Photo Album summary widget / multiple albums on a single page
I'd like to be able to display multiple albums on a single page a la gallery style. The user can then click on the album cover to open the album.

In 7.16 version we added a new Photo albums summary gadget, which allows you to show the gallery of selected photo albums.
More about version 7.16
MickCreates commented
Has anyone at Wild Apricot actually tested the new Photo Gallery widget?
To display multiple photo albums in the Photo Gallery gadget those albums need to exist on a page somewhere already. When you do link those albums the Photo Gallery gadget just dumps all those images in one giant gallery. There's no sub-galleries or gallery breakdown. It is useless for the end user.
When you link a root image file folder the gadget simply states "No pictures to show" despite containing many subfolders of images. In 2020 you'd think the basic workflow would be for the gadget to at least list the subfolder-galleries so we don't need to manually create new pages for each gallery.
I've attached an image which shows an example of a gallery directory with folders & subfolders. Is there a way we can display this in a logical way for the end user without having to resort to creating each individual page for each photo gallery? Because currently the Photo Album gadget does not do this at all.
Erica Peterson commented
I think the new 'photo gallery' gadget does a better job of displaying photo albums than the old 'photo album' gadget -- but it doesn't implement what I think this request is getting at. It would be great to have a "gallery of galleries" so to speak. An index page with a thumbnail for each gallery, and then when you click on the thumbnail you get taken to that gallery's page.
I'm attaching an image of how NextGen (the Wordpress plugin) does this -- they call it an album, and it displays a thumbnail for each gallery within the album.
Simona commented
Really needed. Is it going to be available?
Kat commented
I need to add images from each previous event to their respective download section. The board wants them all on one page, but the image gadget is only usable once per page.
Being able to add this, or an album cover, would be a great help.
Roger Brooks commented
As a workaround, we have a gallery page containing a secondary menu gadget to list all sub-pages. Then we add a new page with its own album widget for each new photo album. This seems like unnecessary work. A bit more automation here would be a help!
grafikat commented
This seems to be very well received, yet no word on if it would be implemented.
We like to keep our conference list on a single page, with the event photos next to the conference. The steering committee did not like my suggestion of one page per conference.
I have attached an example. It is a long page, but I could see where it would be beneficial in other applications as well.
K Taylor commented
Does anyone know if this feature was ever added? My nonprofit now uses Wild Apricot and I don't see that this is possible - and it's hugely frustrating. We need to group our photos by events, with separate photo galleries for each event.
abadmin commented
Very much needed feature ! if we can not group photos then the whole gallery feature itself doesn't seems to be usable.
Kim Skimmons commented
Some of my clients like to group photos by the event from which they were taken. E.g., "May luncheon", "2015 conference", "Spring Gala", etc. They want to have a page where each collection of photos (i.e., each event's photos) is listed and the members can just click on the collection to view the individual photos in that collection. I think the only way to accomplish this now is to create a separate web page for each gallery and then manually update the main "gallery summary" page with a link to the collections. The link would be a standard text link or a button link, nothing special as you commonly see in a photo sharing app that displays a gallery "cover photo" or similar.
Most significantly, the summary page needs to be manually updated (someone needs to remember to do that) each time a new gallery is added which leads to things getting out of sync -- galleries added but summary page not updated, then people can't figure out how to add new galleries. It's not very intuitive for novice web editors.
I can make use of navigation gadgets to automatically update with child pages which represent the galleries, but it's a bit of a kluge.
Does that make sense? Thank you!
- Kim
Kim, thanks for sharing. Can you please give me some examples on why this is would be useful? This will help with analysis and design.
Kim Skimmons commented
To clarify, a "gallery" as I referred to it above = a collection of albums.