Random sort order on member directory [5310]
Member directory pages apply a default sort order to the members listed on them. We are currently working on a way to proves ascending and descending sort orders to the lists
Some have asked for a random order applied to members each time the directory is loaded. This would be so that no one person or entity (like a service provider or an advertiser) would be listed at the top or bottom of the page all the time.
We have had a few requests for this. We'd like to get your feedback on it: How many of you would use the feature and what would you use it for. Are there any of you that might find this option cumbersome or confusing?

Released in 5.1
Frank commented
That's correct. You host the script on a separate site and then get your data by calling the unofficial api data feed.
brisnicki commented
Hi Frank
RE: the unoffical API - to use it, I would have to run the script on an exterally hosted site, is that right?
That is, it's not possible to tap into the API via my WA site, is it?
So, I'd have to use an iframe to bring it into site - or copy my template to the script and render it from there...?
brisnicki commented
Oh, this is in the wishlist: http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308920-archive/suggestions/8834734-random-sort-order-on-member-directory-5310
Hope it gets added soon!
Frank commented
No this is not currently possible. Unless use the 'unofficial member directory api' to recreate the member directory (not a small task).
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
"Random sort order on member directory" - Published in version 5.1 on 31st of July.
See 5.1 release description http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.1 affected by 5.1 release.
Myron Walters commented
We are definitely in favor of having the capability to randomize the directory search results -- our members had this before we moved to Wild Apricot and they want it now to insure equality between members. We use this directory to let potential clients choose a therapist (our members), so this monetarily can have an impact on our individual members.
Stephanie Shaw commented
I have a client that is looking to use this option for their 450+ membership national database that the public searches.
Same story - they are looking to have the option to randomize the results to make it fair to those that are shown.
Easy SQL statement, right? ;-) (lol! yes, I do understand it is more complex than that!)
As far as cumbersome or confusing, a simple checkbox for internal use of "randomize search results" doesn't seem complex or confusing.
Would it be possible to get an update on how close this is to reality?
Thomas Wolff commented
We currently sort by a criterion related to membership type. We would very much like to be able to sort randomly as a secondary option after the primary sort by type. That would be great.
karais commented
We would DEFINITELY use this feature. I use the member directory for our advertisers and keeping it in alphabetical order seems like we're playing favourites for those who might always be on the first page in the other sorts. So, count us in and let us know when/if it happens.
Considering the most recent previous conversation about this feature was in 2010 . . . how much close has this gotten on the radar?
Dmitry Buterin commented
It's definitely on our radar though still some time away.
trk_koa commented
We switched from a home-grown web site to Wild Apricot a couple months ago. The only complaint we have received is the lack of randomized results that our old site could do. We want to support our members equally but have noticed that first-page members get a majority of the click-throughs.
Is the ability to randomize the list on the radar?
brisnicki commented
I would love this feature too!
I hope it will be added soon
summerslacey commented
YES! Our association members would find a random sort display an immense value. I hope that you will add this option/feature. I also wish that I could select the number of members displayed on the first page, rather than only the first 50 members. Thank you! Yamhill County Association of Realtors®
iant commented
Yes a random order to the member directory would be good. Some other ways of selecting who's at the top would also be useful, e.g. by selecting a different letter of the alphabet to start at.
It would also be good to have the number displayed at a time selectable rather than 1-50 all the time.
The idea of "forcing" one particular member or attribute to the top of the list would also be good
worthing and adur chamber of commerce -
Meagan commented
Great Idea! Our members would love this so much!
One thing we would like is to have the ability to choose ONE field that could rise to the top then the others be random.
For example:
We have sponsors and members.
We always want our sponsors to rise to the top of the directory. Currently we do this by assigning an admin field titled Sponsor level... they are assigned A B or C depending on the level of sponsorship. A is of course our bigger donors and get top billing.
Then we list our members. (currently alphabetically- not great for Z Architecture!) We would like to retain the ability to have a field for our sponsors that is the first sorting criteria, then to have it random after that...
I hope this is do-able....
Thanks for asking!
Home_Performance_WA commented
Hello all,
I'm interested in finding a way to randomize the order in which our members are listed in the directory feature.
Home Performance Washington is a trade association and our members put a lot of stock in being higher up on the directory. To be fair to them all, I'd like to have the member directory's order randomized (daily, if possible).
The Wild Apricot support team confirmed that this feature is not currently offered. Can someone suggest a CSS work-around?
Tiernan Martin
Home Performance Washington
brisnicki commented
Is it possible to randomize the results of a member directory search?
There are a large number of members in our directory and they don't want them listed alphabetical to get as those starting with early alpha listing would get a higher ranking. So they'd like to know if the results could be randomly shuffled or something?
If not server side, I may need to work out how to do it client side...