Online store
Current features:
Items can only be sold if they are part of a membership application, event registration, manual invoice or donation.
Desired features:
Create a store of items that can be purchased individually or collectively (e.g. shopping cart)

Hi supporters,
Today the Wild Apricot online store functionality was enabled for all paid accounts. We did our best to roll it out earlier than it was expected so you could try it out before the day of price increase.
Please fill out this survey to let us know what is missing in the initial version so we could define the followups:
Thanks for all the support and help during beta-test.
Best Regards,
Kate P
WA, Emailing development team
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
@Toni Troop: sorry, no way to track downloads. And unfortunately online store design and development has been postponed for this year as we are busy with another big change.
Toni Troop commented
We too are very exciting an online store especially for digital downloads. We would need to track digital downloads for free publications in addition to those that require a fee.
If there is currently a way to track these downloads please enlighten us.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for comments, I appreciate that. The big time investment is not in rewriting program code but careful designing of various workflows from different point of views (visitor vs. admin, digital download vs. physical item, inventory management, etc.)
But we also think that online store has quite separate scenarios in background comparing to events (multiple items can be bought in one transaction, there should be gallery view of items with pictures to easy choose one, admin need an easy way to track new orders and inventory quantity, etc.).
karais commented
I'm not a programmer and this may be out there, but . . . It seems to me, enabling a storefront is already about 90% solved. If WA could tweak their program used for the Functional Page for the Events Calendar, it would be there.
o The big part is renaming everything. Events becomes Storefront. Register become Buy Now. etc.
o Get rid of the calendar view, only view the listings.
o 'Limit registrations' in the event setup screen could be used to identify inventory. Perhaps WA users could identify specific variables there (size, colour, and quantities of each etc)
o Add an section (maybe in the form equivalent to the event registration type) where users can identify their shipping costs. Instead of determining the price based off of a Member-category, perhaps they can select from a previously saved search (like those with Canadian, US, or International addresses)
Anyway, it's just a thought. But I honestly think this would be an fairly easy fix. We're in the process of developing a store with buttons from a different payment processor, though I'd much prefer the ease of doing all of the setup in one place. Instead, I'm getting ready to cut here, paste there, log in here, go over there etc.
Thanks, I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on this.
ChrisK commented
Our organization would love this option as well. Looking forward to the updates. Thank you.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I do not think I was asking anything - can you quote a specific text/post?
zmonteca commented
Hey CarlEd,
Check out what we did and used:
We implemented this in about 15 minutes. It's super fast and easy!
zmonteca commented
Chief_Apricot, I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Can you rephrase it?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Sorry, but it's not possible to give any absolute dates in software development. We are dealing with a lot of factors and priorities are moving all the time. Online store is in our short design list but it is still not ready for development. We are very busy with accomplishing our other changes that we've been doing for more than 6 months and this work takes more time than we expected (as always).
The only thing I can say for sure is that it will not be released until next summer for sure (and we still will have to adjust the date later). I understand your frustration but unfortunately there is nothing we can do here, I apologize for that .
CarlEd commented
Hi Dmitry. I always seem to be criticizing you whenever I post here... sorry.
My customer wants an online store. I told them back in the Summer that you had said (on this very thread) "definitely 2011" in release 4.4. I then saw a small "early 2012" creep in and now you seem to be happy about advocating 3rd party storefronts.
Not surprisingly my customer is not happy that they do not (and will not, it would appear) have the online store promised for this year now...? Can you give me some absolute dates please?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for sharing! Looks quite nice and the integration is quite smooth - after adding a product people can check out or continue shopping on the same page.
zmonteca commented
We added a store front that was able to take advantage of our account:
We used something called Fleapay --
It was super easy. It took 5 minutes to get the store up and working. We simply chose the Page Template that was Three Rows & Three Columns and then inserted pictures for the products. It works great for our needs.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Kate, we always upgrade all our clients automatically and it does not cost anything extra.
I am not sure what you mean re "capacity for people to do direct bank transfers ie manually just like you can now with events", can you please elaborate?
sibs11 commented
I have just signed up for a group plan for another 12 months
I am also investigating an online store for 2-3 products and am looking at paypal as an option but if WA was still considering this I would hold off - just need a safe 'buy now' button
i am hoping too that your system will include a capacity for people to do direct bank transfers ie manually just like you can now with events ie we create that capacity by including that option in our set up
would it be necessary to upgrade to 4.3 and if so would there be a cost involved?
Dmitry Buterin commented
It's pretty rough but generally 4.3 is fall 2011, 4.4 - early 2012.
Penny commented
Is there a timeline for release 4.3 & 4.4?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can't say for sure yet until full design is completed. but this is part of what we are targeting.
thesurfer commented
Will the Online Store in 4.4 be able to sell digital items for download?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Yes, we have our plans for this year, roughly like this:
Release 4.3 - ability to make payments from profile (which will enable paying for several items in one transaction)
4.4 - Online store + Sales taxes
Virginia Michelin commented
Just following up to see if there has been any decision made about the shopping cart feature and/or the ability to register and pay for mulitple items at one time (ie renew membership and pay for an event at once). Many individual have been asking about this.