Accept onsite credit card payments - e.g. using Square Up
We hold an annual conference and accept onsite registrations. Currently, we are able to register attendees onsite in Wild Apricot and then we email them an invoice so they may use a credit card to pay online. We use PayPal for our online payments. We are wondering if we would be able to link our payment system to one of these little “square up” card readers that you use with an iPhone so we can just swipe cards rather than ask people to complete an additional step by paying online.

Square integration implemented in mobile app for administrators. You can find detailed description here:
PayPal Here integration was moved to separate topic. If you prefer PayPal Here integration, please vote for it here:
Benjie Hanson commented
I would love to see Square integration in the Website portion, thus allowing both the current mobile function and allowing for membership joins and renewals thru the website. Currently If I wanted to move to square, a good functionality add BTW, I would still need to have my old processor for all website transactions. Square and other like it are far more competitive than the standard processors in my experience.
> Any update on the PayPal Here beta?
Not so much so far. Work in progress. Current expectation - release in December. -
Peter Punzi commented
Any update on the PayPal Here beta?
Bill & Lori Firstenberger commented
Please add Square to your CC processor list for member payment methods
Jim Taylor commented
I have two non-profit organizations set up with WildApricot. and While we love WildApricot... PayPal has been a dreadful experience. We have had donated funds tied up repeatedly for months at a time. The issue of changing the "named account holder" within PayPal does not lend it self to the employee/volunteer turnover in non profits. A flaw that hopefully Square will be more responsive to.
Jamil commented
Our organization can not wait until this functionality is ready. Thank you for providing what your users really need.
webmaster commented
any update?
We won’t take any additional fees, so it must be standard Square charge – 2.75% for swiped and 3.5% + 15 cents for manual entry.
More info you can find here: -
A Gundy - BV-ATD commented
Do have any idea what the Square service charge will be once linked to Wild Apricot?
Yes, we will notify all supporters at least.
webmaster commented
Will you be sending out communication when the Square UP integration is released?
Michael Foster commented
We use Square Up POS for our daily transactions in addition to our online store. We accept memberships via the website, US Mail and in person. The mail and in person membership sales are entered into our Square POS system. We tried using the integrated PayPal system with terrible results (numerous duplicate charges, difficulty tracking, etc). This also excluded those payments from our monthly Square income reports. Our new members (at least those who didn't get multiple charges) liked the ability to be apply/pay all at once, but it created more problems on the back end than it was worth. We also sell merchandise via our website, and currently use the square store option for doing this. For us, it didn't make sense to have 99% of our transactions via Square and 1% via PayPal (membership is a very small part of our annual transactions)
I know there was another thread requesting Square for use with the WA app, and the complexities of making that happen. It would seem by the responses to that request that there are several organizations that are using WA are also using Square for some of the same reasons I've listed. A good place to start would be to allow Square to interface with WA on the website level, then work on integrating a APP interface if there is enough interest.
The lower fees charged by Square are also a consideration when deciding to not use PayPal (and several other CC processors).
As a small organization with a very limited support staff, having all financial transactions in one easily retrievable location makes the most sense.
I would think that offering Square in addition to some of the larger CC processors currently offered would make WA much more inviting to smaller organizations looking for an all-in-one membership management database. -
Jeff Crocker commented
We are a community organization and are enabling on-line payments for membership and donations. However, it would be ideal if we could, during door-to-door campaigns, events and targeted recruiting activities, SECURELY an easily take payments with an mPOS terminal. That would involve integrating a reader such as Square or DreamPayments ( - which has a chip card reader) into the WA mobile app. Would be a big boost to our recruiting efforts.
Anonymous commented
Need an option for a real store. Enable Square.
Teresa McGinnis commented
Allow Square Register Online Payments.
Michelle commented
We don't care if its square or Paypal (if we could use the paypal card reader), we just need a way to quickly process payments and capture information if needed. Way too time consuming to process a paypal payment at the door. This is probably 60% of the reason we have WA, we thought we'd be able to do this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find a solution. It may be as simple as integrating with the paypal app that accepts the card reader. Thanks for your consideration.
Webmaster commented
I administer two different websites that use Wild Apricot and BOTH would love to have Square as a payment option! It would significantly reduce the amount of processing and data entry.
Right now, when a member attends an event and we have to collect payment, we add the member to the event and then click "Credit Card" and then have to MANUALLY enter all the info (name, credit card, address, phone number, etc.) and about half the time, the payment won't go through because the COUNTRY registers as "N/A" even though we have carefully selected United States. This is a HUGE pain - especially when one member is paying for multiple attendee/members and we have to run the card multiple times.
We have gotten lots of complaints from members over this so please tell me that this is something we will see soon! Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to have " headquaters " create the price allocate it to a registed user "worker" that has the app and that user can let the customer swipe the card. so basically the worker doesnt have to calculate or worry about it, someone at headquaters calculates the job total sends it to the workers app, then the custer simply swipes the card reader and pays.
jeslich commented
Yes, please add square up to the list of merchant options.
Matt Gordon commented
I would concur with the comments here that I would like to see Square added to the list of supported payment systems. We have been using PayPal and have had repeated issues. I know that some other systems/companies are supported (Stripe, for example) but I am routinely hearing very positive comments about Square. Thanks!