Universal Email Footer
Need more info in footer when sending email blasts. CAN-SPAM requires a valid physical address.
Good -- Allow editing of the default footer that is added to all email blasts.
Better -- Allow editing, and saving, of multiple footers that can be chosen from, and added, by name, to each email blast as it is created and sent.
Best -- Allow editing of a default footer that is saved with all saved searches. Then, when a saved search is used to send an email blast, the footer saved and sent with it can be edited, and re-saved.
Judy Pfeiffer commented
Maybe the company or association mailing address could be a macro.
To globally change the company/association address on all email footers would be VERY helpful. -
Danielle commented
Being able to insert a footer with social media icons would be so useful!
Leisha Klein commented
Oh please! This should be as basic as the same footer info that is on the website. it is very painful every time, having to add this information to the email blasts.
Judy Pfeiffer commented
Change email footer on all emails globally.
Anonymous commented
Since the information in a footer is usually universal, making the email’s
footer a separate macro or gadget would be a time-saver, allowing the change in one
place to update all.I can image 3 different footer characteristics/macros/gadgets. They would be…
Custom – optional [customized text]
Contact Info – optional, defaults to organization information but can be customized
Unsubscribe – mandatory, with the statement of “You are receiving these emails
because [ default or customized ] , such as mind… You are receiving these emails
because you signed up for our newsletter, a clinic, ride, event or class. If you
unsubscribe you may miss out on important information, including information
regarding your registrations. -
Rachel F commented
More Email Templates
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Can this be solved by using custom macro - see suggestion in http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8826109-custom-macros-for-email-blasts-10505
In this case you can create several custom macro for each specific footer you like and just add a macro into email to be sent.
Comments are appreciated.
Sharon Graham commented
Here is an example of the one we use for our e-digests:
As a member of Career Professionals of Canada, you are registered to receive the Career Club Digest. You can choose to receive this digest Daily, Weekly, or not at all. To change your preferences for the Career Club Digest, log in to your account and modify the options at the bottom of the 'Change Your Profile' form.
Here is an example of the one we use for newsletters:
This message was sent from Career Professionals of Canada to sharon@careerprocanada.ca . It was sent from: Career Professionals of Canada, 5327 4th Line, Milton, ON L9T 2X8, Canada. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.
Manage your Subscription
VCOMA commented
Are you referring to the Unsubscribe link that's automatically added by WA? If so, then I would very much like to edit this as well.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate some examples of what might go into such a footer.
Also, can you elaborate - what do you see as advantages of having a separate footer instead of including a desired footer in every email? Is it about the enforcement of including a specific standard footer?