Ability to donate during membership application/renewal or event registration
Current features:
Visitors/members are not prompted to make donation while they are performing other payments (e.g. membership renewals, event registrations,etc)
Desired features:
Admins have the ability to enable donations to be made during event registrations, membership applications/renewals or other payments.
We're considering to take Donations during registrations/applications into development right now, but during analysis of the feature we ran into an issue where we would love to hear your feedback.
Essense of question: how would you like donations during applications or registration to be processed for offline payments (when your member/prospect decided to get an invoice and pay later)?
Some more details:
We can implement donations during event registrations/membership renewals for online payments - not a problem.
But when we're talking about offline payments, straighforward solution seems to be a bit expensive - we don't have invoices for donations or pledges yet.
So right now we're considering going on with straighforward online payments solution (donation will be added to payment transaction) and for offline payments - just include an invoice memo to buyer to add $XXX to his payment as donation for event/membership he has selected.
This way administrators would have to manually record donations if they receive extra payment and we could deliver this update soon.
What do you think on proposed solution?
Glenn Ostrander commented
To Wild Apricot Product Management: This highly desirable feature, requested 8 years ago and now shown with 226 votes and 83 comments posted since July 2015, has not reached Work in Progress status and has elicited little response from Wild Apricot staff. Your customers deserve better Wishlist feedback and prompt attention to development of features, like this one, that have wide interest and are available in many other membership management offerings.
Anonymous commented
I added an extra calculation that can add a donation at renewal...BUT 1) this is combined as a renewal fee, and not logged as a donation - which messes up the books and 2) it does not reset each renewal period - and people get too confused to clear this selection within their profile. It would be fantastic to have this as an option when one renews to make a donation. I, like many others, feel our members think to donate at the same time but don't want the added work of editing their profile or changing a selection from previous year.
Anonymous commented
This would be great
Janet Ordway commented
We added optional "donations" to one specific organization on our event registration form but the amount just shows up as a lump sum combined with the event fee. We are struggling with how to separate it out for our bookkeeping. We desperately need to be able to include a true donations function on the registration form...not a link to another page, but on the form to make it easy to donate. Thanks!!
Gary Pendleton commented
We used to receive donations with mail in memberships, and still received a few. For those that renew online, I've created an extra charge option, but these have to manually be recorded and tracked as donations. If there was a way for these extra payments to be recorded as donations, we would be able to more efficiently thank members for donations.
As a system than was established to support small non-profits, this feature is a no brainier. -
Hi, Stephen!
That's a good idea, however we don't have anything ready at the moment.
Oleg, Product owner @ Payments team
Stephen commented
Our non-profit would really like to be able to add a donations option when someone joins or renews.
Or, is there a way to send members to a specific page when their application/ renewal is complete?
Aimee commented
Hi there,
I have an event that is a fundraiser where I would like offer a ticket option where the customer can put in the amount they want to pay for the ticket (similar to the donation page). Right now all I can do is set specific ticket prices and add ons. It would be great to have this function for fundraisers in addition to setting suggested donations. -
Doug Cooper commented
I realize you've heard this before, but one simple improvement of great value would be to setup a system allowing simultaneous donation (as a split charge) when members are renewing or joining. This used to be a good contribution source for us, mainly due to rounding up, but also due to a few large donations, but without that option available we're now looking at pushing a new end-of-year campaign specifically to make up for missed donations. THANKS!
Passer Kirbius commented
Strongly agree that this is a feature that our organisation would appreciate. We currently have a few members who are suggesting exactly this option, who are wanting to make it easier to make donations to our organisation. We would definitely appreciate the opportunity to let them do so.
Accounting LymphOntario commented
V E R Y I M P O R T A N T!
I still have members that don't have email addresses. I would say that 75% -80% of those members who physically mail in their membership dues will include a donation. -
Parminder Basran commented
I actually thought this was a standard feature and I'm quite surprised it isn't available. We really would like to have this option since our membership drive is really one of the few opportunities for members to interact with our website.
Kathy Culler commented
Our non-profit would really like to be able to add a donations option when someone joins or renews. We feel that this is a prime opportunity to capture donations. Once people sign up as a member, they are not as likely to go back and make a separate donation.
Gail Walker commented
I previously voted for this but am adding this comment to reiterate my support for this feature and encourage you to add this ASAP. My organization - which began using Wild Apricot last fall - is LOSING much needed donations that members used to make when renewing the old school way (through a USPS solicitation where they could send one check that included dues and a donation). If you don't find a way to add this feature, this could very well convince the Board to abandon ship!!! Please advise - what is the status of this?
Ed Wayt commented
We'd like to allow people to donate during event registration and have it in the WA system as a donation, not just a line-item on the event registration invoice. Thank you.
Shelbi Hoffman commented
Please add this feature!
Megan Whilden (Admin) commented
STRONGLY support this! Thanks all!
Thanks for comments, Brandon!
Oleg, Product Designer @ Payments team
Brandon Longley commented
Add to that, sending out mail is costly and takes time. And we only sent out our letter drive to 40% of our members because most of our members have email addresses and prefer for us to send them email rather than mail.
Brandon Longley commented
This would be fantastic, this year we did a letter donation campaign with our membership drive and we raised twice the amount of money that we would normally raise, with 80% of the donations coming from paper replies. 20% came from online donations however this would be much higher if members could add a donation to their renewal at the time of renewing. Most of our members are generally happy to pitch in an extra 2-5x the membership cost if it is easy - it's easy to fill out a form and send it back using a reply paid letter but it's not as easy to do it online.