Provide event name and membership level details in invoices
Currently, there is no way to report on financial transaction details in WA. I need a way to report by transaction - which event, what membership level, etc in Excel. Currently, the only way to determine this is to export a QuickBooks file and either open in Excel or import into QuickBooks. PLEASE add more financial reporting that gives details of each transaction (opposed to just saying Event Registration or Membership). This is crucial for bookkeeping because we track each transaction by type.

We have updated contents of financial exports in 5.12. release (
– Added more contact details
– Invoice origin details, e.g. Event name & Registration type for events and Level name for membership invoices
– Payment date to invoices
Some other minor changes.
Jon Carlson commented
Yes, just posted something similar that I need different items selected at membership renewal/signup to be broken out too instead of all categorized as "Income:Membership". I need the breakdown of what other things were chosen.
rhc999 commented
We've got exactly the same need as others which boils down to getting detailed information about each transaction. We are using the export to QuickBooks functionality to create excel files which we then manipulate to create some of the reports that we need for our financials However we are hampered by the details provided in those export files. As near as we can tell there is no way to tie a payment record to the invoice that is being paid. Jim's posting seems to indicate that one can customize the QuickBooks export to include any field but we can't figure out how to make that happen. Would it be possible to post a screen shot on how the export can be customized to include say the invoice number and event name in the payment record?
As a wish list item for a future release if there was an way to export the full transaction details then it would be possible to solve these sort of problems for your customers. It is 100% guaranteed that no matter how excellent the WA reports are, and the summarizes are very well done, there will always be unmet needs.
Fluid Apricot commented
Note you do not actually need Quickbooks to view the exported IIF Quickbooks file. This file can be opened in Excel, so you can customize your Quickbooks report to include all the transaction details you want (Level, Event name etc) and then open that IIF file in Excel.
Briony commented
I agree completely with users in this thread that the event name and membership type at a minimum would be extremely beneficial for reporting purposes. Our organisation doesn't use Quickbooks and so I do journal entries to record summary income from Wild Apricot (Wild Apricot now is our Accounts Receivable module).
I use the Invoices summary report which summarises Income by Event Name and Membesrship type which is great. Perhaps FTA you could try this?
The ability to 'drill-down' to transaction level details from these summary amounts would however be fantastic to investigate reconcilation issues or to easily access detailed invoice info.
FTA commented
We need it for our financials. We have to report on who attended (name and company), what event or what membership level, the fee, if paid or unpaid and when they paid. Your invoice report provides most of that information, with the exception of the "Origin." I see you have the macros available for QBooks import - Membership Level Name and Event Name. Can you please add this to the invoice report?
I am an Association Manager and I have several associations I support and all other membership software's I've used have a General Ledger report. I've recently moved 3 clients to Wild Apricot and discovering I cannot get the information we need for the accounting. I spent 5 hours today just trying to figure out how to get all this information to provide to the bookkeeper. Please note that not everyone uses QuickBooks and there have been several posts in this Wish List from people requesting the same thing. There is a financial component to this industry that requires this information and Wild Apricot is not currently meeting that need.
Thank you for the consideration.
Dmitry Buterin commented
OK, got it - can you elaborate how this information would be used?
FTA commented
I am not sure you are completely understanding the issue. Again, the issue is that the invoice report (or any report) does not show the details of the transaction. It isn't an issue of whether it has been paid. That is shown on the report already. The report does not show the specific event or specific membership.
Right now, the invoice report only shows the column heading as "Origin." Then it says either "Event Registration" or "Membership." Most accounting people need to know WHAT event or WHAT Membership they are paying for. Example: Is it ABC Event they are paying for or is it 123 Event? Are they paying for a Silver Membership or are they Paying for a Bronze level Membership?
I do not know how else to explain this. I feel like we are going in circles here.
FTA commented
It is the report you suggested - Invoices exported to Excel:
Finance: Invoices: Export to Excel
It does not show the event or membership details of each invoice. It only shows Origin as Event Registration or Membership.
If I use the Export to Quickbooks report and open in Excel, it doesn't show me the Company of the person. I tried adding a Macro to the Name field to include the Company but it get's cut off because of field size limitations, apparently. Also, this report requires significant editing in order to have it in a readable format.
In any accounting system, you generally need:
1. Date of Transaction
2. Is it paid or unpaid?
2. Name of Person
2. Company
3. What are they paying for? Which event or what membership level
4. Amount
I have not found any reports in Wild Apricot that can provide all these needs. The invoice report provides all of the above EXCEPT the specific transaction (what event or what membership level). Therefore, we have to manually extract the information, which takes hours.
Dmitry Buterin commented
For income you can use the invoice list, including the amount.
The amount paid - you mean whether a particular invoice has been fully or partially paid?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you confirm - which report in Wild Apricot this screenshot corresponds to?
FTA commented
YES. This is the report that I am referring to that does not provide the specific details on the type of event or membership. It just says "Origin: Event Registration or Membership, etc."
Please see the attached with the highlighted column that I am referring to. I need it to tell me WHAT event or WHAT membership level (i.e ABC Event or Silver Membership Level, etc.). If I don't know this on the report, how can I effectively track it in my accounting system?
Dianne Ochoa commented
To add to this, there is no report that I have found that provides the person, company, type of income (specific event or membership level) and amount paid. Our accounting records require all this information and it is very difficult to extract this information from Wild Apricot.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Have you considered in this case using an export of all invoices instead?
FTA commented
The income report does show a summary of each transaction type but you cannot zoom in to see the actual transactions that make up the numbers. I need a report that shows the details behind each transaction. Our accounting is done outside of Wild Apricot and we need to record each transaction by person and income activity (what type of membership and what event). Even if I export an income report by person, it only says the Origin is from membership or event registration - it does not show me level of membership or what event.
FTA commented
Yes. When you export the invoice report to Excel, it just shows the "Origin" as either "Membership" or "Event Registration." I need to know what membership level and what event the invoice is for. Currently the only way to get that information is through the Export to Quickbooks function and opening in Excel. Problem with this report is that it gives all the accounting transactions and requires a lot of formatting to get a simple report.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you please provide a more detailed example?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Existing income report in Wild Apricot already provides a breakdown by event and membership level.
Can you expand on why you need a different detailed report?
FTA commented
I agree. I really need a detailed report that shows the transaction type - i.e. which event, what membership level. Our accounting needs to be broken down by specific type of income and currently there is no way to get that from WA.