Exporting of "last login field"
The "last login field" currently does not export. Many of the benefits were offer are by on-line access our resource pages. It would be great to be able to have the data of who is signing into their membership page.
One use would be to do a saved search to send messages to members to remind them of the benefits they have.

Released in update 5.8.3 – https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Update+5.8.3
Steve Mill commented
The ability to see which users have accessed the system would allow us ot contact those who have not and offer assistance and training on the WA application as many of our users are not computer literature or web active
lhorvat2 commented
I would like an additional field - Date logged in (or similar.) A field that would store every log in date; maybe 6 month's worth. I want to run reports for a specific date to know who logged in THAT date. Very useful to me (and I think others) to track when an event or announcement attracts attention so that many log in to read about it.
Rob commented
I was actually a little surprised that this field could not be exported even though it shows up in our Saved Search for logins this year.
Having this information available for the club executive would help give them a metric of membership participation.