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70 results found
Add Image Field option to Event Registration Form
I would love to see the' Insert Image Field' added to the public 'Event Form' same as it is in the the 'Membership Form Fields'. Thank you kindly
23 votesIn 6.17 version we released the new field type ‘File attachments’ for an event registration form. Attendees can upload documents and images as well.
I believe this covers requests presented in this thread.
More about 6.17 version https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1662Thank you again for your feedback and votes!
Have a good day!Katya Tyukina,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot by Personify -
Ability to select recipients for event announcements [5260]
For my nationwide webcasts, I LOVE being able to have the event announcements and reminders automatically go out on certain dates. It saves me so much time and effort. Thank you for this feature.
However, for my regional events I'm not able to use this feature since it will send the announcements and reminders to all my members, instead of just members in Boston or the Bay Area for example. Isn't there a way to set the announcements to only send to members with keywords - the way you can set keywords for events you should be able to set…
0 votesReleased in 5.3
Allow members and/or conference registrants to upload file attachments - like abstract submission
Our academic society would find it extremely useful if members -- or better yet, conference registrants -- could upload files (e.g., Word docs, PDFs). This would allow presenters at the conference to share papers prior to the conference, potentially enhancing the feedback that they would get from other conference-goers. We would really like to provide this service for our members/conference attendees.
296 votesDear supporters,
With the new release 6.18 version, we added the ability to create File attachments field for Common and Membership forms.
So now, you can collect documents/images from your members, subscribers, registrants. Members can share their documents with others via Public profile. You can upload files and download files right in contact, member or registration details.If you have any ideas, requests how we can improve this new functionality, please share it with us.
More about this and other updates in our release notes: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1665
Thank you for your support and have a good day!
Katya Tyukina,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot by Personify -
Blast email to all members upon creating an event [8073]
Guys do you think you could add a button in the events area that would allow to send an email blast "on the spot" notifying that an event has been created...(I know that people that use rss will know immediately but we have a large number of oldies using email)
This will save us substantial time since right now we have to either:
A) calculate the number of days to the event and set up a reminder for the following day, or
b) publish the event, log out obtain the link, log in again, go to the blast email area,…
7 votesIt’s possible – use “Send now” button in “Emails” section of event details
RSVP - Simplified event registration
Current behavior:
Registration requires filling out online registration form.Desired behavior:
In some cases this is an overkill and what is desired is Evite-style registration when people can simply click on the link in the event and be done with it.Notes:
1) This would only work for people already in the database
2) This would only apply to free events
3) If there are multiple registration types - assign one as default? Force people to choose online?
4) Highly desirable - negative RSVP - when people say they can not attend.306 votesHello, dear supporters!
This suggestion has accumulated many votes over years and is one of the top 3 in “Events” category. We’re happy to announce that the RSVP (we called them Simple events) is now ready for your use!
As all big features, this one contains several suggestions. Some of them are covered in this release, some are not.What released: Admin can create the Simple event that requires only RSVP from registrants – one-click registration with Yes, Maybe, or No answer.
The simple event is very simple now :) Free registrations only, doesn’t allow for guests, registration limits and sessions. Some of these options are still important for you and required, so we will continue to improve our RSVP feature.Check our help page for more details https://help.wildapricot.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=84705294
We hope you’ll like it. Please leave your feedback any time by email, by using in-product feedback form and use our Wishlist… -
Registrant to view and change his event registrations
Current features:
Once registered, a person can not change anything (i.e. cancel/edit details) about their registration, this can only be done by the administratorDesired behavior:
Registrants should have the ability to view and edit their own event registration(s)389 votesHello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that now your registrants can view and cancel registrations.
This suggestion has accumulated many votes and comments. As usual, we started with the main needs and some of your requests are not covered in this release.
What released:
- All registrants now can view all their event registrations in one place. There is new tab ’My registrations’ in the profile.
- You, as administrator, can allow them to cancel their registrations and specify cut-off date if required.
- We added new email – Event registration cancelled. This message is sent when a registration was cancelled, either by an administrator or by the registrant.
What is not covered yet:
- Managing late event cancellation (cancellation fee) – https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/8826904
- Adding guests later or changing existing ones – https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/8827063
- Changing registration details https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/32407099
Check our help page for more information about these changes and others, that we added in this…
Event-specific administrators [10260]
Current behavior:
Copies of event registration notices are currently sent to the same general contact email as all other administrator noticesDesired behavior:
Ability to specify which administrator(s) should receive copies of even registration notices
Ideally, allow setting this up separately for each event0 votesRelease in v4.4, see http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release%204.4
Multi-session events with a single registration (e.g. courses)
Current behavior:
Events can not recur automatically, each instance has to be created manually.Desired behavior:
Ability to setup automatically recurring events, for example monthly board meetingsNotes:
1) We need to figure out what kind of recurrence is required, for example:
- every XX weeks on a certain day
- monthly on certain date
- monthly on a certain weekday (e.g. 2nd Tuesday of each month)
2) probably should be able to set max number of recurrence
3) Initially we will not address the ability to register and pay for several events in the series.UPDATED: This post is…
95 votesReleased in v5.6 (Oct 2015)
See also http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/9056287-recurring-events-scenario-2-separate-registratio for details and votes
Tracking on-site registrations and actual attendance [1112]
Current behavior:
Wild Apricot assumes that mos attendees will be pre-registering online and does not provide any special functionality for on-site registrations and attendance tracking. It is still possible to handle that in the following way:
- record on-site registrations and collect payments. Record attendance. (We assume that you will do it on the piece of paper instead of directly into the system, though this is possible as well).
- enter all onsite registrations manually via admin backend using 'Add attendee' button. (You might want to add a special registration type 'Onsite' to make reconciliation easier)
- add option buttons…0 votesReleased in 5.1
Implement Event Waitlist
Events now have waitlists.
If you would like to elaborate or expand our waitlist capabilities please post a new idea.80 votesReleased in v5.7 on December 7th, 2015. See http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.7 for details. This is the first version of the function, we will be evolving it based on provided feedback.
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