Stock control
Need inventory management to cut off sales when the product is out of stock. Also would be nice to display how many products are available for purchase.

Stock management is now available in version 6.6. Read more at Version 6.6 release notes
Note: Version will be rolled out gradually, so in your particular account it may become available with several days delay.
Kristen commented
Dmitry this is great that you have stock control. Can we please now have a report to report on how much stock we had at the beginning, and how many of each variant remain? Thanks!
Kristen -
Anonymous commented
All our items are "one-off" so the Store is useless to us.
Erica Peterson commented
We need this badly, as we tend to sell things in limited quantities. Without inventory control we'd either need to have somebody obsessively watching the store to remove items when we run out, or issue a bunch of refunds.
Cheryl P commented
We absolutely need this in order to use the Store feature - which is a great feature! We will be selling original artworks and perhaps prints. We must never be able to sell more than one original. And even selling prints, we need to be able to limit to the number we have printed.
Kenny Chugg commented
Tehachapi Community Theatre sells tickets for live shows with 3 price levels. An inventory control would be great. Have tickets available listing the total quantity available and inventory depleted with any sale in any price. For example, 100 in stock. A purchase of 3 adult and 2 child would automatically deplete the total inventory by 5.
Zac Hill commented
Be able to sell something in the store and limit the amount available. For Example, I need to sell ads in a journal for a conference, and have a limited amount of full page ads, inside covers, etc.
Regency Society of Virginia commented
Many of the products we would consider offering in a store are "one off" items and would be unavailable for backorder. Without some sort of stock control feature, there's a good chance we'd have to issue multiple refunds which simply complicates things unnecessarily. Being able to cut off orders when a product is out of stock would allow us to actually consider using the store feature.
Chris Alcott commented
Each item should have an inventory attribute. Set it to a number if you have a finite amount of inventory, or leave blank (or specify) if the item is unlimited inventory.
Richard Horsfield commented
Online Store Feature
One fundamental feature required for the Online Store is the ability to have stock control.
IE - when adding a product, to be able to say how many are available, and with each order made that number reduces.