Recurring events: separate registrations for each occurrence (e.g. monthly board meetings)
Original recurring events request was to complex for us to resolve in a single release, so we decided to focus it on a simple scenario where event can have multiple sessions, but event registration is one and for all - like courses. See for more details on this one.
Another important scenario is when event is actually a recurring series of events, but each occurrence of an event may have a separate registration and updated description of event. Example - monthly board meetings. Event is created in the beginning of year with a monthly recurring schedule, but each occurrence can be updated as soon as time comes close to this particular event.

Collecting comments now.
Walt Bilofsky commented
I have a design proposal.
The way we now create recurring events with separate registrations is to make one event and then copy it, one by one, to each date for that event. This is tedious.
We can already use the current system to create one event with a list of recurrences. So I propose a button that will turn this recurring event into separate events, one for each recurrence.
Of course, right after we click the button, we will realize that we need to correct something. So we need button #2 to delete all those recurrences in one click. so we can start over. Maybe save the first recurrence, which we can use to start over from.
Maybe we only need to change part of the series of events. So we need to be able to specify a date for button #2, and delete all events before that date, or after that date.
Oh, but deleting is permanent. We could delete and then realize that we have deleted too many events. So instead of only deleting, an option for button #2 is to set them to admin-only view. And an option to set them back to public view. And as a safety feature, only allow deletion if they are first set to admin-only.
This should be fairly simple. The only new data structure is to remember the group of recurring events so this button #2 can operate on all of them at once.
We may want to make a change to a subgroup of a recurring event. To do this, make a copy of one of the events. The copy will not be associated with the recurring event. Then delete the subgroup, make the change in the copy, and create a new recurring event from it, covering the dates that were just deleted.
ginasalier commented
On reflection - perhaps we are in the wrong software for residential communities with busy calendars. Alot of software does the 'noticeboard' thing, but managing events ..... these days 'retirement' communities are also internet savvy and want to be able to see the calendars, register for events and so on, and the current WA approach is just not admin or user-friendly unless we fit the association/conference mode for which it may have been set up.
ginasalier commented
A 50+ residential community, we currently have upwards of 50 events per week which repeat every week/month etc. This will double in the next two years.
We want to be able to schedule each one as a separate event in the same way that Outlook etc do. Also with a button to choose to delete the past sessions after nn weeks. Which makes it easier if we have to cancel the occasional instance, change details for a particular one, etc.If we have repeating sessions people tend to register for all, go off on holiday and forget to cancel individual instances etc.
Volunteer home owner/resident administrators detest the sole option of massive repeating sessions, which our members also find awkward, and even more the need to duplicate to get individual repeats.
Tyler Golberg commented
This is a must before we can sign up
Jeffrey Hill commented
One of our board members decided to use "sessions" to enter a long list of scheduled club meetings going out a couple of years. Unfortunately, the system doesn't send out email announcements for "sessions", only for discrete events. I have had to delete his long list of meetings and recreate them all as discrete events to get the system to automatically send out announcements.
PL commented
We are new to WA and really need this option! I am having to do what another commenter mentioned: duplicate, edit, delete Copy, change date... 52 times! Tiresome.
David Schorow commented
We would like all of the sessions for the event to show up in the Wild Apricot phone app. We're using repeating events as a short hand way to enter a whole set of recurring activities (bike rides) that happen on a weekly basis with identical descriptions. These activities do not require any registration. All of the sessions in a multi-session event already show up in the web-site calendar, but they don't all show up in the phone app. People use the phone app by scrolling down to a desired date and seeing what activities are available on that date. So, if only the first or the next session of the multi-session event is listed, they won't know the activity is also happening on a future occurrence.
For example, we have a set of rides that happen every Monday at the same time. What shows up in the phone app is the ride happening on Monday, Feb 4th. But if someone has President's day off from work, and scrolls down to Feb 18th, they won't see the ride listed on that day and won't know to look for a multi-session event on an earlier Monday.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Alex, that didn't quite work for me. Can you email me at
Alex Sirota commented
Haha -- it's the most important skill anyone can learn to simply customize Wild Apricot pages. It's fully documented on where to enter the CSS, but knowing the structure and properties is a learned art like bonsai tree pruning. Anyways... Enter this into your CSS.
