Create contacts for guest registrations
You can set up your events so that a registrant can also indicate if they are bringing guests and enter information about them for your event records
You may want to leverage the guests information in areas outside of the event. In this case, you would want guests become full contacts, which does not happen the way the system currently operates.
There are a few things we'd like to get your feedback on with this feature:
* Would you want guests from all events to become contacts automatically, or would you like to have that feature set up on an event-by-event basis?
* Would you want some way to search on how these contacts were created i.e. show me all contacts created as guests from the event 'Annual General Meeting'.
Released in v5.5 – see
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
We are now analyzing changes in events module and this particular change - keeping guests as contacts - is included into scope.
Unfortunately, this change is not going to be done in 2011.
Dmitry Buterin commented
@pbhac - this has not been scheduled yet so no timeline.
pbhac commented
Yes!! I'd love to be able to have guests listed as contacts automatically. I can see where some organizations may not (for example, if holding an annual conference and adding a spouse to a dinner event...) so the ability to select either on an event-by-event basis, or to select it in some kind of administrator setting for all events would be fantastic. I'm now having to re-enter all guests as contacts to keep from losing them, but want to allow people to register more than one person easily to attend our trainings...
Any idea when this might be implemented?
WLR commented
I would like this as an option. I have a current situation where a Member contact registered for an event with two guests. He now has to cancel his attendance, but if I cancel his registration the other will be removed to.
The ability to make one of the guest the main registration would be exactly what I need.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I actually think the first step is to have guests stored as contacts. Then admins will be able to assign membership to them.
About #2) I am not clear and it does not really make sense to me. Right now the only way for non-admins to add membership records is to use online membership application form. I do not see how this can be easily/at all connected to registration of guests.
Frank commented
Currently Behavior
Event guests are not considered contacts with Wild Apricot. Which means that if you want to upgrade a guest to a member you must do so manually.Proposed Behavior
Administrators can opt to add guests into contact database. Which would allow administrators to upgrade them to full members.
iant commented
Great timing! We're looking at this area ourselves, how to leverage alll this new contacts info from event attendees.
We would be very happy to have guests automatically moved to contacts and to have the ability to determine which event they first registered for.
Ian Tilley
worthing and adur chamber of commerce -
dom commented
The only way to move an event guest into the contact list is to do so manually. The data is already in the system, we just need an easy way to move it.
kcbetts commented
We hold events where some regstrant's organization will register them and pay for their fees. So they are registered as a guest for some events. Some of these guests registrants are already in our contacts list but it does not show up in their event registration history since they did not register themselves.
Is there a way to link the guest registrations to their contact record? We want to maintain them as a guest registration under their organization for billing purposes, but we also need to be able to track how many events they attend since some events are a series and a certificate is awarded based on attending the series.
Do guests also receive an auto-confirmation? Or is the main registration the only one receiving the auto-email confirmation?