Registration email confirmation customization [10260]
We would really like to customize the admin event registration confirmation email to add custom fields. Until that is available, we're hoping to simply find a way to add our admin email address as a cc to the custom registration email we created for the attendees.
Presume there must be a way to do this, even if it requires setting up a rule within the mailbox admin to forward a copy of all outgoing emails to for example.
We have a custom attendee confirmation email setup, but we can't figure out how to get a copy of that sent automatically to our admin. Suggestions would be most appreciated.
Events with offline (manual) payment
* Paid confirmed registrations
Event Attendee: receives this email after a paid registration is submitted and attendee status is set to Confirmed by administrator
Administrator/selected recipients: receives no email
* Paid pending registrations
Event Attendee: receives this email after a paid registration is submitted (e.g. to provide a confirmation and instructions how to pay)
Administrator/selected recipients: receives automatically generated payment notification (not customizable at the moment)

Any registration email could be copied to organization account in the Event email settings. Also any existing administrator could be selected as cc or any email could be specified in the Email Routing settings.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
See also dedicated thread on event-specific administrator -
anonymous_203.214.35.67 commented
I completely second this idea. My organization offers three different kinds of events, each belonging to a different committee member's portfolio (training courses, guest speaker events and networking lunches). It would be great to be able to list all of our events and have emails go to the specific committee member in charge of each.
Eric Halsing commented
This is a SUPER high priority for us -- Probably the ONE thing I would choose over any other upgrade in your next release. We have many events all taking place at the same time. But a different person is assigned to be the coordinator of each event. As Wild Apricot is currently setup, I can designated all of these coordinators to receive "Event-related" emails. But they all get all the registration emails, not just the ones for the event they are in charge of. It gets REALLY confusing for them.
That, combined with the fact that the admin emails DO NOT contain any of the information contained in the Event Fields. I do not want to give admin access to each coordinator for privacy reasons. So that leaves ME having to forward all information to each of the event coordinators! This is a royal pain!
Don't get me wrong, as a whole, I LOVE your service. But the EVENT system needs work. Thanks!
Fluid Apricot commented
Unfortunately there is currently no way to do this. Since the customizable email is only send to the attendee (not the admin) it is therefore not possible to cc that email - any forwarding rule can only be setup by each attendee in this case. We are planning a complete overhaul of the event emails workflow to make this possible but there is no timeline yet.