Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster
My feedback
10 results found
250 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster shared this idea ·
241 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
77 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
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74 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
If the umbrella organization is taking payments and managing registrations for a chapter, would you really want all the money to go directly to the chapter's paypal account? Wouldn't you want to subtract a % or fee for your efforts? I think most organizations would.
I wouldn't say huge....You provide them a list of registrants details by clicking "export registrants" and the details of the payments for the event by exporting the financial transactions for the event in one click as well and write them a cheque for the amount in the report minus whatever fees you would subtract. Doesn't seem like that much work to me.
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
You can basically do this now, but you have to collect all the money for the different chapters events and then transfer them the money from that event's registrations (minus fees) once the registration is closed. That requires a certain amount of trust in the umbrella organization admin'ing the wild apricot account, and more work for the treasurer, but if you have a bunch of local organizations running events or competitions but all the competitors also belong to the provincial/state organization then this is the ideal way. You only need one wild apricot account and the chapters get to delegate a lot of work to the umbrella organization.
I am using wild apricot now as what you would call a chapter in this scenario, but I'm considering proposing the umbrella organization take on the task of running wild apricot once a couple of the things that bug me about wild apricot are fixed. This would mean a bigger account and more $$ per month. None of the other 'chapters' here have their own wild apricot accounts.
In some cases it might be an easier sell to everyone involved if membership fees could go to one paypal account and when you created an event the admin could choose that payments went to the chapter's paypal account, but I can see that would be a huge task to implement. It can still be done without that though....different membership levels for different chapters, events that are maybe only open to certain chapters(levels) - that's all possible.
155 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
[quote user="Chief_Apricot"]I would appreciate input from everybody on this - what are the specific functions you need related to volunteers? The more specific examples you can give us, the better.
[/quote]I have tried volunteerspot and jooners for volunteer sign ups and didn't find the free versions at least of those did everything I needed. We just started using and it seems really good, and is really free, no premium upgrade. Check it out as an example of what would be good.
I have 6 events a year that need about 40 volunteers each. We schedule what jobs and shifts are needed and people sign up.
Volunteer sign ups in Wild Apricot could be possible as an 'event' if it was possible to limit the fields chosen so when say 4 people chose a certain option on the form it wouldn't let anyone else choose it. I know this is on the roadmap in the development queue, but no target version yet. That might solve this problem too.
If I could limit options on an event registration I don't think there's really anything else I'd need. We could export the registrants and calculate hours in excel. Maybe a hidden field so we could set the # of hours that each option was worth when designing the form, but not absolutely necessary.
112 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
Any news with this request? Is it on the roadmap?
78 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
+1 for this feature.
I just have ~120 members but I've had to change an incorrect email address twice and re-send emails they missed.
373 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
[quote user="Chief_Apricot"]We do now have the ability for people to register to several events and then pay once for all of them. Does this meet your needs?[/quote]
It would be really helpful to have a something like a "Would you like to register for some events?" popup appear after they have confirmed their membership, and a "would you like to register for another event" popup appear after they register for an event.
On my setup, I have people register as members, and allow their membership to be active without payment, and then they are supposed to register for the 3 events and pay all in one transaction. 80% of the time people follow those instructions, but 20% pay for the membership, and then maybe pay one event at a time or for all 3 events together. It haven't calculated it, but the extra $0.25 per transaction in paypal adds up. It would really help if people were guided a bit better to pay the total at the end.
161 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
Hi, I'm an admin of a 'community' Wild Apricot account.
Looking at the roadmap , it doesn't seem like this is going to make it in 5.2. Hope it does though, or soon after.
I'd like this feature and I'll give you a couple examples of how I'd use it and why I'd need it:
1 - For a dance competition, to limit entries to a certain category (because of time constraints) that is chosen on the event registration form to maximum of 10 or whatever the limit we set is. So that one I'd probably use the "Radio Buttons with extra cost" type and would want to limit it. I'd use the cost to add $15 or whatever to the total.
