Ability to donate during membership application/renewal or event registration
Current features:
Visitors/members are not prompted to make donation while they are performing other payments (e.g. membership renewals, event registrations,etc)
Desired features:
Admins have the ability to enable donations to be made during event registrations, membership applications/renewals or other payments.
We're considering to take Donations during registrations/applications into development right now, but during analysis of the feature we ran into an issue where we would love to hear your feedback.
Essense of question: how would you like donations during applications or registration to be processed for offline payments (when your member/prospect decided to get an invoice and pay later)?
Some more details:
We can implement donations during event registrations/membership renewals for online payments - not a problem.
But when we're talking about offline payments, straighforward solution seems to be a bit expensive - we don't have invoices for donations or pledges yet.
So right now we're considering going on with straighforward online payments solution (donation will be added to payment transaction) and for offline payments - just include an invoice memo to buyer to add $XXX to his payment as donation for event/membership he has selected.
This way administrators would have to manually record donations if they receive extra payment and we could deliver this update soon.
What do you think on proposed solution?
christine commented
I think this is a great idea. During our annual renewal drive is when we see the most donations. I learned about the workaround, too, of adding the extra charge button. But in addition to this not being recorded as a donation, you can't designate where you would like the donated amount to go. We have a few initiatives for donations and allow our members can choose how they want their donation to be allocated.
I would like to see the option of integrating donations with the renewal process so it is one paid transaction. And also for a way to allocate your donation by showing a list of initiatives.
Lauren Buhrmann commented
Be able to add on a donation amount at the end of event registration or memberships
JPR commented
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said in other comments. It would be very valuable to our organization.
Greg commented
Glad to see this near the top of the list. It is tremendously important for our organization as well, and we didn't realize it was a limitation when we selected Wild Apricot. There are some work-arounds described by other users, but they are not without disadvantages.
Any updates from the WA team? Thanks!
Samantha Coffman commented
Make the event registration field static and/or be able to link to the donation form. Our Association would like to allow any person registering for an event have the option to donate to our scholarship fund. BUT, I since we cannot link to the donation form it was recommended that we place a special field, fine but in order to do this I would have to remember to add to each event set up. Additionally, the option to fill in an amount will not allow the person a zero amount (no donation) so it would essentially force people to donate a minimum of $1.
Kristin commented
Please increase the priority of this feature request. We have WA configured to accept an additional donation as part of joining or renewing membership, but the donation is counted as membership income. Many of our members would like a donation receipt for this part of their contribution and I have not found a way to automate this. If those additional contributions triggered a process in the donation module, that would be most helpful.
Thanks for boosting the priority on this request.
Bill Holdsworth commented
I would like to give our members the option to make a donation when they renew their membership.
Our current membership renewal screen, http://candocanal.org/renew2020.html , gives that option. Most of our donations accompany renewals. Both the renewal and the donation are in the shopping cart when PayPal processes the payment transaction. Of course, it’s not integrated with Wild Apricot membership database.
Sameer of your technical support team suggested a workaround using the extra charge calculation. That might work, but the transaction won't be recorded as a donation in the system.
Gerald Blum commented
I would expect every nonprofit organization would want this feature.
Will Strang commented
This is a completely unacceptable omission in the Wild Apricot feature set. How can you claim to support donation-driven membership organizations and not support asking for donations at renewal? FAIL!
Kim Gandy commented
I can't believe this was suggested nearly 10 years ago and still isn't available!!! I am the board member who recommended that we go with Wild Apricot, and this is just downright embarrassing. Honestly I assumed that such a basic feature would accompany ANY nonprofit membership software, and I only just realized, when doing my own renewal, that I couldn't add a contribution. Seriously, what features are you adding that are more important than this? Answer: Nothing you are working on is more important than this.
IT admin at ISCAST commented
Yes, I agree. It doesn't make sense that membership renewal/sign-up for not for profits can't receive donations when renewing/signing up. (Yes it can be done through "extra charges" but that doesn't log the donation against the member.) An essential feature for NFPs that receive donations and have members. Surely a lot of WA clients?
Lynne Freeman commented
I’m just taking over admin and i cannot believe that we can’t have members join / renew and donate via one form. Donations are crucial to us.
If PL is ther, cqn you tell us how your developmanaged this feat?
Robert Luck commented
We do not have a membership management system, and are currently evaluating MembershipWorks and Wild Apricot. MembershipWorks offers this feature and it appears Wild Apricot will not have it for the foreseeable future. It is a very important feature for us.
Jennifer Cass commented
Need to give option for members to donate extra when they pay their dues!
Have a drop down for dues and any extra amount to which funds we are calling donations for.
this is KEY for non profit groups that have scholarship, funds, etc. Having it be paired with dues is very convenient for members to donate. -
Peter Nikiforuk commented
We're just in the process of switching to Wild Apricot. It is crucial to our renewals as well. A large portion of our donation income comes in at renewal time.
Making this available for event registrations would also be desirable. -
PL commented
Our WA web designer built in this feature as best she could. When a member joins or renews, they are offered the option to add a donation. On the receipt it shows total amount paid and how much was added as a donation. The difference is membership. Not ideal but so far we've gotten a donation with every membership. Would be nice if we could add it to events - especially free events.
Howard commented
Like many other contributors, our organisation relies heavily on our members adding a donation at the time they renew. We introduced the feature four years ago, at the same time we reduced our membership fee. Our total revenue increased by over thirty percent. I have added a donation amount field (under membership) which is editable by the member to donate any amount. This works well on screen. But need it to automatically add to the email confirming online renewal with the donation as a separate line. It doesn't, but it can be made to do via manual process. If I manually renew a member who has included a donation, and then create an invoice, the invoice has the two amounts, each on its own line. The thought of having to do this 300 time a year is not ideal. For us, as a new user of WA, this feature is very close to the top of must haves.
Stan Salisbury commented
Create renewal forms that combine renewal payments and donations into one process.
YGRC commented
This is not only a highly desirable feature, but a NECESSARY feature for many organizations. Our donations have dropped more than 50% since we went to online renewals without the ability to include a donation in the SAME transaction. This is the #1 reason our organization has no option but to look at other management software platforms when our subscription expires this Spring. It needs to be moved up the priority ladder ASAP!
Your frustration is completely understandable, Glenn. This is one of the top features for us - but it's still in backlog and I'm afraid it will remain there for some more time.
We have to constantly balance over more than a 1000 improvements in our public wishlist, as well as the same amount of internal ideas and some of the good improvements - like this one - can wait it's turn longer than we would want to.