Ability to select recipients for event announcements [5260]
For my nationwide webcasts, I LOVE being able to have the event announcements and reminders automatically go out on certain dates. It saves me so much time and effort. Thank you for this feature.
However, for my regional events I'm not able to use this feature since it will send the announcements and reminders to all my members, instead of just members in Boston or the Bay Area for example. Isn't there a way to set the announcements to only send to members with keywords - the way you can set keywords for events you should be able to set keywords for members or have the ability to select states and/or cities that the announcements go to. Please, please, please help me find a way to do this as I do an event in many states nearly every month and it is a huge time killer keeping up with it all.

Released in 5.3
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
This has been finally released in Version 5.3 on April 8, 2015 - see more details in 5.3 release notes http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.3 .
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
going there - see our Product Roadmap https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Product+roadmap
Woody35 commented
It seems that WA spends more time on interface design than functionality in the last few updates. Give us our e-mail by saved search and recurring events scheduling!
Eholc commented
We have several different committees that our members belong to such as our Board of Directors, Social Committee, Building Committee, etc. These various committees hold meetings and it would be great to have the system track those meetings and send announcements. But I have been told that the system send the event announcements to the entire database even in the event registration is restricted to a group. It would be great if the announcements would only go to those that are able to register.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
There is no way we can provide a commitment to specific date - things change all the time in our development schedule.
But I can confirm that this feature is being developed now and is supposed to part of our next big update. Still, things happen and it can be delayed.
texasvclub commented
This request was first submitted in 2009 and as evidenced by this topic, numerous customers need this feature. It is labor intensive and not practical to have to create "saved" searches and then manually create an email event announcement or even reminder separately from the Event Calendar module. Using the Event Calendar module we can select "All Members", "All Contacts" and "Memebrs who have previously attended events" to send out announcements and reminders but we cannot select predefined Groups or even Saved Searches.
Wild Apricot has been promising this feature will be added for several years and for whatever reason it is not a priority in the roadmap. All most of us are asking for is the ability to select "Groups" or "Saved Searches" when sending calendar event announcements so we can ensure the "correct" members receive those event emails.
I would appreciate a commitment to provide a definitive date when this enhancement will be provided. This is a feature that I am sure would be endorsed and well received by many Wild Apricot customers and programmatically I cannot see why this would difficult to implement.
Sharon Graham commented
I understand that this one is getting close to done on the roadmap.
Not sure if this should be here or in a new thread:
Can I also suggest that we should be able to schedule announcements to go after an event has started. We have events such as awards programs and surveys that run for months. It would be beneficial to schedule announcements during that period.
Hubert van Mierlo commented
Hi, I also need this feature. Furthermore I am involved in another association that needs this feature and the choice membership system depends on this feature being there.
Please roll out this feature sooner rather than later.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I understand everyone's frustration but we're doing the best we can. We consider every issue from our Roadmap equally important and going through them one by one.
jenpen commented
Yes, we would also be willing to fund this development, within reason.
It is costing us a lot in extra time and also confusion with our branches. It's taking far, far too long and WA cannot seem to explain why what appears to be a relatively simple enhancement has taken, so far, four years to implement.
texasvclub commented
The lack of having this feature is my single disappointment with using Wild Apricot for the last 1 1/2 years. We frequently add events to our calendar and have no ability to selectively send event announcement emails or event reminder emails to our members who are segmented by pre-assigned "groups" based on their location.
Using the "Saved Searches" feature is not a workable solution since the saved searches are not accessible in the Event calendar announcements and reminder send email feature. For over 3 years your customers have asking for this feature yet it is not on your "top priority" list. Will this feature ever be implemented?
I for one would be glad to contribute some money towards the development and implementation of the ability to simply "select one or more groups" or "all groups" in addition to the options of the existing selection limitations of "Select All Contacts" or "Selected Contacts" which includes additional radial buttons for selected either "members" or "attendees from past events" or "donors" or "all other contacts". I continually receive complaints from our members about them receiving event emails regarding events that do not apply to them yet I have no method of excluding members from those announcements. If I could simply select a defined "Group", the issue would be resolved for sending event calendar announcements and reminders emails.
jenpen commented
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No timeframes - everything is in our Roadmap. As I said there, we can change priorities anytime, it depends on a number of internal reasons. This feature is in roadmap (we have 800 threads in general and just ~90 of them are in Roadmap) and we will be working on it as soon as we can.
jenpen commented
Looked at the roadmap (again) and AFAICS it has no date or any indication that you're working on it. Just read through this thread again and you've been promising this feature since 2010.
Seeing saved searches exist in the Emails module, how hard can it be to add them to the Events module? OK, so I'm not a programmer, but...
Can you at least give us a timeframe for this much-needed feature?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
See http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827717-roadmap-2015-plans-releases-expected-dates - it references our 2014 roadmap.
jenpen commented
Evgeny - when???
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Joined your comment to existing thread - we're going to add ability to use saved searches in event announcements. This way you can set it up any way you want.
Christine Koenig commented
We are planning a press conference. i would like to invite the media contacts form our contact list only. The event announcement emails doesn't offer the option to send email to saved searches, as does the regular email function.
I could work around this if I could create a sub group in my contacts "media", but haven't figured out how to do that.
Any ideas anyone???
Michelle Myhre commented
Hi there!
It would be wonderful to be able to send event announcements to a segment of the contact list.
jenpen commented
A search function the same as in the Contacts module would be better. We would like to send emails to subsets of the membership based on all kinds of determinants, eg state, rather than just group membership.