Tracking Event Volunteers
A huge part of our non-profit's activities involve not only sponsoring events and managing event registrations, but also (just as importantly if not moreso) signing up volunteers to help with these events. There are a few different types of volunteers typically.
(1) General volunteers who sign up to help plan the event. There may be different subsets in this category. For example, our annual Spring Fair is a major event that recruits volunteers for the Food Committee, Decorating Committee, Entertainment Committee, PR Committee, etc.
(2) Event Day Volunteers are people who sign up for specific jobs and/or time slots on the day of the event. Using the Spring Fair example, we might have someone who can work a Game table from 1:00 - 3:00. Another person can work the food booth from 11:30 - 1:00. The committee chairperson needs to make sure she has at least 2 people to cover the food booth for the duration of the event.
(3) Multi-Day Events volunteers. Some events go for an entire week and we need to make sure we have enough staffing for each day of the week. This is similar to #2 above but allows people to specify a specific day as well as a specific time.
How can I sign up volunteers using WA?

David Sutton commented
I wanted to raise a concern that I raised before and see if WA is doing anything to resolve this problem. We are starting our first major concert series using WA as our management system and we will be using volunteers to check people in to our concerts. But the system forces us to give these volunteers full EVENT MANAGER rights just to do this basic task. This is a serious security flaw with WA since it would allow a once-off volunteer to modify event data. Is anything being worked on to resolve this very obvious serious security flaw?
Terry commented
A volunteer sign-up and hours tracking system would be very helpful to many clubs using WA.
Jen commented
Really need a self-scheduling solution for volunteers. This would help alleviate a lot of administrative burden, especially for NFP organizations like ours.
Jeanne Huber commented
We really need this -- integrated with the Events signup process. We would like to be able to set the maximum enrollment for paying "registration types" AND also create a different registration type that is independent of that maximum.
Walt Bilofsky commented
WA's November Newsletter email was headed "6 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM IN 2020."
I can think of one more way. Implement this feature request.
Stephen commented
Bearing in mind Wild Apricot recommend several volunteer hour tracking tools (such as trackitforward), it seems sensible to somehow integrate the tools so members logged into WildApricot don't have to log in to a separate tool to log hours via the embedded widget. One log-in should be sufficient. (Unless Wild Apricot install a volunteer hour tracking tool itself!)
Anonymous commented
Would love to have this addition.
Ted Chapman commented
It would be wonderful to have a module that will allow volunteers to sign up for and track their volunteer hours, and would permit a report of those hours.
Mark Grimwood commented
I can't believe that WA have not added this feature yet, it goes back as far as 2008 maybe clubs need to start to vote with their feet
James Bostick commented
A place for volunteer signups similar to "sign up genius" to allow members to fill volunteer needs.
Diane Dias - Membership Director commented
Add a volunteering tracking module. Right now I'm using Signup Genius to send emails to volunteers and to get them to sign up. Would be awesome if this was all doable in WA.
No progress so far and we are not planning anything here in this year, sorry to share this.
Anonymous commented
Has anything progressed in this area? I really need a volunteer subscribers area. Any workarounds?
Jeanne Huber commented
I hope this can get to the top of the list soon. We, too, have a critical need for a tool that will allow volunteers to self-register for specific volunteer opportunities and see who else is registered so they can find their own substitutes when necessary. It also needs to track hours.
We recently decided to use Volgistics for this but it is a whole different learning process and involves a lot of duplicated effort. Plus, being able to view volunteer activity along with membership status, donations and event participation would be a huge help in fundraising -- it's part of the 360-degre view of participants that is so critical to donor development. -
Paul Rawson commented
Manage Volunteers.
Like or
I would like to see Wild Apricot provide a volunteer management function.Regards,
Mark Grimwood commented
It continues to be a significant issue for our club that WA have not seen fit to impliment this functionality. om sure so many clubs require a volenteer duty roster and at oresent we must load a pdf onto the website. The idea of having WA managing a duty roster and emailing members about the upcomming duty would be a significant feature. im just not sure that the WA team recognize how helpful this feature would be.
Linda, this is not dead, we just have not been able to get to it yet.
I have no suggestions so far, sorry. -
Linda Stone commented
If you are not able to add the volunteer feature into WA then do you have a suggested outside volunteer program that would integrate into WA so that all information is in one place ultimately.
Linda Stone commented
I notice that the comments are from last year and started in 2013. Is this a dead issue? Our organization relies solely on volunteer hours and we even have a Volunteer luncheon where we acknowledge hours worked. It is vital that we have a means of incorporating this into WA.
Scot McConnachie commented
Just as for events there is a volunteer workflow which includes recruiting, categorizing, training, scheduling, evaluating the performance, and thanking our volunteers. As organizations differ in their practices there should be some flexibility in setting up this workflow.
We have a need to integrate our volunteers with our events where volunteers at one time may be event participants at another so when someone schedules themselves at an event they can see an entire schedule of their activities both as volunteers and as event participants. These schedules need to have controllable visibility so that department heads, not just system administrators, can see and review the schedule.