Fix the known glitches. Please, please, please?
For example ...
In various operations, the HTML view is mushed together unless we first add an innocuous space (or something), save and reopen. How long would it take to fix that bug?
In the opt-out macro, the only acceptable syntax is {Unsubscribe_Url}, exactly like that. Anything else (e.g., "URL" or a space instead of an underscore), and the link won't work. Worse, your system will put an unsightly "HEY CLICK ME" invitation to opt-out at the email's bottom. How long would it take to correct your examples (and make their syntax uniform) and make the macro case-insensitive? (I suggest also accepting either a space or an underscore, as various macros have both forms, and you'll need to make them backwards-compatible.)
I could round up more examples, but surely Support has a list. I'd think fixing such glitches would save us all (including Support) a lot of time, as well as improve usability, user confidence, and even moral.

Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Another example:
File names that are not fully displayed (e.g., when selecting from images). It would be very helpful if you would allow longer file names for some things (e.g., saved searches), but even when names are relatively short it's often hard to tell which file is which. I'd settle for being able to see the full name when hovering.