New Gadget: Featured Member [15728]
Gadgets have become a very popular addition to Wild Apricot, and we've loved seeing the ways in which you've used them and also recommended new ones.
One of the recommendations is for a Featured Member gadget. We'd love to hear if this is a gadget that would benefit you, and if so how you would use it.
As it stands now, I can imagine the following features on it:
* Choose a specific member to feature in the gadget for a set period of time. Or use a saved search to choose a random member to feature
* Feature one member who has just joined and filled out certain fields in their profile (this is to highlight new members and also encourage people to make sure their profile is filled out).
* As an admin, you could choose what information displays on the gadget from your database sets up (so you may just want to display first name and last name and a link to their profile on one gadget, and on another display their name, avatar and the custom bio field you've created.)
Released in 5.1
Walt Bilofsky commented
To use this gadget to list our Board members, we need the ability to sort the list on a member or contact field, rather than having them in random order. There is already a wishlist item for new options for Featured Member so I will add this there: .
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
"New Gadget: Featured Member" - Published in version 5.1 on 31st of July.
See 5.1 release description on help and other wishlist threads affected by 5.1 release.
dpylant commented
I am in need of this gadget as well. The ability to set a member level or category would make it easy to display, for example, corporate members!
This one gets my vote!!!
Tara Harvey commented
I know this thread is a little old, but I am also looking for a way to highlight specific members in the directory to denote them as sponsors.
VCOMA commented
I've been wanting to come up with a way to feature key sponsors and this would be perfect. We would definitely want to be very specific about what membership types are included. Our members (non-sponsors) would hate being featured and would be very upset if the program included them (they are very strict about their privacy).
Joe McClary commented
Yep, I had this in a custom system I used to have and it is an easy and automated member benefit. Would love it.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thank you Patty - but do not wait it too soon. We need to release our major change in our content editing part of the system in the next year and new modules/gadgets can be added only after that, not before. Probably even later - as all major changes usually require a set of small changes after that.
Patty commented
Great! Would love this feature. Since our membership covers a wide geographic area, members can not always get together and meet one another. It's about community.
Can't wait to see what you put together! Thanks for all your work.
PS I like the manual approach to setting who is the featured member. We would like it to work in the protected pages - i.e. members only.
- commented
This could be a great for membership promotion. If we could use a search to select a level of membership, or even sponsors.
Great idea... hope we have this soon!
Richard Gaspa commented
Love the idea of the featured member gadget. I am ALWAYS looking for ways to create fresh content on my front page.
Rita Joachim commented
This would be a great feature. We can use it the way you've already described - our membership would love that, and they'd puff right up to see their names "in lights" like that - and also we could mix it up with other Featured "specials" -- like a monthly merchandise special, like "Summer Swelter Sale - get a tank top with our special summer logo, only $10 till June 15th" or "Remember to submit your july 4th contest entry before June 30th", or just a rotating/scrolling list of featured tool tips, fun facts, etc.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Matt - understood, thanks. We need to finish the rollout of new CMS architecture in versions 4.2-4.3 and then our plan is to look into adding new gadgets (which have to be designed on new platform)
Matt I. commented
Please, please, please create this gadget.
There's not a member-based organization out there that couldn't benefit from it. It helps create fresh homepage content, would take the burden off an admin to hand-code the feature each day/week/month, and it provides instant, demonstrable value to your membership.
If you need beta-testers or the like to get rolling on this, count me in.
Matt I.
ronkstahl commented
I like this feature. The only thing I would add is the member needs to have a way to opt out of being a featured member.
Graham Jones commented
I'd like the featured member gadget too....but I'm interested...what HTML do you use to get a list of new members...?
Bruce Cotter commented
We use a scroll on our website of members who recently joined. If we could automate that through Apricot that would be great and eliminate the need of having to change the HTML code.
Ben commented
This feature would be a very nice addition.
I can already think of multiple uses (featuring new members, perhaps another to refresh from a list of our sponsors...)
iant commented
A good idea. This sort of gadget could be very useful to encourage new members to join
Barry Nicolle commented
This would be an excellent addition, and one that is related to a posting I made a week or so ago suggesting a gadget that would scroll the logos of selected members or member categories.
Both of these gadgets could be used to add extra benefit to membership.