Free-text answer / Open-ended question
Polls are great for structured questions, but in the annual awards we run they start with an open 'nominations' process, where a free-text input is required. The current option for 'other' doesn't really work for us in that scenario and I'd really like to be able to keep members within Wild Apricot rather than have to go and use Survey Monkey or something. Thanks for listening!
Clark Bavin commented
Not only do we need the ability to have feedback text boxes, but we need the option to be able to make the questions themselves mandatory or non-mandatory. We also need to be able to reorder or re-arrange the questions, just as you can with the options. I found myself having to rebuild the entire survey because we wanted a new leading question.
Shawn Mitchell commented
The ability to ask open-ended questions is vital for us. How can we truly know what our membership thinks if we only give them predefined answers and no way to express a different opinion or view.
Nikki Dohrman commented
It would be great to have the option of a free form text box for ope-ended responses! We do not want to provide answers for our members in many of our polls/surveys.
Nikki Dohrman commented
This would be very important for our association. We always send out surveys with open ended questions to allow our members more freedom to express their opinion.
Jeremy McBryan commented
Improve functionality of the "Other" feature to allow multiple write-in responses, for example for an election.
LarryJW commented
Important would be Likert scale questions.
Kathryn Collins commented
It would be very helpful to have the option of a free form text box for ope-ended responses instead of mandatory radio buttons or check boxes. We do not want to provide answers for our members in many of our polls/surveys. The other survey platforms all have this option. thank you -
Jillian Dubois commented
There should be more types of questions that you can use in a poll, like open-ended questions with a lot of text, one-word answers, etc.
Anonymous commented
I also am looking for a write in option exactly like what I am doing here. I want an open comment box that the poll can say "what else would you like to see at our conference" and then an open text box for their answer without any radio buttons or check boxes required.
lhorvat2 commented
Katya, I interpreted this to mean:
A question type that allows a free text answer. Rather than Multiple Choice, Yes or No?
Example question: Please tell the us what you’d like to see on this website. (Free text comment, character limit ###)
Example answer:
I would like: 1. A FAQ page about the organization. 2. A description of how the Privacy part of my Profile works. 3. Photos from the last seminar.
Hope this is what J. Rozak meant. Hope it helps you Katya. -
The suggestion is unclear. I’m not sure I fully understand it.
Can someone please elaborate on it with some examples?
Thanks. -
Anonymous commented
#1 When using the other/suggestion field, it would be nice to add some text to this. Currently, it just states "Other:".
#2 If "other" is used, you should be able to limit the radial choices to 1 and the "other" is the 2nd radial button.
Joseph Rozak commented
It wold be useful to allow a "write in portion" of the poll for comments
Cherry Zimmer commented
It would be really nice if the survey had all the fields available as event registration fields.