Mandatory payment for event registration: complete a registration only when a payment is received
I have two sites that I have just created and thought before hand (Prior to last update) that I tried the registration process. I recall being able to turn off manual or offline payments which in turn would only complete event registrations only if an online payment was received.
Now that I have built these two sites and see that "invoices" are being created and people are regsitering without paying online, it is creating a major problem and adding a tremendous burden on our businesses in multiple ways.
A bunch of our events have limited registration so when people register without paying, It is closing our events to participants that have no financial committement yet to us, which causes issues trying to receive those payments before the scheduled events.
Most of our event participants are not members of our site, and one of our sites we have even used css customization to completely take out the username/password box so when people register for events and don't pay they don't have anyway to do so in the future except the one email they get afterwards showing they have an invoice.
A lot of our events are online so we don't physically see the participant. This goes along with the first point in trying to collect payments prior to the event starting and the pain that goes along in trying to collect registration fees from a registered guest.
I don't understand how this is not a larger issue with other sites. For example:
Dinner Events - Multiple guests can register for the event that didn't pay, not show up and the business is out money.
Bracketed Events - We are running a sports tournament that have a max of 16 competitors in each division. The winner of the division gets a paid trip to the world championships. If competitors register and don't pay and don't show up, we are out of the money and have to pay out of pocket for the competitor in that division to go to the world championships.
Online Events - I started a fantasy sports site where each event consists of 10 teams that have a specific online draft date. The winners get the prize money. If a team registers but doesn't pay, then we have to pay winners out of pocket.
I understand invoices are created and we can send them ourselves and spend time trying to collect payments afterwards. However this is very time consuming and risky. If there is a way to limit registrations to only participants that already paid online then I would be extremely grateful if someone would be able to explain it to me. If not, is there anything in the works to fix this issue.
Through creating the site I have used WA support and it has been very helpful...except when I called about this specific issue which the lady was pretty rude. I just want to say thanks for the help so far and I apologize for how large this post got. I just need to find a solution for this issue prior to moving forward with the businesses I am working for/with.

Published in version 6.14 with the ability to enable/disable automatic cancellation.
More about changes and version 6.14 in our release notes –
Paul, we're working on it.
Paul Dortkamp commented
I am an admin of a car club and we have social events where about 10% of people register without paying. We then book and pay for places at a restaurant and then get no shows, so we loose on the social event. I know we could chase people up but we are volunteers and it is difficult to ring people up and argue with them to pay or we will cancel their reservation. it would be good to have time out on registration without payment. We do not accept payment on the day only PayPal with registration.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Just getting our club online and realized that we need this. Glad it's scheduled.
How about letting the admin set the time limit, instead of hardwiring 15 minutes? Someone goes through the registration process, then realizes he needs to check with his spouse. Maybe we want to let him hold the place for an hour, or a day.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
no, no way to prevent it yet.
we're working on functionality of
natashaalex commented
Really excited to find Wild Apricot, went through the whole procedure of setting up my event and pricing etc. Then I test ran the process and found that clients can register for my event without paying. At the same time, the number of tickets reduces showing future customers an incorrect number of tickets left.
This simply doesn't work for me, sorely disappointed and really hope this can be changed soon as I think WA is a really good system and would love to use it.
At the very least, it would help that the ticket number doesn't reduce until they've paid, so at least the customer is aware their place may be bought by someone else until they pay.
natashaalex commented
Thanks for your post - I was excited to sign up to Wild Apricot thinking it was going to be the answer to my registration problem - but as people can claim a space within my event without paying, and I have limited seats, it just doesn't work for me. Until this feature is added, I don't think using Wild Apricot is going to be feasible.
We have finished analysis of this problem and you can review planned changes in the presentation below.
Briefly speaking, we plan to introduce payment methods options individually for each event and membership level. So any event limited to online-only payments will require registrant to pay at once to confirm registration
Now issue is in development queue and you can always check current status in our roadmap . Feel free to add your comments and suggestions to the forum thread.
Related wishlist threads:
Reduce number of emails and optimize per-payment method Ability to set different payment options for different events and membership
lormor commented
So an unpaid registration would not be considered confirmed (and not counted toward the official number of registrants) until payment is received -- it is pending, subject to cancellation, until paid.
Yes, this would be perfect and very helpful, indeed, but I would ask for it to be an option, not a requirement for all events.
I love that WA keeps track of partially completed registrations.That is also very helpful and I wouldn't want to lose that. But it would be very helpful if they didn't count toward the official number of registrants until payment was received, either online or offline (by check), or until an admin marked it complete but unpaid or partially paid. We would like to have that option because sometimes we have members on payment plans, and it wouldn't always work for us to require an invoice for an event to be paid in full before the member would be considered registered. So there would need to be a way for admins to mark a registration complete, and have it count toward the registration numbers, with our without full payment having been made.
