Managing multiple groups or chapters in a single Wild Apricot account
Some organizations need to manage separate chapters/groups within a single Wild Apricot account (and thus only one website).
Here's the current state of this functionality and links to related threads:
Each chapter can have its own website section and there can be web editors with permissions limited to a specific chapter section (existing functionality)
Members can be separated out into chapters through a use of Groups field or a custom field (existing functionality). One aspect that is currently missing is the ability to assign per-chapter membership managers. There is already a thread dedicated to this, see
Events can be separated out between chapters through the existing event tags functionality. There is currently no provision for chapter-specific event managers - all event managers would have access to all events. There is a request about adding event-specific organizers for each event (vs. current model of Wild Apricot account-wide event managers). See I believe this might meet need of chapter event organizers - and would appreciate your comments and thoughts on that thread.
Finally, there is a financial aspect. Currently, all payments in a particular Wild Apricot account flow into the same merchant account defined in settings. It sounds like some groups want chapter finances (event payments, membership payments) to flow into per-chapter merchant accounts - which is not currently possible. Something along these lines has been requested - see and I would appreciate your comments.
I would greatly appreciate comments about there or any other aspects of managing multiple chapters/groups within a single Wild Apricot account.
JT commented
This would be incredibly helpful.. We are currently looking to have our other branches use wildapricot.
Ideally, for us, having each chapter manage payments and events, but share membership database information, so that members(or database managers) have to manually make a new login for each branch site.
For example, we have one main branch and put on many events each year, currently we have a hidden membership level to which we manually upload "other branch" member information so they are able to take advantage of online member perks.
It would also be wonderful to have main branch database managers be able pull reports from the organization as a whole.
I hope this goes forward soon!
Any updates from WA's end on this topic?
NAIFA Oregon commented
Adding to this. We currently manage both state and some local chapters. They each have their own website and events, but we still have to duplicate all events onto the state website calendar . It would be great to have the ability to merge through an ical url or html code so all the events from the various accounts can show up on the one state website events calendar too and when people register the details show up both on the backend of the state website and the backend of the corresponding local website.
Absolutely, this would be a huge hit for non-profit associations.
Chief Apricot, this has been talked about for over 5 years, has there been any progress on making it reality. I can put you in touch with my international association with 113 chapters that is currently considering new content management system for its 113 chapters. At least 10 of our chapters are already on Wild Apricot. If you make this reality, you may be able to captured the rest of our chapters and international association.
Two big requirements we have:
1) Chapters are not allowed to accept members who are not members of the international association. I see this as a configurable item as other organizations may not have this requirement.
2) We wish to offer members the ability to pay international and chapter membership dues at the same time. Funds should go directly to each the international association and the chapter(s) based on their membership dues. We also need the ability for members to join multiple chapters, but again they must be a member of the international association first. Having linked accounts between international and chapters makes validation of international membership convenient.
Our chapters would need their own accounts/websites, and international will have their own account. International should be able to link to all chapter accounts. I read in another thread that international admins be able to log into chapter accounts. We would like this feature as well. Each chapter would have their admins as well.
Woody35 commented
This would be a huge hit with lots of non-profits.
jenpen commented
Yes, we are an Australasian society with branches across 4 time zones. Event fees go to the branches who run the events - just membership fees go to the central account.
And our treasurer's complaint is having to transfer all those hundreds of payments from Paypal into MYOB.
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
If the umbrella organization is taking payments and managing registrations for a chapter, would you really want all the money to go directly to the chapter's paypal account? Wouldn't you want to subtract a % or fee for your efforts? I think most organizations would.
I wouldn't say huge....You provide them a list of registrants details by clicking "export registrants" and the details of the payments for the event by exporting the financial transactions for the event in one click as well and write them a cheque for the amount in the report minus whatever fees you would subtract. Doesn't seem like that much work to me.
jenpen commented
In other words, it cannot be done now.
"more work for the treasurer" is an understatement. If you have 3-4 branch events taking registrations at a time, each taking 100 or more attendees, it's a huge amount of extra work.
