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make programs specialised by proffesions example for dentists,rental services ,marketing agencies,childrens program for school,banks,real es
Aim of my idea is to create programs by specific proffesion and
other kind of sources and see where is most interests, and there come to that target market
Business info contact club
Miki2 votesThis is completely unclear and has not chances to be implemented.
Give a choice of which Calendar year member would like to apply for.
If someone is a member in 2014 for example (Jan 1, 2014-Dec 31, 2014). They decide not to be a member in 2015 because they decide to not attend our annual conference (which is the case with quite a few members) so they don´t renew for 2015. But our renewal notice for 2016 goes out in November and now they want to renew for 2016 so they pay for 2016 but at the end of 2015. WO applies this payment to 2015 instead of the year they want to have membership 2016. When a lapsed member renews, maybe WO could…
6 votesIn your case, a member will become Lapsed. Then, when in November of 2015 they decide to become a member again, they will follow workflow of a new member and then new application prorate logic will be applied – where you can setup what you want. Check out https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Prorating+membership+dues+for+new+applications
Closing the suggestion. -
allow common contact fields to be customizable by contact type
Similar to having different Membership Levels and allowing separate customized fields for different levels, it would be great to allow users to specify different Contact Types and then allow separate customized common fields for different types
5 votesThere have been no activity here for quite a while, closing.
customizing login
I would like to be able to customize the word LOGIN that appears when using the login gadget. Since our WA website is used both as a portal for members and to display information to curious non members there could be some confusion. In our case I would like to for instance have it say MEMBERS LOGIN HERE
16 votesThank you for posting and sharing your feedback with us.
Taking into account all plans and priorities, this is not something that we will focus on. We have an article with the instruction how to customise different labels:
https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/443We are going to archive the idea, but please, continue to share your feedback!
Restrict export for people with view privileges
Being able to export should be different than being able to export
6 votes -
2Checkout - setup recurring payments
Set up recurring payments under 2checkout.com.
7 votesNot relevant anymore.
We do not support the 2Checkout from 2018. -
Agile Roadmap
I see responses implying that the development roadmap is decided for a year at a time. As WA grows, that is going to become a huge problem.
I suggest changing to a model where you revise the roadmap each quarter. The next 3 months should be pretty firm, but beyond that you should be able to consider user reaction and new ideas much faster.
This might seem like a lot more work, but it really isn't. Each cycle, you do detailed project planning for the next quarter, refine the scope of work for the next 2 quarters, and plan strategy…
6 votesAwesome point and we’re actually in the process of making huge organizational changes so it’s really relevant. But not really a feature suggestion :) Closing for now.
Understand the difference between the twenty four hour clock and am and pm!
Please get your heads around the difference between the twenty four hour clock and am and pm!
03.00 pm, which is what the system comes up with is completely ambiguous - it's either 15.00 or 3 pm - with the 24 hour clock you don't need am or pm, that's the whole point of it!2 votesYou can change you date and time format, including 12 or 24 options, in Settings / Organization page. See https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Organization+details for details
One payment processor for EVERYTHING – Adyen
Imagine a SINGLE payment processor that can process ALL financial transactions:
• PayPal
• Bank Wire (!)
• Credit Card
• (Other Online Payment systems)
• Mobile Payment (!)
• Point of Sale Payment (!)
• Cash (!)WA please have a look into "Adyen" – the most complete payment processor on the market. This can give WA customers a whole new world in payment processing.
1 voteNot our plans
Sort and filter contacts by number of open invoices, and by dollar amount owed
I would like to be able to sort (and filter) the contacts list by the dollar amount owed, and especially by the number of open invoices for each member.
This would help me when sending out reminders to members that have fallen behind on their payments.
1 voteNo activity for long time. You can use advanced search with Balance due search criteria and set some threshold to it
5 votes
Suggestion is unclear, details were not provided.
Please contact our support team and send all details to them. -
Only send membership renewal reminder emails to those members who have not yet renewed
Currently, the automatic membership renewal reminder emails go to an entire membership class, which contributes to email fatigue for those who have already renewed their membership.
