Custom Reports/Full Transaction Data Extract
What I'd love to see is a simple way to export all of my transaction data. It should include every transaction recorded for event registrations, memberships, renewals, donations, refunds, etc. Then I can create my own custom reports with another program (Excel, Access) and all I would need to do is update my report data source with a new daily or weekly export from WA. Alternatively, the ability to custom design my own reports within Wild Apricot would be nice too. For example, using a drag-and-drop interface I could create my own pivot table reports like in Excel.

We have updated contents of financial exports in 5.12. release (
– Added more contact details
– Invoice origin details, e.g. Event name & Registration type for events and Level name for membership invoices
– Payment date to invoices
Some other minor changes.
Mark Miller commented
Details on the export of financial data in key and there is never too much. Our staff spends hours and hours each month matching up transactions with bank deposits and entering it correctly in QB. There has to be a solution
CVMG web Administrator commented
Didn't quite complete the job on this wishlist item, because I still can't export information about individual invoice line items. I have raised a follow-up wishlist item 'Custom Reports/Full Transaction Data Extract V2.0'.
Teresa, this seems like a bug. We'll investigate and follow up soon.
Sorry about this.Oleg, Payments team @ Wild Apricot
Anonymous commented
I noticed you added more fields but you removed the contact id field. That's crazy.
Lynne Black commented
Yes! It shouldn't be this difficult to reconcile with our accounting package.
Gail commented
We would like the following added to the invoice and payments records.
- the source ID (Event name as in list, Membership, Renewal etc)
- the member name that will show on the check or paypal
- the linked registrant name, if an event guest who might submit a separate check
- a payment ID # check / paypal
We will be going to a lot of extra excel work using Vlookup to merrge the event report, invoice and possibly payment reports. Far too much work when it can be done at generation of these records. -
Hi, Gail
Thanks for sharing your workflow. We didn't plan to add tags to invoice exports, only full event and registration name. Maybe we will add them later or suggest an alternative solution to your problem.
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
Gail Victoor commented
Can you please let us know if Wild Apricot will be adding the event tag associated with the event invoice to the invoice and payments exports?
We categorize our events by tags and prepare reporting that shows event payments received, summarized by event tags on a monthly basis. Currently it is a very manually process to prepare this information and we are hoping it will be available as part of the export enhancements to the payment and invoice exports.
Hi, Julie
Sorry to hear that. We will provide full data export in our upcoming release in May. It will also include data for invoice origin.
I'm not sure it will help with printing membership cards — just need more informaton here. Good news here is that we are developing built-in self-service for printing membership cards. You can track progress here: again,
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team -
Julie Miller commented
The lack of details from the financial exports is a huge problem for us. We need to have the ability to export the contacts/members full details along with their financial information for the membership period selected. We need this export to send out membership cards and "Thank You" letters after renewal. We have only been using the system for 6 months and we are ready to abandon ship if we can not get a report / export with this information.
Mark Miller commented
The lack of details from the financial exports is a huge problem for us and the two associations in our office that use WA. It is important for the associations to know the dollar amounts each month generated from specific events before it’s imported into QuickBooks. Our staff is now spending hours sorting and categorizing the data from multiple reports in order to capture a simple monthly total by payment and event. The ability to query payments and transaction huge jump forward in the usability and practicality of the software for medium and larger organizations. thank you for your interest in resolving this, let us know if we can be of any assistance in the process.
Hi, Jon!
Thanks for comment. Financial categories/accounts is something we are also thinking of, but this is not in our immediate plans.
You can alsos check — this is thread on extra-charges exporting and we're discussing several options there.Thanks again,
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team -
Jon Carlson commented
Please add separate invoice categorization for "extra items" like member fields that i can add and allow a user to optionally purchase. Currently in your quickbooks export they share the same category as the basic membership. The separate SPL records for each component should be able to be assigned a different quickbooks "account" (i.e. category).
@Charles, thanks for sharing. This makes total sense.
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Team
[Deleted User] commented
Thanks for the reply. My comments are related to improving the process of event registration exports. My request is mostly centered on building a specific export template for non-supper users to use rather than build their own export grouping each time. We have 3 specific spreadsheets that we export event data by participant;
1. Required airline passenger ticketing information. Format is set by the airline, but most are the same and we capture all the required information.
2. Financial Income transmittal's, by participants to send by spreadsheet to the Treasurer for recording. Very simple: name, amount & item description.
3. Roommate and condo lists, plus descriptions of none standard items purchased.All of this information can currently be created into a spreadsheet through the export system but it requires a bit of work by me to choose fields to export and then to format the spreadsheet. After creating the process, need the ability to copy this template for later use by less experienced user. So in nutshell, want the ability to create custom exports and name these like you do with custom searches.
@Charles, thanks for your comment and sorry for late reply - I missed it initially.
Could you please elaborate your comment? What do you want to get from this report? Do you want to filter only event's financial data? Or do you want to improve event registrants export?@Tabatha, thanks for sharing, appreciate this.
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments Team
National Employee commented
I would like to have the ability to export the contacts/members full details also. I use the financials export report to send out membership packets after renewal. As of right now I have to look up each transactions address after I download all the financials.
[Deleted User] commented
It is unclear if this improvement is just meant for the overall financial report system or also for specific event financial reporting too. I know you often combine items. We don't use the overall financial reporting system but do extract data by event.
On the data by event financial reports we would like to select by item which items to export, not the whole data stream. Ideally we would like to assign the column order they displayed.
For easy of use, we need to be able to save that custom report export option, so everybody is do it the same and not having to recreate it every time they use it. -
Mary Simpson commented
Definitely need reports by invoice type; i.e. for membership, for event, for guest lunch etc. Would be great if we could set up our own Invoice types (again membership, event, guest lunch), then report on those.
I agree. Our club uses a cash accounting system and the existing WA reports do not help us a lot. The Income report looked good, but it shows the date of the invoice NOT the date of payment - which is what we need in a cash accounting system. The Payments report does list the transactions by payment date - but only by tender type NOT what the payment was for. The Payments & Refunds report LOOKS like it would be the answer, but when we download it to Excel it doesn't show what the payments were for. We need to know membership or event etc. and, if an event, which event - so we can work out how much profit (or not) that particular event made. Either include more detail in the downloaded spreadsheet or add a checkbox to the Income report to choose between accrual (invoice date) or cash (payment date). Or both!