Simplified Membership Fields for Adding Members to Bundles
I would very much like the ability to have a custom field be required for Bundle Admins only (or the single person membership when not part of a bundle). We are a swim club and we need to capture data relevant only to the family (or the individual when not part of a family).
It is awkward for our members when the bundle members each have to fill out a field that applies only to the family unit, and even worse when the bundle admin, during the process of entering or updating their family's data, has to fill out a field repeatedly for each family member.

Greg Lions commented
Would really like to see this done asap. Allow us to specify which fields are inherited from the coordinator to the bundle member.
brendastreed commented
Currently when a new person wants to sign up for a Bundle membership, they fill out a form that only allows them to enter their own personal information as a "Family" membership. They then have to go back into their new Profile and enter all the other people that should be included in their membership.
Why not have a question on a Bundle membership form asking the number of additional family members, and then generate on page the forms needed for those people? If they request more than the number allowed by the membership policy, you would post an onscreen message telling them the limit.
I did not see this idea anywhere in your developers summary at the top of the page, so I hope it's not duplicative.
WOC commented
Key contact fields for members should be auto-populated across a bundle, to ensure consistency and cut down on administrative data entry. This includes a consistent organization name, logo upload, website address, etc. Having to go back and correct variations on organization names, upload logos to each contact so each member has the logo next to their name in the member listing, include the website URL for each member in a bundle, etc. is unnecessary when this info is already in the system. Once a bundle admin has filled out key info, it should be included in every contact record for that member bundle. Would be so grateful for this feature!
Alex Sirota commented
This request is actually quite important for a number of reasons. One of the basic constructs in Wild Apricot is that all records are contacts. There is not the notion of a parent/child relationship between a company and its staff or employees. In many use cases Wild Apricot is used to maintain this sort of relationship using a bundle membership.
The bundle administrator can be either be:
a) a person at a company responsible for the billing and administration of a company's membership with an association/club
b) the company itself with an admin email address like
Then the staff/employees at the company are all bundle members enjoying the benefits afforded by the bundle administrator renewing the membership in a timely basis.
The core issue is that any membership fields that are assigned to the bundle membership level are applicable to ALL records in a bundle. In some cases a certain set of membership fields are applicable to a bundle administrator (say in the use case b above). And in other cases certain membership fields are only applicable to the bundle members.
It would be really useful to have a configuration parameter on a membership field for bundle membership levels that does the following
Enable the field on members
1) only for the bundle administrator
2) only for the bundle members
3) for both (which is the current default case for all applicable membership fields)This could be implemented as another configuration parameter when defining a membership field. To be sure this should only be available when the membership field is assigned to a bundle membership level.
The use case would enable the ability to have a bundle administrator have a "complete record" for an organization and for each bundle member to have a membership record more applicable for a person without the need for the extended organizational "bundle administrator" set of membership fields.
tlcorr03 commented
I would love to be able to use a different membership level for bundle members. That way, the bundle members could have different membership fields to fill out.
In my situation, I have "Adult Advisors" who need to register as Bundle Administrators and fill out their info. Their Bundle Members are the youth they are working with. Currently, I have a bunch of separators that say things like "FILL OUT THIS SECTION IF YOU ARE THE ADULT, LEAVE BLANK FOR YOUTH" which are kind of confusing. If I could make a "Youth" membership type that could be bundled under an "Adult Advisor" membership type, that would solve a lot of my issues. -
Joanna Straub commented
A simple help would be the ability to duplicate an existing contact with the current information. Change the name and the email address and we're all set. Ideally, however, there should be information affiliated with a bundle so that it is identical for each bundle member. For example, we ask them to provide their organization's mission statement. Or the name of the org comes with LLC or without LLC or abbreviated vs. written out. Makes it difficult to manage, and lots of extra work for us standardizing data.
Lawrie Anness commented
We are boat club and our bundles (by definition) have one boat. The boat name and dimensions need to be in the membership database to manage our club moorings, but we don't want duplicated boats since these mess up all kinds of other issues, like member directories and requests to reserve temporary moorings when registering for events.
Brian K commented
I want the ability to make certain fields required for the bundle administrator but not required for the bundle members. For example, our bundle members are spouses/children of the primary member so we need the address required for the primary member but we don't the member to have to populate the same fields (like address) over and over for each family member. However, we want the fields to be required for the primary member so we ensure we get that information.
Jane Campbell commented
When adding a new record that will be connected to a bundle, could you please make it so that the organization, address, city, state and zip are copied from the record of the bundle administrator? This would save a lot of time! Thank you.
Anonymous commented
This would definitely help us as well. We want the information for the companies that have bundle memberships to be consistent across all the profiles. Maybe there's a way of creating one "Bundle Profile" that will contain the information for all the members across that bundle? Otherwise, information gets duplicated, out of date, people don't want to enter answers multiple times, etc.
(by Sarah Didrikson)
"We would also like to see an option where certain fields are only available for the bundle administrator. If the bundle administrator is changed those field values would carry over the new administrator. For an example we have a company description, logo and industry. We would prefer to not have each contact see those fields in their profile." -
Rodney Hendrix commented
Each contact record contains a field for Organization. It is a system record and is not accessible to contacts. Consider populating it with the Organization Name stored in the company record.
Carla Nagel commented
Yes, we want to use this functionality for something different. We ask bundle managers where to send our quarterly (there is only one print quarterly included per membership) - billing address or postal address.
Then we don't want to confuse bundle members (not administrators) to get the impression that they'll also receive the quarterly.
Vaughn commented
Our association use the membership fields to populate our membership application. When potential members come to our website they must fill out this application and have it approved. Once they are a member they can add company members to their bundle to receive discounts and see exclusive content. But for some reason whenever new members are added to the bundle they have to fill out the entire membership application.
There should be a function on the website that allow for certain membership fields to be included only in a member application. Or have fields that are specific to a membership application.
Dave Barnes commented
I fully agree. When using bundles for a family or parent organization type situation, collecting the same details for each member if redundant and very time consuming for the members to provide. It would be very simple feature to add by simply having a checkbox on the membership field edit options called “Include in bundle members” for fields that are used in bundle memberships. Then just restrict those fields display on the bundle member screens.
- commented
I think that I should be able to link contract/member records to a company so that contact information can be updated for all records at a given company in 1 step rather than manually updating each individual record. This could also simplify the registration process for events if a contact, perhaps an administrator, could have the ability to register for multiple people in their linked organization
SYC Webmaster commented
We are also a yacht club with the same problems. We have family memberships, and we need to be able to have different required fields for bundle members (spouse/children).
Also, event registration needs to accomodate bundle membership event registrations, so that all or some members of the bundle can be registered at the same time.
Walt Bilofsky commented
A bundle for us is a family with one address. We don't want the address to be part of the spouse/partner's information because it has to be the same for both. Address could be made a membership field, but then it can't be part of a contact too, right?
* - And Meagan asked for this too, here .
Edit: Actually at least four people in that thread asked for this.