Free-text answer / Open-ended question
Polls are great for structured questions, but in the annual awards we run they start with an open 'nominations' process, where a free-text input is required. The current option for 'other' doesn't really work for us in that scenario and I'd really like to be able to keep members within Wild Apricot rather than have to go and use Survey Monkey or something. Thanks for listening!

Happy to announce that free-form answer was added to member polls in recent 8.10 release. See more details in our release notes:
Michelle Jones commented
Can you please add the option to have a text only field on Polls? Currently you have to use the Other Option but it does not stand alone as you need to have at least one of either a radio button or check box. All basic surveys allow for a text only option.
Anonymous commented
Wow, customers have been asking for this simple feature for YEARS. What is the issue with this simple request. Wow
Jessica Jones commented
This is a feature that should be standard in the polling feature and is VERY MUCH needed. To any admins: This was posted in 2018, are there plans to address this need?
Jessica Jones commented
This is a feature that should be standard in the polling feature and is VERY MUCH needed.
Anonymous commented
I did my first poll and find that it doesn't allow for a basic feature that the free polls do (Survey Monkey, Google). We want to have questions with open text answers, other than the "other" option. Am I mistaken about this functionality, or is this in the plans for future upgrades? I really do not want to do polls with my members outside of the website platform but this option is required to do so. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I would like the ability to send out polls that let you comment anonymously. Comments are available but only if you allow individual responses.
Ryan Ewing commented
This is a much needed feature! Wild Apricot has the ability to send out surveys, but there is NO textbox answer option? COME ON, this should be quick fix. Most surveys I've taken include some sort of further comments sections. PLEASE FIX!
Darren Vance commented
Please add freeform text as an option in poll questions; and pull-down options too. And agree with other posts it's helpful to send polls to non-members as well (manually add an email).
David Raines commented
Need the option for a question/response that is open-ended. Having to create a checkbox response with "Other" is both clunky and insufficient. Need the ability for respondents to answer with text only.
Scott Burgmeyer commented
Great idea!! More like survey monkey.
Your polls need a text box option for respondent answers. Surveys OFTEN rely on write-in data.
Stephen Brown commented
We have started sending out a short post-event survey, and could not ask the vital questions: What did you like most about the event? What did you like least about the event?
Open ended question type is vital for polling and surveys.
Tom Brenzovich commented
Expand the Poll feature to allow for text responses; i.e. "If no, why not? or What programing would you like to see?, etc." Our organization recently conducted a survey, some board members want to use survey monkey rather than WA Polling because of this limitation.
Elaine Pack commented
I'd like to ask my members to fill a text field with an opinion or other comment. I do note there is an "Other" option, but it's 1) limited to 256 characters, and 2) the box is so small that it would be a challenge for anyone to type a full response into it. A reasonable limit is OK, but the small box just doesn't work well, and without a title, most of them would not know what it's for. I know I can put some instructions in the blurb at the top, but we also know people don't read :)
Tom Brenzovich commented
Our organization decided to go with survey monkey, because the WA polling feature can not support text comments like "If no, why?", What be done to improve?", etc.
Gaynor Fries commented
I would like to use the Polls option to allow members to nominate another member for an award. In order to do this, we would need to be able to allow blank input text boxes so that members can fill them out themselves. We just need one for Name, Email Address, and short paragraph box. Unfortunately, this option isn't available at this time. It would be great if you could have the options that Google Forms allows.
Doug Chamberlin commented
Open-ended questions are vital!
Tom Conway commented
I would like to see a comment field.
Glenn Ostrander commented
Our first trial survey ended today with 100% participation and some comments by email. There's a need for more open-ended questions so answers can be explained or issues raised. It should be possible to insert questions without having to retype the rest of the survey. Very important: We need to be able to export survey results to a spreadsheet for analysis of results (we have the Individual Response setting On).
Cindy Breitman commented
I just created a poll and added the other option which also said add suggestion. Sent it out to members. Nobody can write text in the field in response to the question. Definitely need an Other option followed by a text field. Thanks.