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73 results found
forum size limit
Increase forum size limits to 100KB or more. Right now the limit is 50KB, which really limits forum posts to only text and can't include low res graphics. I would like to see the forum size limit increased or allow administrators to set the forum size limits in the settings.
8 votes -
how to set up a conversation style forum
It would be so helpful if members could add an attachment and/or photo to their forum posts.
10 votes -
Include initial description along with Forum Title
It seems that every other forum I have used always lists the initial description with the title of the Forum Topic at the top. Replies to the topic are listed below. Your own WA support forums work that way!!
The current forum gadget treats the initial description the same as one of the replies, so that it may appear at the top or bottom . depending on your settings. This is a problem and should be fixed.
3 votes -
forums and Facebook
Build a connection between forums and a closed facebook group. Members are saying that they don't use the forums because it is a pain to log into a system they don't already access on a regular basis... but most are on Facebook daily...
Or, is there a way to auto-subscribe members to certain forum channels? Any advice on easing the process for members to comment/interact?
8 votes -
editing of date in forum discussion posts
Please enable editing of the date in the forum discussion posts. Right now you can't alter the date at all.
2 votes -
if a member is subscribed to more than 1 forum - send updates for all forums as a single email
if a member is subscribed to more than 1 forum - send updates for all forums as a single email
13 votes -
Send details of forum update (text) in the forum update email
when sending forum update notice include actual forum post or update
11 votes -
Automatic live links in member forums
In member forums, make the links that members post go automatically live instead of having to add them manually. Thanks!
2 votes -
Allow limiting of forum administration to specific admin role
Currently it appears that any level of administrator can perform administrative activities in a forum: a member or events admin, for example, can move messages between forums, delete messages, post pictures in a forum message, etc.
I feel that forum administration should only be allowed by someone with the "website" admin role.
Ideally, there needs to be a new "forum administrator" role so that trusted members can act as moderators without gaining other unrelated administrative privileges.
15 votes -
See how many views a forum post has received
I've had a number of our members ask if it is possible to see how many times a forum post has been viewed. All our forums are 'Member' only and this feature would be very useful to review and judge member engagement. I hope there are others who would find this a useful feature if it was deemed acceptable to be introduced.
24 votes -
8 votes
close a forum post to further comments
I would like to see the ability to close a forum post to further comments without needing to delete it. The only options I presently see are edit, merge, move or delete.
20 votes -
Discussion forum management
Enable better management of discussion boards by moving threads to different topics, etc.
7 votes -
Easier tools to archive/manage old discussion forum threads
Help! We're getting overrun with old discussion forum posts that never age off the forum, so admins have to go in and manually delete the oldest. This is inefficient (an hour each week for me). A better way would be to: a)have a 'best-before' option (i.e. 3 months) where anything older is automatically deleted, or b) offer an admin tool that lists all posts, allows sorting by multiple fields, and allows delete or archive of single or multiple posts.
23 votes -
Allow deleting all topics older than a certain date
We have some forums where there are 50 or more pages of topics - some of which go back 4 or 5 years. I know that topics can be deleted manually, but only one by one, and the way it works now, if you remove the oldest topic, it takes you back to the top of the forum.
I would like to have a way of removing all topics older than a specific date. This would allow pruning of the forum backlogs in an orderly - and much more efficient - fashion.
12 votesFrank responded
Thanks for posting Rick, we’ll need more comments/supporters before we can proceed, but it’s a good suggestion.
have a list of users that are subscribed to a forum.
I would like a list of users that are subscribed to a forum. If not the list, maybe a count.
46 votes -
Enable "No Access" Forum Setting for Public
Hopefully this is a small change, but a useful one.
I would like to create a forum for private discussions among Board of Director members.
So as not to rub it in members' noses that there's a forum they are excluded from, I don't want it listed in the Forums List page.
So I restrict it to members of the Directors group.
Good: Members can't see it in the Forums list page.
Bad: Public visitors can see it. So can Members if they log out.
This thread http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308929-general-discussion-and-questions/suggestions/8825143-how-do-i-restrict-forum-access-to-members-only explains the reasoning behind disabling Public No Access. That's fine if you…
8 votes -
Sign in Sheet
Please consider adding a participant sign in sheet to the event Reports choices. We have groups that require individuals to sign in physically as a proof of attendance. The attendance sheet you have is ALMOST perfect. Is needs a columns marked sign in and adequate space to work for our needs. Thanks for your consideration.
4 votes -
Customize forum notification emails
I'm going to have a hard time getting people to subscribe to our neighborhood association forum vs the "next door" forum that has been building over the last year here. I'm attaching visuals for reference.
The wild apricot email summary is visually uninviting and instead of asking people to engage by hitting "reply" it offers them a chance to "unsubscribe" first.
It doesn't include a picture so it's not as personal as it could be and I don't see an option for people to sign up to receive every message in a forum as opposed to a daily summary should…
24 votes -
Back Button to Forum Summary
My site really needs a back button to the Forum Summary after a commenter posts. It's a critical flaw. I've never seen a message board that doesn't have this function. I've already gotten complaints about it from my membership calling the software bulky and non-intuitive.
6 votes
- Don't see your idea?