Mandatory payment for event registration: complete a registration only when a payment is received
I have two sites that I have just created and thought before hand (Prior to last update) that I tried the registration process. I recall being able to turn off manual or offline payments which in turn would only complete event registrations only if an online payment was received.
Now that I have built these two sites and see that "invoices" are being created and people are regsitering without paying online, it is creating a major problem and adding a tremendous burden on our businesses in multiple ways.
A bunch of our events have limited registration so when people register without paying, It is closing our events to participants that have no financial committement yet to us, which causes issues trying to receive those payments before the scheduled events.
Most of our event participants are not members of our site, and one of our sites we have even used css customization to completely take out the username/password box so when people register for events and don't pay they don't have anyway to do so in the future except the one email they get afterwards showing they have an invoice.
A lot of our events are online so we don't physically see the participant. This goes along with the first point in trying to collect payments prior to the event starting and the pain that goes along in trying to collect registration fees from a registered guest.
I don't understand how this is not a larger issue with other sites. For example:
Dinner Events - Multiple guests can register for the event that didn't pay, not show up and the business is out money.
Bracketed Events - We are running a sports tournament that have a max of 16 competitors in each division. The winner of the division gets a paid trip to the world championships. If competitors register and don't pay and don't show up, we are out of the money and have to pay out of pocket for the competitor in that division to go to the world championships.
Online Events - I started a fantasy sports site where each event consists of 10 teams that have a specific online draft date. The winners get the prize money. If a team registers but doesn't pay, then we have to pay winners out of pocket.
I understand invoices are created and we can send them ourselves and spend time trying to collect payments afterwards. However this is very time consuming and risky. If there is a way to limit registrations to only participants that already paid online then I would be extremely grateful if someone would be able to explain it to me. If not, is there anything in the works to fix this issue.
Through creating the site I have used WA support and it has been very helpful...except when I called about this specific issue which the lady was pretty rude. I just want to say thanks for the help so far and I apologize for how large this post got. I just need to find a solution for this issue prior to moving forward with the businesses I am working for/with.

Published in version 6.14 with the ability to enable/disable automatic cancellation.
More about changes and version 6.14 in our release notes –
Randall Lemley commented
Two surprises when we setup WA for our event-
1) No option to disallow registration without payment
2) The longevity of this open feature request (since 2012?!) and the level of frustration indicated in the comments. -
Paul, we are hearing, reading your comments and trying to reply to most of them.
Right now, the Events team is working on event emails reliability and simplifying the process for multiple registration buying.
I understand that this thread has many votes. It is on the top of our backlog. -
Kim commented
I'm very disappointed that this is not an active feature. It's ridiculous (and not very member-friendly) to have to manually monitor my registrations and cancel people who haven't paid - in order to free up space for paying members.
Paul Ghazar commented
It would be great if someone at WA could at least explain to us if this is something being looked at or considered? This has been an open wishlist item for nearly 3 years. If it's not, then at least we can start to explore other options, but some communication back to us (your customers) would be appreciated.
Robin Sapiro commented
Consider using Eventbrite for selling your event tickets. While they do charge a small fee - it is fairly comparable to what you are paying to Paypal or any other payments processor. The Canadian version at any rate:
Looks like they operate in the following countries:
Argentina, Australia, België, Belgique, Brasil, Canada (EN), Canada (FR), Chile, Colombia, Deutschland, España, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italia, Mexico, Nederland, New Zealand, Österreich, Peru, Portugal, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States, - see links at the bottom of the referenced page.
Heidi Seaborg commented
What's the ETA on getting this feature implemented? Our organization would also love to have this instated. Registrations should not complete without payment! In my experience with registering for events, tickets, and other activities online, you simply cannot register without paying! Why can't we have this as a feature on WA?!
Norman Hoffman commented
I would like to see the "Online" payment not issue an invoice. I would recommend that the payee not be able to go forward unless he/she pays. It is cumbersome to ask the admin to cancel registration even if the payee receives notice.
RWTA Admin commented
This is causing us issues as well!
The payment settings is labelled "Online Only" which does set a pretty clear expectation.
Julie Countryman commented
The loophole on this really needs to be changed ASAP. It has been an open issue since 2012!!
Not yet, Carey
The main focus of the Events team is now a problem with sending announcements and reminders. Then we are going to simplify the purchase of several registrations.
Katya, Product Owner
Events team @ Wild Apricot -
Carey C commented
Has this feature been added yet? I really need to know how many registered people have paid.
Riley Jackson commented
In response to Adam's comment: it may well be 6 years, and it may well be easy to do. But if other changes have higher priority because of greater demand, then it is appropriate for the lower priority items to wait. I have confidence that the WA team can determine priorities correctly.
Having said all that, I would definitely want this change to be an option, because I do not require my members to pay at registration time. I do understand, though, that others would like to have that option. -
Adam Fish commented
I can't believe that this request was made back in 2012 and still nothing has been done, that's 6 years guys! How hard can it be to offer the option of making payment a mandatory part of the registration process? Or at least automatic cancellation after X days if payment not received.
Natasha Riley commented
Any update on this? I would like to see contacts with outstanding balances restricted from being able to register for other events until the outstanding balance is paid.
Robin Hancox commented
This is causing additional amounts of follow up with people that register without payment. We have a very small staff that work part time hours and don't have enough time to manage this process. We really need to have this fixed to prohibit registrations without online payment.
Tamara A Loveland commented
Event attendees should have to pay online at the time of registration for an event. I don't like that an invoice is created and left open. Open invoices make it difficult for us to get an accurate head count because the open invoices are not always paid. Additionally, an open invoice holds a registration spot that another member can take if there is a limited number of registrations available. Bottom line, paying online means an attendee must pay online AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION.
LAPA Admin commented
I would like you to disallow unpaid events to be processed. I keep getting people registering for events and then not paying.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Susan commented "Is there a way to change the color -- maybe to RED -- of the 'Confirm' button ... We have an issue with our members forgetting to click 'Confirm'."
Us too.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
It absolutely IS a major issue. Our club spends thousands of dollars for a bus trip, and if we get reservations we can't depend on (unpaid), we stand to run a loss, or waste spots that other people could take.
Support was as helpful as can be expected (short of miraculous feature creation), suggesting a sort of imperfect workaround. It begins with accepting payment online only, and then what seems like a fair amount of busy-work by our financial people. But why isn't this an automatic no-brainer option?
Also, a few people prefer to mail a check. Registration should allow the registrant to select their preference: Pay now, or hold the reservation for X days for a check to arrive. If there is a deadline, the X days would end on that date (or X, whichever shorter), and if that isn't sufficient mailing time, then and only then might admin intervention be required. (The option to pay online would still be available.) But checks are a minor consideration, by far.
A related need is "early bird" payments. If there is a discounted price for paying by a certain date, after which the price rises, and if a registration is allowed (by us) to remain open for later payment, the Amount Due should rise if not paid by the early bird deadline. Currently, since there is an open invoice, our financial person has to cancel unpaid early birds and email them to start from scratch. What retailer would operate that way? Support has suggested we instead manually revise the invoice(s), and that when people pay an invoice after the deadline, the revised price will be charged. Again, whether this works and is clear to our "customers," it's work for something that should be automatic.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Option to make Registrations incomplete unless paid; make payment an integral part of the registration process.