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  1. IMPROVE EASE of use in completing processes

    "ACTION" buttons (examples are Register, Next) are not emphasized enough (perhaps a larger size text, or bold text, or a box put around the text, etc). This lack of visibility is causing confusion among infrequent users who miss what to do next in whatever process they are going through. The result is that, I the administrator, have to spend time and effort processing and helping users who have failed to complete a process (eg payment). I look forward to your comments

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  2. add "wish list" and "wishlist" to the help files in WA so we can find this easier

    Add "wishlist" (and "wish list") to the WA help files so we can find this easier.

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  3. Underlining problem

    There is a problem with underlining on a page.

    If I write a sentence on a page and underline a word or two in that sentence, and then save the page, then at a later date decide to remove that underlining. It won't remove. The only way I can overcome the problem is to delete the whole sentence and rewrite it without the underline.

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  4. Make "view only" fields visible on membership applications/level changes.

    Make "view only" fields visible on membership applications/level changes. We have a situation where members must buy stock, and have an option to purchase in in three annual installments. I wanted to show what their last stock installment payment was on their registration, but the view only field only shows up for renewals, not level changes, so it doesn't work for my members that are changing levels, which results in frequent errors to their stock purchase selections. Thanks for considering!

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  5. Available views to Admins

    Our site is restricted to members only, except for the initial landing page, where they can request to join us. When and Admin is logged in, and clicks on "Public View" - it actually shows the MEMBER View, not the true public view. The true Public View would only list the Home Page... So I have to keep logging out totally, in order to see the true Public View. Need THREE views: Admin, Member, and Public....

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  6. Let customers know a suggestion has been posted to Wishlist

    What good is the Wishlist if no one knows something was posted for consideration?

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  7. Customization

    Better customization.

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  8. Simultaneous admin view and public view

    There is currently no way to have admin and public views in the same session at the same time (I need to have different devices, browsers, or accounts [including incognito/guest]). This can be quite annoying if I need to make a change based on something in the website.

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  9. Theme the Events widget buttons properly

    Event calendar and Upcoming Events Register buttons do not honor theming.

    We have one member who is both dyslexic and color vision impaired. To accommodate his impairment, we have increased contrast where we can by proper theming of typefaces and backgrounds. One place where we cannot do that is in the two events widgets. Apparently, they don't use the theme button types.

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  10. Starting page for members - do not redirect to invoices

    I understand the designed behavior for login is to consider if the member has any open invoices and, if so, redirect to /Sys/Profile/Finances (as documented at ).

    This approach to onboarding new members goes against the spirit of our organization. To explain, our members are school district employees - often several people from the same district - and tend to be consistent year-to-year. Their fees are paid by their employers (by check) once we send them an invoice, but in the mean-time, they should be permitted to freely browse the members-only portion of the website without the redirect.

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  11. Browse for documents to Link in Rules & terms fields

    Custome Fields - Rules and Terms - Linked file. Please could you have a "Browse" option so you can easily search for the document and upload link.


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  12. Fix the known glitches. Please, please, please?

    For example ...

    In various operations, the HTML view is mushed together unless we first add an innocuous space (or something), save and reopen. How long would it take to fix that bug?

    In the opt-out macro, the only acceptable syntax is {Unsubscribe_Url}, exactly like that. Anything else (e.g., "URL" or a space instead of an underscore), and the link won't work. Worse, your system will put an unsightly "HEY CLICK ME" invitation to opt-out at the email's bottom. How long would it take to correct your examples (and make their syntax uniform) and make the macro case-insensitive? (I suggest…

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  13. Fewer new features, more focus on overall UI and common workflows

    Rather than worry about specific, discrete pieces of functionality, I'd propose an overhaul of the entire user experience including:
    1) Make reports that are more useful, e.g. new members, lapsed members, invomplete registrations
    2) Overhaul the email workflwo, e.g. you should be able to name an email before step three in the process
    3) A complete overhaul of the event setup and pricing elements. e.g. Having to create a registration form is a nightmare. Why aren't there simple templates and an ability to preview a form without having to log in as a user?

    With all due thanks, and respect,…

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  14. Edit content on the site w/o having to click 2-3 times

    Would like the ability to edit content on the site w/o having to click 2-3 times.

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  15. Search function for the events tab when inserting a link

    When inserting a link and selecting the events tab, it would be nice to have a search box at the top where one could just start typing the name of the event, much like the main Event's page

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  16. Confusing UI Elements .. White on White etc.

    My user community is consistently confused by certain non-standard UI choices
    -- white on white Action buttons that don't stand out ... btn-outline-primary btn-sm would be much easier to spot with say a light blue background
    -- Note that sometimes you do color buttons to make them clearer ... e.g. Apply on search terms
    -- it says Public View in Admin View. I realize it is a menu choice but my users see it as a title since is it separated from the menu bar. It would be much clearer if the top left explicitly said Admin View
    instead of…

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  17. Updating document with same name during upload process

    When uploading new images/documents to wild apricot, if the document of the same name is already in the system, it does not update to the new versions document. It does not give a choice to 'update version', but rather, sticks with the old. This requires the administrator to go back in, change the name of the document needed upload. A big pain! Please provide another option in this process to make this less painful!

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  18. sales

    Improve the capabilities of the sales module to allow the organization to conduct and manage sales. Currently our organization goes to a 3rd parts sales software to meet our needs. Especially now that the price is going up, this is one of the modules that needs a major upgrade.

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  19. Need to widen the columns that appear after a list search so I can see the complete date under Events.

    Need to be able to widen the columns that appear after a list search so I can see the complete date under Events

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  20. add search criteria

    add search criteria boxes - it would be nice if all "add search criteria" boxes were the same larger size on screen. It is awkward to scroll through a long list when we're only seeing a tiny window. (and as a bonus, if there was a search box at the top of the larger search window into which we could type a word of the field name (ie volunteer) and the add search criteria box would only show those fields, that would be super cool).

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