Set these automatic reminders to only go to those members who have not yet renewed.8 votesWe have checked it and renewal reminders are NOT sent to members who have already renewed their membership. If you believe it’s not true, please contact our support so they will have a look into your account and data.
enable online approval of new membership by multiple members of the Board
Enable an automated workflow for membership management. Specifically new member applications to be sent to each member of the Board of Management / Committee. They can see the application and vote online (eg: Recommended, Not Recommended, Need to interview ... ) The club secretary manager recieves the result. Benefit is speeding up the new member process .
3 votesSorry, it looks like we’re not going to do this any time soon. For now, you can set the system up to send new application emails to your board members (for example, see https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Routing+of+system+emails ) and they can leave their notes in the Admin only notes section in the contact database record. Then, your secretary can follow up on this in some days.
List of event registrants who have cancelled
It would be useful to be able to list contacts who have, at one time, registered for an event, then subsequently cancelled. Having such a list would allow prioritizing limited event slots to people likely to actually attend.
2 votesIt’s possible now with advanced search.
Disabling workflow emails
Does anyone know why there is no option to disable ONLY the workflow emails? It first appears that you can just uncheck the box, but this is not so--when you click "edit" the message says you can only disable it if you choose to disable ALL email to the member.
This is an issue because we've had several members complain about the influx of too many emails.
Am I missing something?
2 votesWe cannot disable workflow emails, they are required for proper system functioning. But I do agree that number of email has to be decreased and as Oleg mentioned, we have another post for this.
Member directory - hide unpopulated filter fields
A relatively simple request - for the search filters on the member directory, can we have the option to hide results with zero matches?
Currently, fields with zero matches are "greyed out". However if they could be hidden altogether, this would dramatically reduce the clutter in the filter fields, especially in fields where many options are available.
Thanks.2 votesSorry, it looks like we’re not going to do this. I would suggest using CSS customization to hide such options, it’s possible – just need some HTML experience.
Member Field for Application Use Only, Not Afterward
I would like the ability to mark an Internal Use membership database field to be editable but only on the membership application.
Our membership application contains questions like
Once the application is dealt with, these fields shouldn't be visible to anyone but admins. But currently, the closest way to configure them is "Edit in application, visible to member only":
So the member will always see this field in his profile.
I would like the editing and access to be configurable separately:
This way, the member enters it on the application page but doesn't see it afterwards. However, admins can still…
2 votesNo activity, closing
Copy Address or other contact info
For individual mailings, it would be helpful to be able to press a button and copy the current contact's basic details - name and address - to Word to make a letter/label.
In some contact databases the control panel for the database allows for a mapping of fields, e.g. DATABASE.SALUTATION+" "+DATABASE.FNAME+" "+DATABASE.LNAME maps to CONTACTNAME and DATABASE.ADDRESS1+", "+DATABASE.ADDRESS2 maps to ADDRESS and similarly "DATABASE.CITY"+", "+DATABASE.PROVINCE+" "+DATABASE.POSTALCODE
When needed, you press a combo of keys or press a button on the screen to copy the defined address to the clipboard and paste it wherever you want it to land.
2 votesSorry, it looks like we’re not going to do this.
Payeezy Gateway
Need payment support for Payeezy Gateway ( was Global Gateway e4)!!!
5 votesThank you for posting and sharing your feedback with us.
Adding a new gateway doesn’t align with our current focus for the product. Supporting each payment systems takes time and resources away from our development and support teams to provide the better, more reliable service.
We are going to archive the idea, but please, continue to share your feedback!
Allow negative day(s) offsets in Renewal Policy
Our club needs to send out renewal invoices and reminders on or after the renewal date, not before. It would seem easy :) to implement this by allowing negative day(s) offsets in the Renewal Policy.
We send renewal notices on the renewal date. The member remains in good standing for 60 days, after which they have a short grace period and then become lapsed.
This could be entered on the Renewal Policy by sending the invoice 0 days before renewal date, following up with a reminder 30 days after the renewal date, and then sending the grace period notice 60…
1 voteThis looks like an exceptional case and no one has commented on this for quite some time. I believe that as a workaround you can use “Renewal day email notice” email as a first reminder, then “Grace period email notice” sent after 30 days as a second reminder and then “Lapsed email” after 60 days to set status to Lapsed.
Closing the suggestion.
- Don't see your idea?