Members to be able to submit events
Current situation:
Not supported, only administrators can create events.
Members have the ability to submit simple events which can be approved by administrators.

Even though it is not a direct implementation, I hope this could be helpful:
We just launched integration with Integromat platform, which helps to build automated workflows. We also provide several templates for quick start, and one of them allows to copy google calendar events into WA events. So if you share a google calendar for events submission, then the scenario could copy submitted events into your Wild Apricot account.
You can try this integration by this link
Dmitry Buterin commented
This is now in design stage. Best case - it will be included in version 3.4 which goes into development in early December and should be out in mid-late feb 2010. If it does not make it into 3.4, it will likely go into 3.5, so add two more months.
AnnaP commented
Checking in on your timeline. Any updates on when this might be available? I echo everything Giuliano Valentino had to say about how it might work. thanks,
mikekilgour commented
This would be wonderful, especially if there was a separate calendar the member would be able to view with just member events with basic details.
mikekilgour commented
[quote user="Moxie"]
Yes, We are looking for this option too! We would like to offer members the option of posting their own events. Also, is there a future option for those registered for the events to view who else is registered and leave a message? THANKS!
[quote user="kwmarketing"]I would like to suggest a feature that allows members to submit events to the calendar for approval by an admin.[/quote]
We would be extremely interested in this as well.
wmorrison commented
I would like to see this too. In addition, once approved the event would optionally be provisioned with a wiki page for the organizers to pull together the details.
Jamie Gardiner-Hill commented
We would also find great benefit in having simple calendar items submitted by members but remaining hidden until admin approval. As with others here we have had no use for paid / registration events so far. We tend to use the "Events" section as more of a "What's on locally guide"
If event organisers could submit their own entries directly, that would be fantastic.
The multiple calendar option suggested by others wouldn't work for us - we like the possibility of having all events visible in a single calendar.
Colour coding or categorising events that are "our own" as opposed to relevant local events not organised by us would be a plus, but not essential.
Colby commented
It would be really wonderful to have a way where members could fill out a form to post events. The submission would go into a holding section of the Events area, an email would be sent to Admin upon submission advising of the new request. And then admin could go in and activate.
This would be extremely helpful. I was told it might make it into the next or one after update. PLEASE try to implement this soon. I realize it means some fundamental adjustments, but it would be so worth it!!
Meagan commented
I also wholeheartedly support this function. We post and announce events on behalf of our members. (No registration through our website) The idea of a second community calendar is nice, as long as we have the option to approve events that we consider relevant to our organizations! We constantly get email submissions for events and the time involved personally adding all of these to our calendars is overwhelming. PLUS so many of the submissions are hard to find in an already overloaded inbox... PLEASE can you help us make this easier for ourselves and our members!!! Looks to me like many people would like this feature. ANYTHING you can do to move this up in the time line of implementation would be GREATLY appreciated.
maryrobinette commented
We use the event function to promote member readings and to post notices about upcoming conventions. None of which are things that require registration. At the moment, I've created a bandaid by having members fill out an online form which sends an email to a calender moderator, who then cuts and pastes the information into the event calendar.
I would very much like a functional page with a stripped down version of the Event Calendar dashboard, that would exclude the registration tabs.
sundust commented
I agree...this is the functionality I would love to see move up the development timeline as we have been looking at other event management websites because of this.
We are an art gallery mainly using the Event Mgmt piece of WA....our challenge is we host classes\events in our gallery and receive countless requests to do a class or event in email and then I have to manually read the email and add into WA. I also have to collect payment (outside of WA) for a deposit, setup fee, etc. I would love to see it where people (even non-members since we dont use this piece) pull up a calendar, request a time slot, and then it goes to someone for approval or not (admin or whoever)...It would also be nice to enhance the payment feature here also where you could charge a deposit\setup for events\classes etc....And then you could use the existing payment feature when people register.
Thanks for listening
Colby commented
I wholeheartedly support this function. We have a lot of events on behalf of our members. Currently I've created a form that they can download from any calendar then email it to us, but the time involved in then us personally adding all of these to our calendars is overwhelming. Looks to me like many people would like this feature. ANYTHING you can do to move this up in the time line of implementation would be GREATLY appreciated.
Phil Stratton commented
This would also be beneficial to our organizations.
Dmitry Buterin commented
You are making a good point - we will definitely keep searching for ways to implement this.
One possibility I see is a member-facing simplified interface for events which would not include any registration options.
Also, such events can be separated with a special tag - and we can potentially have events with different tags use different colors on the calendar.
Kenn Penn commented
Many of our customers use their calendar as the "official community calendar". Registration for events that are not "sponsored or hosted by the Organization are not handled via the W/A system... simply the event posting. If one combined calendar is not possible with approval before posting, might it be possible to have two calendars live at the same time - one for the Organization's events, another for community events?
Dmitry Buterin commented
We are still collecting feedback and analyzing this, it looks like there are many different scenarios/needs.
Thus, there is no definite plan/timeline yet.
Moxie commented
What is the progress/release date for calendar/event entries by members?
spamattacker commented
We are not a HOA either, but we do need the ability to have a calendar or event list that would allow members to directly add events. We do not need them to have the ability to set up an event registration, just the ability to post the following. Date, title, location and link to the key contact person.
Ideally, it would be a page listing the events chronologically or a calendar that would allow people to see what is coming up at a glance. Our members are teachers in two states who need to know about many conferences, workshops and seminars-- none of which that we sponsor. As it is, we cannot post most of these events because it would be a nightmare for one person to the list (Or to coordinate shared responsibility for maintaining).
So, count us in on the list of people wanting this function. And count us in as a group who is also looking for something else to integrate into our site until WA a "shared" event page.
Thank you for listening to our requests, WA.
wchester commented
So can anyone recommend any calendar services that will integrate nicely into WA (even though we moved to Wild Apricot to get away from the band-aided web site). We have tried Google calendars...not integrated enough. I have seen a few other suggestions on here but none have made the cut yet. Come on WA, this should be basic stuff.
Kathryn commented
I agree
wchester commented
Regardless of the site type, HOA or not, I am still shocked that a simple calendar function is not available on WA. Makes me appreciate our current HOA host which I had been cursing up to this point. I think you ought to make it more clear in your summary literature that the event planning function does not allow for simple calendar entries. Or maybe I am the only person that made the assumption that if a detailed Event planning calendar function was included that by default a regular calendar was achievable. Call me crazy.
Regardless, kudos for your quick response.