2 - For volunteer signups either on the event registration itself or on a separate 'volunteer signup' event. Eg, For a sporting event with 50 volunteers needed for different shifts I would probably use the "multiple choice" type. Eg, need 2 people for setup, 2 for selling tickets, 4 for the concession stand, etc). If this feature was just limited to the "extra cost" options, that would be ok because you can set the cost to $0 (It would be nice if "$0" wasn't shown on the signup page though).
208 votes
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
I still would like a family login (one email, one password) where the parent is the main member. And then associated with them (under the same email address) I'd like that they be able to have children and/or spouse as additional members, who may or may not have to pay an additional membership fee each - no separate password, people don't want to log in and out and back in again to register two kids for an event. When the member logs in and registers for an event, if they have family members, it would then ask via a drop-down list "Which member do you want to register", and when they chose a certain member from themselves or their family members, their common fields would all be auto-filled from their membership info saved. And then when you looked at the event registrations the member listed as being registered would be the particular family member, not the mom/dad with the main account. And when it came time to renew memberships, the billing for each family member would be billed together to the main contact. The kids could have email addresses listed, but they would not be for login, they would be for just for email outs for event reminders, etc, the only login to wild apricot would be the main contacts email address. And those email addresses of kids/spouses would be unique in the database, to prevent a duplicate account from being created in a child or spouses name.
An error occurred while saving the comment Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
I'm admin of a 'community' wild apricot plan used for a dance association.
We have a similar problem that the member is usually the parent (for legal reasons or whatever....18+ to be a member), but they are registering their children in the events. We have a $35 family membership fee, so could be for example:
- a 19yo dancer with her own membership
- a parent with one dancer
- a parent with two/more dancersSo how we handled it was to have the parent or 18yo+ dancers be the members and add fields such as "participant first name", "participant last name", etc to the event registration forms.
We collect the $35 and other fees that are "per family" on the membership form, and other fees that are "per dancer" on an event registration forms. A member can register twice for the same event so they can register 2 children if they have 2.
Doing it this way has the benefit of not needing as many contacts as we would if each participant was a "member", but the drawbacks are that on all the standard reports in wild apricot for events the "member name" is the parents name, not the participant. I don't like that, but I can live with that, because for everything that I need the dancers name, I can use "Export registrants" and customize a report in excel to get a list of dancers because I've collected all the information I need per-dancer on the event registration form.
I'd like a better way to be able to store the participant information, but the currently available bundle memberships or guest registrations don't work for what I need. Bundle memberships are overcomplicated by requiring different email addresses - that doesn't work for families and it wasn't designed for families, so that's fine. Guest registrations don't work because the member has to register first - in our case (parent/child) the member is usually not participating in events, the child is.
My idea to have a better system for families registering with one email address would be to store "Participant Information" in the database, in addition to member information. So if I signed up for membership I would also be prompted to click on "Add Event Participant" and I'd be able to fill in their name, date of birth, dance association id#, etc - standard fields being just the name, and the rest customizable. And I could add the same such info for a 2nd child. If the member was the participant (eg, 19yo) they would put their own info as a participant. Then, when I went to register for an event it would ask me "What participant do you want to register?" and I'd choose from a dropdown list of my participants. And then on all the standard reports where it shows the "member name" it should instead show the participant name, or maybe "Participant Name (Member Name)" to show that the participant and the member). I think it would be fair to count 2nd, 3rd etc participants as additional contacts. That would be good for you guys, the way I'm doing it now, there is just one "contact" per family.
On the registration type settings per event, I love the option to set an opening and closing day for registration, but would it be possible to set an opening time of say 2PM or 8PM or whatever, rather than midnight? Just the opening time matters for me, closing at midnight on the last day is fine.
There are some events (dance competitions) where people try to get their entry in first to be able to dance last (reverse order of entry), and so we do get about 1/3rd of our registrations in the first 30 minutes. The way it is now I leave registration disabled and then enable it manually at a certain time, but I'd love to have it happen automatically so I don't need to be at the computer every time an event opens.
PS - lower priority for me than these other two wishlist features: and
Wild apricot users - if you want this feature too, please comment! :)