Customizing the Term "Bundle"
Could we have the ability to specify our own name for the word "bundle," wherever it appears in WA?
When a new member gets into WA for the first time and tries to figure out how it works, having a recognizable term for a bundle would smooth the way.
There are excellent terms for the bundle concept, but they differ from organization to organization. In just this thread , a bundle is used as a:
If we could choose the term for a bundle, end users would immediately recognize what it means. And we wouldn't have to explain it to them.

ReuseMN commented
The term bundle is such "insider baseball" and very confusing to our organizational members.
Lindsey Root commented
Membership "Bundle" reference. Change to different word or allow us to choose a different word from options.
Members think it is the ability to "Bundle" Events/Courses. They are not associating the word "Bundle as the employees in the Company.
Joanna Straub commented
Bundles are organizations in my case. It would be lovely to be able to customize the term, since I spend a lot of time explaining what a bundle is to my members.
AnnaG commented
I'll venture a guess that for most organizations bundles are actually families in real life. It would be lovely to have a Site setting to replace the Bundle label with the Family label throughout the site, at least from the non-administrator's, rank-and-file user perspective.
Walt Bilofsky commented
This should be merged with .
PAmela Graham commented
I agree that some of the terminology should be more flexible. Whilst the concept is fine, we use currently use the term 'Billing Group' for families and I'd like it to be possible to replace 'Bundle'/Bundle administrator with that please! Thank you.
Walt Bilofsky commented
This could be merged into the more general wishlist item requesting the ability to customize a variety of terminology. (Another big one is "bundle administrator".)
Lorette commented
Our "Members" are "Investors". Is there a way to customize the label? If not, I'd like to see that feature made possible in the near future.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Would it work to give the bundle admin account the name of the chapter, and let the chapter admin have his/her own account within the bundle?
Christopher Bert commented
Membership Bundle Name (other than admin's name)
On page 22, the Wild Apricot 5.9 help document states:
"Individual membership bundles are not given names but are represented by the names of their bundle administrators."I am managing membership for a national organization with autonomous chapters and would like to make each chapter a bundle. This would be perfect because each chapter could have its own admin, pay dues as one unit, etc. However, giving the bundle the chapter's name (instead of the admin's name) is a must.
Gail Walker commented
Currently, for TYPE of membership for a membership level, you can choose "Individual" or "Bundle." For the purposes of the organization I am a webmaster for, I would like the ability to change "Bundle" to "Household Bundle" since that is the jargon they used before they had a website. I suspect other groups would like to use other descriptors, based on the nature of their organization. Rather than each of us having to pay to have someone create the java script to make this change (as advised by Wild Apricot), I would like to see the option to change the word "bundle" be added to the website.
Walt Bilofsky commented
See the comments on this subject in this thread:
The right term for "bundle" varies from organization to organization. The best fix for this is to allow the admin to specify the term for their site.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Do mean information that is shared among all bundle members? So, if you update it once, it's updated everywhere, right?
Marcie Wilson commented
The word "bundles" may be catchy, but it's not very descriptive, nor common. It would be much clearer and more accurate to have "corporate" or "organization" memberships.
Jill Cainey commented
It would be useful to be able to assign a name (field) to Bundles (level below membership bundle).
For us this would be the {organisation} name, but for other users it maybe {surname} and if it was possible to list/view bundles, this would immediately allow us to see which companies were members in each membership level (bundle). This would facilitate the addition of new members (who may be unaware of the organisation's current membership) and allow us to see at a glance the companies involved with our network.