.***************************************************************************************************************************************** .boxActionContainer input.typeButton
margin-top: -1000px;
}What this does is target the Register button and moves it much higher in the list. You may want to experiment with the -1000 value (in pixels, thus the px). Move it higher or lower to suit.
Here are the instructions on where to enter CSS: -
Walt Bilofsky commented
Alex, thanks for any help. I don't know my CSS from my CSElbow, but can follow installation instructions.
The event is at I've temporarily shortened the recurrence list to keep the button on the screen.
Alex Sirota commented
**** , elementary my *********************. Use CSS to position the button somewhere differently. Don't know how? Share a link here and ***************************** (not really, just me) will write some CSS to help you move it.
Just about any element in Wild Apricot is movable without waiting for changes to be made, with some knowledge of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
Walt Bilofsky commented
The Case of the Disappearing Registration Button:
I posted a weekly class through the end of next year, using the single recurring event. We need people to register for the series, so the existing implementation would work.
Except - the Register button is 7 screens down, underneath the long list of 63 sessions. Sherlock Holmes couldn't find it, let alone our attendees.
While we wait for this second scenario to be implemented, could we please have a fix for this button placement? Either put it above the list of time/dates if the event is recurring, or display just the first few time/dates with a "More" link. Elementary!
Becky Parsons commented
We have 4 different events that repeat every week throughout the year except when the dates fall on holidays. To get these on the calendar, I must click "duplicate", then "edit", then delete "copy" from the event name, then change the date, click "save", click to make it "public", click "save", etc. There are 10 clicks required for every duplication of an event! Multiply this by 4 different events by 50 or 51 times to get all these repeats on the calendar for one year. This is horribly laborious. This is not the same as one event with several sessions.
Your "duplicate event" works fine to duplicate an event once, but not for multiple recurring events.
Please add a "recurring event" option that allows multiple calendar date repeats, so that all the data is the same except for the date. (once all the recurring events are saved, the data should be modifiable for any of the individual recurring events)
Rob Atkinson commented
It would be great to add the ability to create a recurring event where members can sign up to individual instances (i.e. one event rather than every reoccurrence).
At present to facilitate this event organisers need to duplicate & create separate events for each reoccurrence, which is extremely time consuming. -
Vanessa Hansen-Allott commented
We have some events that are two-days with four sessions, and people can choose to do one session, two sessions, or all four and of course there are different price points depending on the combination. For example morning sessions are more than afternoon sessions because lunch is included. Our only work around is to have a separate registration type for every combination which is not ideal.
Anonymous commented
We post many events that repeat weekly throughout the year. In doing this, there is a horrible long list of all the session down the left side of the event info screen.
Can we please have a way to list recurring events without all the sessions listed?
Sorin commented
Yes, we absolutely need to have a template event, where we have separate events most tuesdays and thursdays that are not connected as a series, but are each distinct events with distinct registrations. I thought this was already possible to create - this is going to be a major headache to manually duplicate all of these events.
Alex Sirota commented
I do think the idea of recurring events where you register for the whole set of a subset of events and repeating events where you have a cap on each of the events in the series is different.
Management of the maximum number of registrants for example is different in a recurring event than a repeating event. You may wish to max out number of registrants as a maximum amount for the whole series.
Or you may wish to max out registrations (say max of 1) for each of the events separately on a repeating event. The use cases drive different scenarios here. I would hope this feature would be flexible for both types of situation of recurring and repeating events, a subtle difference.
Alex Sirota commented
This is the exact feature request that is necessary to setup a registration for a shared space such as a hotel suite in a condominium or a party room. Setting up an event that repeats with a separate set of registrants for each event is critical. This is different than repeating sessions which is just attached to 1 event.
It is not a recurring event per se, but rather a repeating event that has an optional registration every day, every hour, every week, every month or some other custom schedule.
This is very similar to a calendar invitation where you can accept a specific event , the whole series or just a set of events in the repeating series.
Roy Schlieben commented
A lot of our events occur weekly or monthly but require separate registration each time. It would be huge to be able to schedule these all at once instead of replicating an event ad infinitum. Has this issue been addressed yet?