Email Signature
I would like to have a set up in the email section that I could add my signature to the emails that I send, much like Outlook has a signature that you can set. There are two of us that send emails in WA and it would be helpful to have a signature for each of us. Right now I am having to type my name and contact info on each email.
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Jim Sewell commented
We have templates that are used by different admins. For example, we have 5 different event coordinators. I would have to create the same set of templates for each event coordinator.
Phil Anderson commented
Couldn't you just update your email template used for emails blasts with your signature on it?
Jim Sewell commented
It may seem like a minor thing, but it would be nice if administrators had the ability to create a simple text email signature. I am so used to having a signature on all my other emails that is seems strange to have to type my name, title, etc. each time I send a blast thru WA.
Jen commented
The problem with setting up a template for the signature, is that I email a lot of event invoices through Wild Apricot. It would be very useful to have an email signature option.
Kerrie-Anne commented
You could set up an email template that contains a signature, then use that template when sending an email..... that's what I do :-)
Robin Sapiro commented
Ideally you can include in the email some text that will have macro data for the user sending the email.
Something like
Regards, {Sender_First_Name} {Sender_Last_Name}
Where the Sender_... fields are any fields in the Contact DB records related to the sender of the email
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
What kind of emails? Are these person specific emails or group blasts? Email reminders? Something else? Can you please give some real examples?
VCOMA commented
Agreed, it's kinda crazy it doesn't include such a basic feature.