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I would like to submit an idea as it often happens that for instance there is a change in the gadget while working on a mailing in terms of layout format/margins/etc. that I want to cancel and there is no "general" back button (like in a word document for instance). The only way to use the back or forward button is if you are doing the edits within a gadget. I therefore wish there was just an "absolute overall back button" effective on the whole template.I hope that you can help me on this matter, thank you!
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Posting Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
I need ideas on how to post our Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes. How do you do it?
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two page templates different themes?
Is there a way to have two page templates each having it's own theme? I need to do 2 themes in one website. Thanks for being patient with me - I searched but couldn't find anything..
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Need to be able to upload and house videos, files, pictures
A huge part of membership is being able to watch replays of videos and have access to files. We need to be able to upload videos (pictures, files) directly on our membership site instead of uploading to Youtube and linking over. We currently have to store our videos in our Google Drive and then give them access. It would be AMAZING to just create a page on our membership site and upload them on the site!
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1 vote
I often use the File or Image tool in the Content gadget. I refresh the file behind the scences so I do not need to go into the editor to change content. If I go to Files in the Admin interface, delete the file, and re-upload, the webpage updates instantly with no problem. If I do the same with WebDav, it never refreshes. We need to be able to remotly update files used by webpages. I have written API code to pull information out of the website, generate reports, and transfer to Wild Apricot's files. If I use WebDav, the…
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Improve editing of Content Gadget
I have to click several times within a content gadget to enable editing. Cut and paste don't always preserve formatting. Pasting from outside content sometimes produces type that looks different. Would be really nice to have a feature such as the Word "Format Painter".
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Links should default to "same window"
Please make links default to same window. When I add a link, the default is to "new window." This is extremely inconvenient as I have to remember to select same window. Most of the links I add to our site are to other pages within the site. I have never seen a CMS that defaults to "new window" for links. Could you change it to default to "same window"?
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Make Larger Images Responsive (Resize for Mobile), or At Least Warn Editors
Currently, web page images wider than 567 pixels are not responsive - i.e., not automatically resized for mobile screens. An admin editing a web page may make an image wider, in order to take advantage of the total width on a desktop screen, unaware that the image may then be too large to be seen on a mobile screen.
Best fix: Make all images responsive, up to the maximum width supported by any browser window.
Minimum fix: Warn editing admins by changing the "Large" size choice to "Largest Responsive" when the image is wider than 567 pixels.
12 votes -
Identifying the membership levels for each restricted page
We have a number of pages that are restricted to certain membership levels. Those membership levels include some for the spring and some for the fall. While I can see, by the lock icon, that the pages are restricted, I can't tell at a glance which pages are set for which levels. I have to open and check each page manually.
Ideally, it would be best to be able to do this programmatically via the API, but, well, I can't. In the meantime, having a blurb or information popup that shows the levels for each restricted page would be very…1 vote -
better themes
The themes are nice but somewhat outdated. Why not use the designer who did your "freetrial" landing page? (see attached screenshot) A few nice landing pages like your very own landing page would get me more excited to join. Please send samples if this gets legs under it. Thanks.
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duplicate child pages
Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to duplicate child pages. For example, if I want to duplicate a parent page with 4 child pages under it, I have to duplicate each individual page. My question or ask is to see if there is a way where I can duplicate the parent page and all of the child pages underneath it will duplicate at the click of one button. Thanks!
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restrict page to saved search
Why can't we restrict access to a webpage based upon a saved search? For example, we want all the attendees of a specific event to be able to access a certain webpage of materials. However, because not all attendees are members (they are contacts), we can't use the Restricted > Member Groups because not everyone who registered for that event is a member. Why can't we use a saved search instead? This seems incredibly short-sighted.
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customization and access to member photo albums
The member photo albums are such a great feature and the improvements you made in 7.14 are welcomed. But, there are a number of issues on using these effectively. We are a league of artists and are using the website to showcase our artists and also to sell their art in our shop. You can see our website at https://northshoreartistsleague.org. We have come up with some ways to utilize the functionality that is available but are pushing the limits of the software and website to do this and have a number of places where it is a significant amount…
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Set your Homepage
Assign "homepage" to any web page without the need to include it within the navigation bar.
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add support for .unityweb filetypes
To be able to run WebGL applications made with Unity, we need to upload files that have the extension of .unityweb. It would be great for the system to allow us to upload these files into a folder.
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3 votes
Customizable system page for after folks subscribe to emails
Create a system page for people to have shown after the subscribe to emails.
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Site wide search and replace function would cover many suggestions
Anything that appears in more than one place and needs to be changed, such as telephone numbers and copyright dates, should be reached via a site-wide search and replace function. This would address a multitude of requests already listed.
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Embed Facebook Video
You have listed on your embedding videos page instructions for all the major video sites. however, I have a Facebook live video that I can't otherwise download that I want to embed in a page. They provide a help page but following the directions on a Wild Apricot page doesn't produce desired results.
1 vote
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