Scene13 commented
This is an issue for us, as well.
We are a theatre organization that uses the event registration functionality to accept registrations for writing classes, most of which have registration limits of about 10 students. Consequently, if even one person registers without paying, that registration takes up 10% of the available slots.
Yes, we can monitor it manually, but it's a hassle to do so because we offer up to 10-15 separate classes each quarter.
We strongly support an option that would prevent the registration from being counted against the registration limit until it was paid in full.
Kerrie-Anne commented
This is one of my biggest bug-bears as well - as a solo effort, I'd really prefer not to have to chase people up for payment to confirm if they are coming or not when, in most cases, they just changed their minds when it got to actually having to make a payment.
Trouble is, when these people are not members, they also take up space in your contacts list and yes, they can be archived, but that's another process that takes up yet more time
grahamgardiner commented
I think this feature is urgently necessary for us.
We have a number of people who book tickets and not pay. Then don't turn up.
This means we are not selling as much as we could be and turning down paying people.
Can this change.
Kim Skimmons commented
Unless I'm misreading what you wrote, this thread is about having the option to not count someone as registered until payment is received in full. The reason is that event registrations are getting filled up with unpaid people who then often don't show up.
The other thread ( ) is about being able to specify whether you accept online or manual payments or both for individual events, which may be different from the types of payments you accept for memberships or even for other events. The reason for this seems to be that sometimes people want to do only online payments for certain events whereas they are willing to accept online and manual payments for things like memberships or less time-critical events.
Maybe I misunderstood you...
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Can you please tell me what is the biggest difference from your point of view? I agree that I might miss something.
Kim Skimmons commented
I don't think these are the same issue, Evgeny. I see two different issues here.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I merged to posts together - they are about the same.
I think this one has to be dealt together with another one -
Kim Skimmons commented
[quote user="Apricot Kernel"]Basically as far as I understand your key point is that you do not want to be bothered by all unpaid event registrations, and they should not take event limit.[/quote]
Correct! I posted this reply to another, more recent, thread ( ) before I found this one on the Wishlist, so re-posting here. Sorry for duplication:
If you have a limit on number of registrations for an event, the limit could be reached, and registration closed, because of unpaid registrants. Correct? If so, definitely not desirable.
Ideally, we should have the option (i.e., a check box) to only count paid registrations toward the registration limit. People who pay get first crack. Those who register but don't pay risk losing their registration if the event fills up with paid registrants before they get around to remembering to pay. Sure would save event planners a lot of chasing people down for money, and it would certainly encourage only serious people to sign up in the first place.
So an unpaid registration would not be considered confirmed (and not counted toward the official number of registrants) until payment is received -- it is pending, subject to cancellation, until paid. Kim
Kim Skimmons commented
[quote user="Chief_Apricot"]Have you considered only counting paid registrations for the event space reservation purposes? You can easily filter event attendees to that. [/quote]
But if you have a limit on number of registrations for an event, the limit could be reached, and registration closed, because of unpaid registrants. Correct? If so, definitely not desirable.
Ideally, we should have the option (i.e., a check box) to only count paid registrations toward the registration limit. People who pay get first crack. Those who register but don't pay risk losing their registration if the event fills up with paid registrants before they get around to remembering to pay. Sure would save event planners a lot of chasing people down for money, and it would certainly encourage only serious people to sign up in the first place.
So an unpaid registration would not be considered confirmed (and not counted toward the official number of registrants) until payment is received -- it is pending, subject to cancellation, until paid.
Clive Garaway commented
While I can understand that it may suit your particular situation, not every club/member pays by credit card, and forcing them to do that is not practicable. Our event manager simply emails the unpaid registered attendees, gives them say 3 days to pay or cancels the registration. We would rather do that than reimburse members that have paid and want to cancel. If you had hundreds I see that is a big issue, but in our club situation the system works perfectly well. We would also rather have 100 turn up, than have 70 turn up , (with 30 no shows, even if they had paid), because other members would then missout.
kind regards Clive.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Ian - I would appreciate suggestions on how this can be improved. On the one hand, people can always abandon the purchasing process at any time - on the other hand we need to keep track of people who started the process but didn't complete it yet (e.g. maybe the card failed and they need to get another one). Have you considered only counting paid registrations for the event space reservation purposes? You can easily filter event attendees to that.
ianmclaughlin commented
We are tired of keeping track of unpaid registrations. Why doesn't your system force people to pay to register??? If we can set a price for registration, then why aren't people forced to stick to it? Joe or Jan can just log in and reserve tons of different event spots unpaid, then when it comes down to event time and they don't show, we lose out, and it makes me look bad because of your poor event registration design. Until you resolve this issue your registration pricing and payment system is a joke.