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71 results found
Fix unexpected behavior of "Back" links when browsing member photo albums
When browsing an image in a member's photo album, clicking the link "<< All album photos" will take me back to the thumbnail view of the images in the album, however, if I then click the "Back" link, it returns me to the image I was just browsing, and not to the member profile page as expected.
The result is, once I've clicked "<< All album photos", there is no way to return to the member's profile without using my browser's back button.Wild Apricot support's response: "Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the software. The back link will always…
3 votes -
Allow members to do an Advanced Search of the Directory using more than one term in a search field.
Allow members to do an Advanced Search of the Directory using more than one term in a search field (or using the same field more than once. As an Admin I can search for multiple terms (e.g. "1972" and "Cutlass") by adding a second instance of a field. I would like our members to be able to do the same type of search in the directory.
2 votes -
Confusing UI Elements .. White on White etc.
My user community is consistently confused by certain non-standard UI choices
-- white on white Action buttons that don't stand out ... btn-outline-primary btn-sm would be much easier to spot with say a light blue background
-- Note that sometimes you do color buttons to make them clearer ... e.g. Apply on search terms
-- it says Public View in Admin View. I realize it is a menu choice but my users see it as a title since is it separated from the menu bar. It would be much clearer if the top left explicitly said Admin View
instead of…1 vote -
Updating document with same name during upload process
When uploading new images/documents to wild apricot, if the document of the same name is already in the system, it does not update to the new versions document. It does not give a choice to 'update version', but rather, sticks with the old. This requires the administrator to go back in, change the name of the document needed upload. A big pain! Please provide another option in this process to make this less painful!
1 vote -
Improve the capabilities of the sales module to allow the organization to conduct and manage sales. Currently our organization goes to a 3rd parts sales software to meet our needs. Especially now that the price is going up, this is one of the modules that needs a major upgrade.
1 vote -
Apricot branding is over[powering the site.
Under colors and styles: make apricot branding configurable. I am receiving user complaints that your branding stands out as much as the site content and users are clicking the button. It's frustrating users, much like being ambushed by wanted ads. Because I cannot make it smaller font or muted colors I am being forced to request that Apricot remove their branding.
2 votes -
Disjoined setup process
Setting up a new account has steps scattered all over the place. For, example, there are several separate pages for just setting up finances. None of them are liked to each other in any way. I'm still not set up because I can't find everything you want me to do. It seems like the website was set up by a puzzle maker.
2 votes -
IMPROVE EASE of use in completing processes
"ACTION" buttons (examples are Register, Next) are not emphasized enough (perhaps a larger size text, or bold text, or a box put around the text, etc). This lack of visibility is causing confusion among infrequent users who miss what to do next in whatever process they are going through. The result is that, I the administrator, have to spend time and effort processing and helping users who have failed to complete a process (eg payment). I look forward to your comments2 votes -
Put pages not in menu in alphabetical order
The the ability to put pages not in menu in alphabetical order
7 votes -
Need to widen the columns that appear after a list search so I can see the complete date under Events.
Need to be able to widen the columns that appear after a list search so I can see the complete date under Events
1 vote -
add "wish list" and "wishlist" to the help files in WA so we can find this easier
Add "wishlist" (and "wish list") to the WA help files so we can find this easier.
2 votes -
Files link on Vertical Menu
I realise that files are mainly used on pages within the website, but they are often also used in Event Creation and Email blasts.
To make things easier to find, delete or move files, etc, would it be possible to include the link to files on the new Vertical Menu.
3 votes -
The ability to share folders
Being able to share folders of documents as opposed to sloppy sites with documents linked would be a cleaner interface and allow for efficient institutional knowledge share.
6 votes -
De-confuse wording please!
Happy New Year!
This is a suggestion for a simple wording change. EVERY person I have taught to use WA gets confused by the existing wording:After clicking Email > Templates and selecting a particular template, newbies ALWAYS make the mistake of selecting "Edit Template" instead of "Send email" because they fear that "Send email" means the message is all ready to be sent!
This confusion can be avoided by changing "Send email" to "Create email" or better: "New email using template"
3 votes -
Underlining problem
There is a problem with underlining on a page.
If I write a sentence on a page and underline a word or two in that sentence, and then save the page, then at a later date decide to remove that underlining. It won't remove. The only way I can overcome the problem is to delete the whole sentence and rewrite it without the underline.
2 votes -
Re-order Pages Not in Menu
We are regularly adding site pages which we do not wish to appear in any menu. This means our "pages not in menu" list is becoming rather long. We would really like to be able to change the order of the pages in this list, but doing so is impossible. Please consider making this possible. Thank you!
23 votes -
Make "view only" fields visible on membership applications/level changes.
Make "view only" fields visible on membership applications/level changes. We have a situation where members must buy stock, and have an option to purchase in in three annual installments. I wanted to show what their last stock installment payment was on their registration, but the view only field only shows up for renewals, not level changes, so it doesn't work for my members that are changing levels, which results in frequent errors to their stock purchase selections. Thanks for considering!
2 votes -
add search criteria
add search criteria boxes - it would be nice if all "add search criteria" boxes were the same larger size on screen. It is awkward to scroll through a long list when we're only seeing a tiny window. (and as a bonus, if there was a search box at the top of the larger search window into which we could type a word of the field name (ie volunteer) and the add search criteria box would only show those fields, that would be super cool).
1 vote -
Newsletter posting in social media
PLEASE make it easier to put newsletters on facebook!
7 votes -
Reunite the Website sub-system with the rest of the tabs
I've given quite a bit of time to get used to the Website sub-system being separate from the other functions. The more I use it the more it has become obvious what a time waster this new set up is.
When I create an Event I often preview it on the website. With this new set-up I have to exit my Event, go to the Website sub-system, check it out, then go back to the other set of functions in order to return to my Event.
Same thing when I'm modifying web pages - if I need to look up…1 vote
- Don't see your idea?