Family/child memberships
We are providing a web site for our cub parents and scouts and scout parents and we find we have say 2 parents and their 2 children as 4 members, but the parents and children share a family address, the younger children do not have their own address nor do mothers or fathers want the children to have gmail addresses or things like that, so allowing multiple members with one email address would be an improvement for us. A username and password of their choosing preferable to one WA generate.
The situation also arrises where parents would like email to go to both the family email address and their personal email address, so our users are saying, our family need the ability to have multiple members with the same email address and individual members need to have multiple email addresses.
Messy but that is our real world. Less messy than multiple membership records for one real person and fake email addresses.

Stephen commented
Please also consider married couples who use one email address - both parties are members but participate in different events and belong to different groups.
Dale Koetke commented
We use Wild Apricot for a kids' athletic team. The requirement to have a different, unique email per child is a real bother for families with multiple children in the program. It would be easier for families if they could have a single account which maps to multiple members: log in once, and then they could pivot between members.
Achmad Oskar commented
I agree. I would add in our case, that every member, either child or parents may have different membership level and its corresponding fees. So each counted as individual members. However, many of these children do not have email and access. So their parents needs to be able to login and manage on behalf of their children. This includes all aspects such as memberships, participation in events, attendes, etc.
I'm not sure what you mean by "duplicate" in this context, could you please elaborate?
heather commented
We should have the ability to have duplicate login emails. We have been happy with this database and it has helped us extremely, however, we need you to solve this issue as it costs us a ton of manual labour.
Could you please describe your scenario - why do you need this? Is it about a family membership? The more details, the better. Thank you in advance!
Diane Dias - Membership Director commented
When someone joins as a joint member, it only adds the one person. It is too convoluted once they are approved to ask the new member to go back into their profile to add the 2nd member. They should be able to add both simultaneously to save time and frustration.
Do you mean that in the directory you want to see 1 line - per family, not 2 - for each parent?
ROBIN EWALD commented
We are a family based organization and allow both parents to use their own email address for login and communication purposes. Two family households with two email addresses are bundled for billing purposes but I can't seem to figure out how to combine the bundled memberships when exporting the membership list for the directory (prior to printing of the directory)
ICA Membership Director commented
Because the bundle option doesn't work for our organization (we need an individual card and account per member), we would love to provide a 'family' option whereby two individual memberships can be purchased at the same time, by one person, for a discounted rate. All the usual common fields would be collected for EACH individual, this would not be a bundle.
As I understand, you meant membership registration, am I right?
Now, it is impossible to create several members with the same email, for example from one family, and this is an issue.If so, it could be part of this request
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot -
Dorletta Payton commented
In our organization, we have families who register their children for our program. The problem is that if they use their email address to register the first child, they cannot register the second child using the same email address. Can this be changed - allow people to register more than one member with the same address (or show us a work around)?
Vickie Openshaw commented
Allow multiple emails in registrations. This is particularly important for family members. We have lapsed memberships because a family member creates a new contact when logging in under a different email and pays on that contact, leaving the original membership still lapsed.
Gymnastics Club Admin commented
We are considering using WA for our gymnastics club, but the limitations in the child/family memberships is a major stumbling block. Our issues are very similar to Ian from the swimming club in NZ:
Our gymnasts are predominantly <16 and a parent deals with their affairs. Siblings can have different membership levels depending on how much they train (from 1 hr/wk to 20 hrs/wk). Parents are also members. The bundling function requires that members in the same bundle have the same membership level, so that method of grouping families doesn't work for club like ours.
We need some way of having one head member (and login) for each family and linking to each of the children and spouse, but the children and spouse being members in their own right too. The data fields for the children/ spouse could then be limited to avoid duplication of address, telephone numbers etc.
From a parent's point of view, the ability to register and pay for oneself and all my children under one login is pretty fundamental.
Having been involved in administering a number of sports clubs with junior members, I think this will be a common issue for a lot of clubs.
VA Pony Club Member commented
This is a hug issue for most of us using this software and an easy fix for anyone with RDBMS background. a One to Many relationship???!!! COME ON, its a no brainer, Get this Software Change Request in so people do not have to have 5 different email addresses for their family memberships.
tanyaF commented
Our membership, though predominantly "moms" is for the family. So we'd like to be able to link a husband and wife for example as their annual dues are per family.
Mark Gaff commented
Allow multiple contacts under one membership. A family membership includes two of more people who are involved in different committees and activities. This could be achieved by linking a contact to a "master" contact and the membership is included under the "master" contact.
Bruce - what you're talking about is going to be mostly solved in another suggestion,
Current thread is more of a bigger problem which may require a number of different changes in the system to properly accommodate family memberships, like group renewals, event registrations, etc.
Bruce Morgan commented
We run a water polo club and have run into this problem. When we send out e-mail blasts to club members, such as practice being canceled due to lightening - a big safety issue - the e-mail blast only goes to the preferred e-mail address for each member. However, several of our members are from families whose parents are separated or divorced. We are in real need for WA to add the ability to accommodate multiple e-mail addresses in the preferred e-mail address field. We understand that this is a challenge given that the primary e-mail address acts as the WA username, but a solution is really needed.
David Shahinian commented
Our club also has this issue. We are a sporting / scouting club. Our senior members (adults) can been regular members as well as sporting members. But then our junior members (u18) are scouts, football players, basketball players, futsal players... in some cases they are all. Those under 16 wont have email addresses, and the parents will pay for their childrens sporting/scouting fees. What is best practice to set this up in wild Apricot