Stripe Credit Card Processor integration
It would be great if WA could integrate with either Forte, Stripe or Rerun. These are all highly secure credit card processors that can handle reoccurring charges and don't have any monthly minimum or monthly fees.

Released in v5.5 – see
Anonymous commented
+1 for Stripe. It is the only thing holding us back from moving to the WA platform. All of our members are on recurring payments in Stripe's system.
Aaron - can you please click on "Vote" button instead of +1 comment? We do NOT count comments anymore, we consider overall votes number.
Aaron commented
+1 for a new customer. July would be fantastic.
DeeAnn commented
Another +1
How great if you could keep to your July roadmap :)
debrasantens commented
Stripe is a definite +1 for us!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Correct, thanks for following the roadmap updates :)
Still, keep in mind that expected dates can be changed any time, without any prior notifications.
Franklin Ricarte commented
The roadmap shows Stripe being implemented as a payment gateway sometime in July 2015 for v.5.5?
Woo-hoo! Definitely +1 from us!
dfs commented
FunNiteArt commented
+1 for Stripe!
Mary Adams commented
We have multiple chapters with separate bank accounts. We have an external payment system set up now. Will the Stripe integration include their Marketplace functionality? That would enable us to bring payments into WA.
grndrm commented
Yes for Stripe. ASAP. It is so easy to integrate it should not take much time to make it an option. Come on guys!!
alangh commented
Our Club would VERY much like to see Stripe integration.
fish commented
Yes to stripe
Hamish McCallum commented
Yes, Stripe would be a very good option to have: simple, clear, automatic cash transfers and repeat payments. Soon, please.
Eliot commented
I agree, but I'm stuck. I can't find anything else out there that fits our needs.
Can we help fund Stripe integration? I need to move our organization off CiviCRM ASAP, but can't until Stripe integration is available.
Hans commented
You guys need to add stripe tomorrow. Now. Yesterday. ASAP.
I'll be honest, I just assumed you guys had Stripe integration when I signed up. I'm a little pissed off that you don't. I would rather be tortured at Guantanamo Bay than use I realize you are both from Canada, but is the devil and we hate it here in USA. WA needs Stripe or I'm gonna take my biz elsewhere please.
jasonj commented
there's a new kid on the block: amazingly it's by MasterCard - it's every bit as great and simple as stripe but in a bid to build market share the first 10,000 in payments are FEE FREE!!!
wa is the bomb but you guys really need to get with the times on payment processing. The Mac Dadfy is stripe, MasterCard recognizes this and made simplify and is gonna clean house.
PayPal is so Web 1.0 - different old and unslick. is the granddaddy but is very expensive depending on volume. stripe and simplify is where it's at!!!
Eliot commented
+1 for Stripe.
Wild Apricot as at the top of our list based on recommendations from a few other similar organizations, but I'm not interested in using any payment processor besides Stripe. I can justify adding a monthly fee for Wild Apricot to our budget, but not an additional monthly fee just for a payment processor. We also use Stripe for other business systems and I prefer we keep it together in one payment processor.
Integrating Stripe, btw, is much, much easier than or PayPal.
Geekster commented
+1 For Stripe
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Hi Kate! Can you please +1 for Square at its own thread - ?
This will help us with our Roadmap management - see more about our strategy here