Email Template Upgrades
Please help
I provide links to news items in our newsletter but it only connects to the news page where there are many news items and not the direct page that I am copying and pasting into the newsletter.
After inserting a picture one can't click settings and adjust it until the template has been saved and then gone into for re-editing.
Need a simpler drag from corner way to adjust an image.
Need better template options for a newsletter. Easier way to drop a logo at the top of these templates compared to typing in text for a company name.
Need a way to divide sections and change background colors.
Fonts easily revert while making corrections and then need to be reformatted. Other programs seem to have an easier way to jump into a template and make fool proof changes. I don't feel like any of our other board members would have the patience to deal with the templates as they exist currently. Upgrades would be greatly appreciated.
Love the tracking information that comes with a newsletter just needs to be easier to add to and customize.
We have updated our templates and newsletter composing functionality in release 5.7. See for more details.
Currently we automatically clean formatting when pasting, otherwise the email will not look properly on receiving end. But you can undo formatting cleaning after pasting.
I'm very unsure we can do anything here.
Kathryn Brown commented
We find the newsletter templates very difficult to use. Adding an item in the middle of the newsletter is very difficult. We send very long newsletters with our month's listing of activities so, often we need to add things mid-newsletter. What template are you using for your Wild Apricot newsletters - it seems much more flexible than the ones we've tried within the system.
Phil Anderson commented
I have to agree, the formatting in email templates and newsletter templates is very clunky. It takes our newsletter person the whole day sometimes to format and reformat things after fronts revert back, sizes and columns change and the tables in tables style can make formatting consistently a nightmare.
Also not being able to set a "default" font/size on the editor makes copy/pasting quite frustrating and half the time it wants to default to a font we don't use.