Add Image Field option to Event Registration Form
I would love to see the' Insert Image Field' added to the public 'Event Form' same as it is in the the 'Membership Form Fields'. Thank you kindly

In 6.17 version we released the new field type ‘File attachments’ for an event registration form. Attendees can upload documents and images as well.
I believe this covers requests presented in this thread.
More about 6.17 version
Thank you again for your feedback and votes!
Have a good day!
Katya Tyukina,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot by Personify
Dianne Ochoa commented
Upload Logo / Image Option
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
We will post our design details about attachment fields in the corresponding thread. In this post, we will just add very same capability we already have for common fields (we support Image field type in common fields, but do not yet allow it in event registrations).
Scott Simmons commented
Sounds good but can you be more specific about what will be delivered? Will it display a thumbnail and dimensions in pixels with a delete button incase the wrong file was uploaded?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
The request in the roadmap will not cover what you mentioned - these are pretty specific requirements. To simplify collaboration, I suggest waiting until we release "new field type - attachments" feature and then continue discussion on more specific requests.
Scott Simmons commented
Thank you Evgeny. I apologize for not checking the Roadmap first - "New field type for attachments - e.g. members and/or conference registrants can upload file attachments". I also read the Roadmap related posting "Allow members and/or conference registrants to upload file attachments [3434]". I am concerned that the scope of this enhancement may fall short of our needs and I hope that you can provide a follow-up. What I did not mention in my previous post is that we also need to be able to capture several pieces of supporting information for _each_ uploaded image (.jpg). For example, we need to collect a title, size (width x height x depth), materials description (acrylic on canvas), price, framed/unframed, and so on. Since online art competitions revolve around images it is critical that the event registrant be able to visually verify that the correct image was uploaded via a thumbnail and a description showing the height and width in pixels. If the wrong image was uploaded we want the entrant to be able to delete it and re-upload the correct image. The ability to reject uploads that do not meet size requirements would be awesome as the image requirements for entering art shows are very specific. Reviewing thousands of images and contacting artists who's images do not meet the requirements is, well, not going to happen. A bad image can prevent an artist from being accepted into a show or winning an award. Once the images are accepted it's a done deal. We also need to be able to limit the number of images a registrant can upload and the type of image file such as .jpg. We are only one of many art societies on WA that have this same need. Thanks for listening.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Listening :)
We are hearing you, and we're are definitely don't think in terms of "WildApricot doesn't want to be in the business of storing all of these documents/images".
This requests is in our Wishlist, we're balancing it our with all other requests. This one is in our roadmap and even scheduled for v5.5 but under different flavour (see thread ). See our Product Roadmap
Scott Simmons commented
I agree Jeff. There are workarounds but they are very clunky and none that I have come across so far allows you to store the document/image or even a reference to the document in the WA database which would tie it to the registrant. It would go a long way If we could simply upload the file to a specified WEBDAV directory and store that reference in the WA db with the registrant. It would also be nice if were possible to specify the type of file (PDF, JPG, ...) and limit the number of files as well. I understand if WildApricot doesn't want to be in the business of storing all of these documents/images. So, why not publish a way to embed an external form such as WuFoo or JotForm in a WA event registration page and provide a way to prepopulate fields on the external form such as member ID, name, email address and so on. At least this would provide a way to link the WA registrant with the data and uploaded files collected by the external form service provider. Apricot Kernel, are you listening?
Jeff Funke commented
I cannot believe that this is not an option. You should be able to upload an image or a pdf file to an event registration. Many events involve someone or something that has to be identified. In our case we need to have a copy of a certificate of registration. Without a copy of the registration document, the event registration feature is useless because the a hard document must be mailed or emailed separately.
Jan Pini commented
I also want this ability specifically for having both members and non-members be able to upload images of their art for consideration in an upcoming exhibit. So far I've gotten three local art leagues to use WA so you guys owe me!
lassini commented
I have tried this work around but cannot seem to simply "hide" the page from the menus. My only option is to make it an admin only page but then no one can upload images.
Is there a way to link to the pop up upload window rather than the page itself?
This is pretty important. I need to have members submit fairly large images (larger than 110x110) so that they can be judged and later printed.
Any hope of getting an image field on events???
Margie Mathews commented
I believe that I have found a work around for adding images to registration forms. In our example, we needed the ability to allow the members to upload an image of their painting as part of their entry form.
Here are the steps that I took:
1) Created a new Photo Album page and hid it from the main menus.
2) Allowed members to be able to upload images to this page
3) Added a "terms" field to the event registration and linked to this new photo album. (It pops open in a new window - with all the requirements for the image in the Page Description.
4) Once this is done, they can go back and complete the registration.
We will also be having an open exhibition and for that we will create the same type of page but without limitations regarding membership.
The real beauty of this is that once the image is uploaded, only administrators will have access to the photo album to review the submissions.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
But how specifically the ability to upload an image on to event registration form would help to solve the scenario you mentioned (seating chart)? A future attendee will just see a form, where one of the field has "Browse" button allowing him to choose a picture from his computer and upload it to WA server during registration.
dalman603 commented
We would love to add this option as well! We have events where an image of a map (or seating chart) could be inserted that would be helpful. I know we can add this on the Event Information portion, but it would be nice to access it while you're actually filling out the registration form.
Nick Mohler commented
I'd like the add image field in the Events registration form as well. We're a watercolor society and accept entry forms to our exhibitions that include images. We wouldn't want to include an image field to the membership, it's not something they need to give us to join our organization. We would only need it as part of the entry form process for a specific event.
Glad to see it's being discussed.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
You can use Picture field in common or membership fields - see
shooter commented
I'd like to see this in either the Contact or Membership fields.
For example, we need to document valid membership in another organization to receive a discount for our membership. If they could upload an image file (a scan of their membership card in the other organization, for example) within their profile, it would be extremely beneficial.
PCPGjeffries commented
This option would be beneficial for both my WA accounts as a means to upload sponsor logos, and, speaker photos.
sarah.timmons commented
We would also like an image that registrants can upload. Parents register for their children for events on our website and for our school carnival, we want to print the child's picture on their carnival pass to minimize sharing of passes among the children.
sundust commented
I would like to see this also. We are an art gallery doing a lot of events where artists submit photos to us of their art. Right now we have to use a 3rd party website for file uploads ( or have them send us CDs. Both processes are manually intensive. It would be great to be able to add this to the form and host it at WA or partner with someone to do this.