charges.
- Luis -
J.Nichol commented
Shipping is a must for an online store.
Robert (Bob) D. Hastings III commented
We are a non-profit that sells tee-shirts and other items to members and contacts to promote the hobby. We cannot afford to absorb the cost of shipping. Is there a way to automatically add shipping cost by US post office rate based on member zip code?
Bob -
Jason Wuestenberg commented
Online store shipping costs- while setting up comprehensive shipping options may be difficult right now, please add the ability for us to include a flat rate shipping cost to an online store order.
Ann Moran commented
Ability to add different charges for different postage rates, we ship to UK, EU and Rest of the World so I have to have 3 pages and 3 entries for each product. One product entry and choose the appropriate shipping rate at checkout would be good.
Chris Alcott commented
For Items, there needs to be an attribute describing how to obtain the item (will it be shipped, or picked up). If it is picked up, then suppress the "shipping info" screen in the checkout. The invoice serves as the proof-of-purchase for the item pick up.
KCRA Treasurer commented
My wish list after attending Wild Apricot training in Austin:
way to print event badges
way to print shipping/packing labels from the online store
a way to add shipping in the online store
a way, if selling shirts, to add sizes
an easier way to add WA info to Quickbooks -
Lauren Buhrmann commented
Adding the capability to have additional charges for store items (i.e. shipping)