Simplify contacts and saved searches - easy rename or update searches, combine Contacts and Members tabs
would like option to rename: sometimes after you've done a search you realize that a different name would be better or you make a minor change to the query.

We’re looking into this request in much broader context – we want to simplify overall management of contacts, lists, saved searches. Saved search should be perceived as smart lists and provide quick access to various contact and member groups.
Anne Squire commented
Allow changing name of existing search rather than having to create new and delete old
Dennis Brooke commented
Yes--should be able to edit a saved search. Not save a new one and delete the old.
The way it works now is confusing--and can lead to a lot of saved searches with the same name but different arguments. Rather surprised this idea is 11 years old with no action.
Love Wild Apricot (implementing my third organization right now) but fixing a basic thing like this would make it easier to manage. -
S Mac commented
Instead of running the saved search and then re-saving it as a different name & deleting the old search, please allow us to edit saved searches so we don't have to re-establish all the links for online directories, etc.
Also I'd like the RUN button to be on the far right instead of (not intuitive) on the left, I constantly hit "save" instead of run.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
I'm very disappointed to find that Project Manager's latest report on this Wish was in 2015. My own laundry list of wanted Advanced Search capabilities is going on two years itself. I've seen no improvement since then, and there has not been a month where I could have used some.
Case in point: Currently I need to delete hundreds of inactive Contacts from our mailing list (we're nearing our plan limit), and apparently to do so, I have to mess with spreadsheet export/import or do each record manually?
Sigh ...
Mary Folsom commented
It would be great to have custom result sets for contact searches as well as member searches, or make the contact search criteria available in member search. I would like to search registrants for a particular event (only available in contact search) and have the "Member Since" field in the results (only available in the member result set)
Jeff Pooley commented
I think the ability to add custom search buttons to a menu/menu bar. This would give us quick access to commonly use searches instead of having to drill down a couple of levels.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Make Advanced Search easier to use, test and save:
* Rename saved search
* Longer saved search name
* Report of parameters for all searches (to have a backup record of all our searches before cleaning house, I've had to take screenshot of each)
* Let us disable criteria, for comparing results (Currently must Remove then reconstruct).
* Display full name of Saved Search on tab page (currentlyu appears only in dropdown list, cut off)
* Include field for a description of saved search, and have that description appear as a help note when hovering over search in selection list (e.g, when selecting from list to schedule a send).
* Don't allow user to save search as duplicate name
* Sort saved search list
* Make clear to user the effect of selecting a saved search in Automatic Announcement emails, vs. same search in Manual email. One filters further (those who have opted out of automatic announcements), the other doesn't. Yet, neither we nor our recipients know exactly who is opting out for what why. (If that's confusing, guess why!) When sending a manual email that resembles an automatic one, should I filter out the people that the automatic announcement filters automatically? -
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Make Advanced Search easier to use, test and save:
Rename saved search
Longer saved search name
Report of parameters for all searches (to have a backup record of all our searches before cleaning house, I've had to take screenshot of each)
Let us disable criteria, for teting. (Currently must Remove then reconstruct).
Display full name of Saved Search on tab page (currentlyu appears only in dropdown list, cut off)
Include field for a description of saved search, and have that description appear as a help note when hovering over search in selection list (e.g, when selecting from list to schedule a send).
Don't allow user to save search as duplicate name
Sort saved search list -
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Longer Advanced Search names, or detailed description of each Advanced Search (e.g., a pop-up) when viewing Searches in list. And while your at it, let us rename Advanced Searches.
David Engen commented
Saved Search has only a "save" button where you enter a name for the search. You can thus inadvertently create duplicate search names. Would like an "update" button to change an existing saved search rather than creating a new one each time.
CVMG web Administrator commented
Can you make the tabs and reports for Contacts behave consistently witth the way the Members tab does?
1. When creating a Saved Search in Contacts, every field added to the query must have data in it in order for the query to be saved, whereas with a Members Saved Search you can add a field and leave it blank (so you can put in the data when the query is run). I would like to both types of saved searches work like the Member ones (data input is not mandatory to save the query)
2. fix the bug discussed in ticket 43252
3. Make the Contacts and Members menus consistent: the Contacts menu has List, Advanced search, saved searches, etc..., while the Members has List, Saved searches, etc. Please show an advanced search in both or neither menu -
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Need to be able to rename a saved Advanced Search. Lacking that ability, I saved the tweaked search to the same name, figuring WA would ask me if I wanted to overwrite it and I would say "yes." WA did nothing of the sort -- it just saved the tweaked search as a new search having a duplicate name -- so now I have two identically named searches, one erroneously finding 700+ members of various kinds, the other more accurately finding 225 members of any status and type. I will delete the former, but shouldn't have to.
We are "Husky" development team at Wild Apricot named, responsible for emailing area of the product.
We've already made big improvements to our emailing workflow which will be our next release. But to move further we need your help.
If you’re willing to help us, please follow the link below and answer a few questions.
We're looking forward to reading your feedback.
Lily, Husky Team at Wild Apricot
Emailing development crew. -
Andrew Steele commented
I agree with combining the Contact and Member tabs. We track many people that are not members of ours - local company contacts, government contacts, other association contacts, etc. - and in order to group them, we had to create a Member Level called Non-Member Contact, and then create Member Groups to sort them into. This is really confusing for our admins, but is the only way I can see to get that extra functionality for these contacts. Splitting the fields and the saved searches between contacts and members only further complicates matters, as admins may unwittingly end up in the wrong place. If you navigate from the Member List to an individual account, it automatically switches you to the Contact tab in the main menu (even while on the Membership tab in the user's individual account), making it confusing to get back to the Member List. Ideally, a Contact should simply be a lowest-permission, $0, endless-until-changed "Member Level." Then the Contact and Member tabs could be merged. People in the specific Member Level of "Contact" would not count toward the total number of members for WA billing purposes.
Shelley Shirley commented
Search contacts and members by clicking somewhere ONE time.
Doug Miles commented
I support this.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
When I look into all this problems together, I see that we have to simplify our contacts and members lists management, including saved searches. Some time ago we created a quick prototype of the new concept (see below). Key idea is that any saved search can be considered as a group of contacts/members and have to have a quick access to. We actually applied this model in our mobile app - start screen for Contacts show list of all saved searches, groups and levels together, so it's very easy for admin to get into any specific list.
We believe that saved search (aka smart lists) are very powerful way of looking into your contacts, and it should be very easy to use it. We're receiving a number of complains about our search functionality and I believe that what quickly prototyped back then can be a huge improvement over current user interface.
Any comments?
Bob Oswald commented
Help says you can rename a search by just using the same name. As others indicate, it creates a duplicate. If you delete the old one, you break the links on webpages that use it. Very, very annoying. When I change a search, I have to also edit the page(s) that use it.
Robin Sapiro commented
[quote user="stevefoobar"]There is currently no way to edit a saved search or even overwrite an existing search with a new version. One must open the existing search, save it (as a new search) then delete the old search of the same name.
[/quote]Support this - it is a pain to go through the steps to replace a current search with an updated search of the same name.
Also duplicate search names should not be allowed.
jlcs commented
I would like to the ability to select a custom layout on the Advanced Search Screen. Currently, you can only choose your custom layout on the saved searches. On the Advanced Search Screen, it shows the layout method as default, but does not allow you to change it from the default layout.