Automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation
(Capture from other feedback source) Waitlist feature only half helpful....needs further automation to automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation AND then automatically send out confirming email to the new person.
Released in version 5.18.
You can now allow people on your event waitlists to be automatically registered when spaces become available.
More about 5.18 release:
Thanks for your votes and comments.
Katya, Events crew @ Wild Apricot
ruthiyael commented
If you add it, make it optional - sometimes we have, ah, political reasons for bumping someone up the waitlist who isn't strictly the next in line.
You'd have to figure out what to do when one space opens up and the first registration on the list is for more than one person, too.
PATA Admin commented
I would LOVE to see this feature as well. It would be very helpful as someone who is the only admin for a group with over 700 members.
Barry commented
Two Wait List Enhancements
1. move people from the wait list automatically as opening happen, first come first serve from the list
2. when a person on the wait list is registered automatically send the standard registration confirmation e-mail.