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
You can basically do this now, but you have to collect all the money for the different chapters events and then transfer them the money from that event's registrations (minus fees) once the registration is closed. That requires a certain amount of trust in the umbrella organization admin'ing the wild apricot account, and more work for the treasurer, but if you have a bunch of local organizations running events or competitions but all the competitors also belong to the provincial/state organization then this is the ideal way. You only need one wild apricot account and the chapters get to delegate a lot of work to the umbrella organization.
I am using wild apricot now as what you would call a chapter in this scenario, but I'm considering proposing the umbrella organization take on the task of running wild apricot once a couple of the things that bug me about wild apricot are fixed. This would mean a bigger account and more $$ per month. None of the other 'chapters' here have their own wild apricot accounts.
In some cases it might be an easier sell to everyone involved if membership fees could go to one paypal account and when you created an event the admin could choose that payments went to the chapter's paypal account, but I can see that would be a huge task to implement. It can still be done without that though....different membership levels for different chapters, events that are maybe only open to certain chapters(levels) - that's all possible.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Sorry, no, we have not decided yet when/if we are going to pursue this.
jenpen commented
Yes, us too. We receive membership fees at a national level but have 8 chapters running their own events and with their own bank accounts. We will not be able to take payments for chapter events until this feature is added.
Any progress, Chief Apricot?
Dmitry Buterin commented
This is something we plan to do sometime in the future - but there is no specific timeline yet, we are still collecting comments and analyzing. I don't expect us to start any work on this at least for the next 12 months, sorry.
CEP commented
Hi Chief Apricot,
What's the status of this? As this post is almost three years old.
We would like to have one website, with multiple chapters, with each chapter having it's own bank account. Each chapter would also have its own events and therefore calendars. It would be ideal if each chapter could have its own manager.
I'm happy to give more information; but it sounds like your post here sums up what we're looking for...
Satya commented
We could really use this functionality. We have about 10 chapters across the nation, each running multiple events and units within each chapter with different bank account requirements. We would like to have one wild Apricot account that allows for chapter management so as to not confuse our members about which website they should go to.
Even the capacity to have tailored financial gateways for each event would be a big step forward. Eg, one event is via paypal account A, another is via paypal account B, etc.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Sorry, no, we decided not to pursue this for the moment. At least for the next 18 months.
brooklyn commented
Having only one paypal account for membership and events is also causing us difficulties, is there any news on this? Thank you.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Opening software - you mean like open-sourcing it? Sorry, not something we intend to do.
Vicki Worden commented
Yes, that is what I mean. Any change you can open your software to let users help you make changes faster?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Hi Vicki,
Do you mean so called "event announcement" emails - ?
For now you can choose from 4 options only:
* non-registered members
* past attendees
* donors
* other contacts The options are applied to the full contact database and there is no ability to specify specific subset of recipients. We do have plans to change that and allow to freely select groups of recipients (based on saved searches) but this is still to be developed (probably even in the release afte next one). -
Vicki Worden commented
Hello Chief,
We are a state-wide membership organization with individual chapters. When the new broadcast email functionality for Events was set up, it assumes you want emails to go to your entire database. Is that seems so from our experience. Is there a way to set it up so that you can select which of your member lists or which of your non-member lists specific event emails are sent to?
Thank you in advance for your reply. Will I receive automatic notification that you've replied? If not, appreciate a heads up email to .
Vicki Worden
Dustin Telford commented
Membership renewals and sign up should allow for the following:
1. New members should be able to submit an application to each organization under an umbrella organization.
2. Admins for each organization and and the umbrella organization should be able to confirm eligibility requirement and payment from the member application.
3. New or renewal applications should be paid directly to the individual accounts for each organization that the individual wishes to join or renew.
4. Discounts should be allowed in scenarios when an individual wants to join a local organization and a national organization. In many cases, the national organization will waive some of the fee to join if the person is a member of a chapter or affiliate.
5. Member renewal cycles should be as per the individual organization - the cycles do not necessarily need to coincide.
6. Member profiles should be able to use common fields. Participating organizations should be able to link fields such as name, address, and preferred e-mail. If a member updates information in one organization, the information fields shared between organizations should be updated.
7. Members should have independent rights and privileges in each organization. For example, a member may have admin rights to update certain pages for one organization, may have no admin right with another, and may not have full access to all membership areas in another.