Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event
At the moment, it is not possible to register for multiple events at the same time, or link to the next event after registering for one event on Wild Apricot. This functionality would have been extremely helpful for a recent conference for Children's Hospital that we set up through you...would it be possible to add this feature?
(Malcolm de C) I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of members.
Perhaps from the List view of upcoming events it might be possible to add a check box to the dialogue box displaying the summary of the event. If there is then a general registration button that looks for all 'checked events' could it be possible to take the user through all 'checked' registrations. The problem, I believe, is always having to find your way back to the event list following each registration - not easy for everyone!

I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Evelyn W commented
#6 on this list - being able to customize the word "guest" on the event registration form would be very helpful. Any secondary people registering with a member must be part of the member's family. Our members are confused by the word "guest" on the registration form.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Appreciate the details - this is very useful in our analysis.
Just to set expectations - unfortunately I do not expect this to go into development for a while. It's a complex change which needs careful analysis and design and there are many items in the queue which are more commonly requested and thus are prioritized higher.
Clark Bavin commented
I would just like to jump in and say I think these are all good ideas and would like to see these get bumped up the Wish List for the next version ASAP. Our organization runs a lot of events. We want to provide option of purchasing a table of 10 and let the person organizing the table, enter their guests and cap it at 10 people. Same with different sponsorship levels, we offer an allotment of tickets per sponsorship level. What makes it confusing is that we have individual Event Sponsors, as well as, Annual Sponsors - both have different sets of ticket allotments.
For Annual Sponsors, we've considered giving out Event Codes/Coupons but right now there's no way to monitor the usage or limit the number of times one can use the code. With Event Coupons, we want to have the ability to put a limited # of uses by a given member. Perhaps, we should first create a group from within the membership database and apply the coupon/code to this particular group. Then, it would be helpful to then be able to set a total number of uses of the coupon, or total number of registered attendees. In other words, let's say a member is entitled to 4 tickets to 6 out of 8 events over the course of a year. We would like the system to monitor and know that this member has used the coupon for their 6 events.
Another example, we sell a "Passport" to attend our monthly breakfasts - good for 10 breakfasts. We'd like to know if the person has used up all that they're entitled to and not over-registered or trying to attend for free. Some times these people split their 10 breakfasts and bring a co-worker, so they might use 2 tickets at once, thus reducing their total allotment. We'd like the system to be able to give this kind of flexibility, but also to track usage. And it probably wouldn't be bad to have an e-mail generated to these members letting them know where they stand on their allotment, so that they're also aware and monitoring the usage of their coupon.
I hope that this is helpful to others.
[quote user="CJoeG"]
The new feature for multiple event registrations is a very significant step forward. However, it falls short of being useful to one of our main customers. That customer stages races which include teams of up to 8 people (but no more than 8).
Here is a list of features which they need to be in place in order for this important new feature to work for them. They are looking for the ability to:
1) set a limit on the number of additional people who can be registered (e.g, 7 additional or 8 total),
2) update the list of additional people registered (by the original registrant) until a specified date (e.g, add two people now and then add more people later until the time limit, and max registration limit (see #1 above) has been reached), - After further testing it seems that the original registrant can keep the registration in a "Pending" state that may resolve part of this issue!
3) create a registration for the initial registrant and associate it with a group/team name,
4) either: list the name of the registered groups/teams (not just the name of the person which created the initial registration) so that a person can search the list to ensure uniqueness, or the ability of the system to veryify uniquiness of a field (group/team name in this case),
5) specify the exact number of characters of a text field on a registration form (group/team name can not be more than 20 characters long on two lines of no more than 10 characters each), and
6) modify the wording of "guest" to something more appropriate on the registration form (e.g, team member, etc.),
The customer's original request asked for the ability of "guests" to add themselves to a named "team", but requiring the person that created the original registration, (the team captain) to add the other members will work with a modification to their team registration work flow.
I look forward to working with you to understand these requested features in more detail.
Dmitry Buterin commented
thanks for posting those additional separate requests as I suggested. However so far they had no additional responses from other clients. So I will merge them into this issue and we will keep tracking interest specifically in team registrations functionality.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate input from others who might have use for something like this. Please post your comments here.
CJoeG commented
Group registration for our cutomer requires a Team name (text field), as well as a team Category (radio buttons). (See other wish list items re: text field length restrictions and field value validations).
Currently this information is required to be filled out during registration for every group (team) members. We are requesting that there be fields for group event registrations which are only required to be filled out for the first registrant.
This allows the registration of groups to be done with much less redundant information, and will eleminate possible input errors which can cause registration problems at the event.
CJoeG commented
We need a text field type which can be validated to be Unique for registrants for an event. This request seems similar to the email address field in the Contact Database, but unlike that field which looks through all contacts, this field need only be unique for all registrants to a particular event.
We register teams for some of our events and allow them to create unique team names, of a specified maximum number of characters, for thier team. Each team name MUST be unique, but there is no way for this to be enforeced currently.
This is one of several requirements which I have added to the wishlist in order to make group registration work for our client, a large organizer of road and trail running events.
CJoeG commented
The new features for registering groups for events is a signingicant step in the right direction. Great work!
Since we register teams of certain sizes, we need to make sure that the team has at least two members and not more than some larger number. It can not be indefinite.
This is one of several smaller features which we need to make the new group event registration work useful for us.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Joe, I appreciate the feedback. In our work on multiple guest registrations we have reviewed dozens request we have received of the last 3 years and tried to design the simplest and most common solution to meet the needs of as many people as possible.
So we will monitor further feedback on this and prioritize accordingly. I would also suggest posting some specific enhancements in separate threads - they might get more votes/comments in this way, for example create a separate thread about limiting the number of guests.
Paul at PEN commented
#1 is the addition I see as most necessary. For our membership-based events, we may only want members to bring 1 guest each. An optional field e.g. "Relationship to guest" would be helpful too, so we could make clear that only spouses and children can be brought as guests.
A variation on this that would be useful is to only allow members to sign up other members, or certain types of members, or bundle members to sign up other members of their bundle. Our bundles are schools, and we would like them to be able to sign up teachers in groups, but not for teachers to sign up all their friends!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I decided to join latest comment to existing thread, as I consider them very similar: we have to simplify event registration process to support easy and quick registration to either multiple events and multiple registrations to one event.
Phil Anderson commented
Unfortunately there is no way to do this at the moment through the normal registration types option. We have similar issues when adding guests as it only uses the original registration type and price. A few threads have been made about this with an adhoc workaround being to add the different types and prices in the registration form as options with additional prices. This doesn't work in my situation but might be an option for some people...
I believe it is being looked at for better functionality at some point.
chrisnorfolk commented
Is it possible to select more than one option when registering for an event? Right now,a user can only select one type of registration for each event. Sometimes we have someone that wants to register themselves and also as a sponsorship at the same time. Right now, they have to register themselves and then register again for the event as a sponsor.
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
[quote user="Chief_Apricot"]We do now have the ability for people to register to several events and then pay once for all of them. Does this meet your needs?[/quote]
It would be really helpful to have a something like a "Would you like to register for some events?" popup appear after they have confirmed their membership, and a "would you like to register for another event" popup appear after they register for an event.
On my setup, I have people register as members, and allow their membership to be active without payment, and then they are supposed to register for the 3 events and pay all in one transaction. 80% of the time people follow those instructions, but 20% pay for the membership, and then maybe pay one event at a time or for all 3 events together. It haven't calculated it, but the extra $0.25 per transaction in paypal adds up. It would really help if people were guided a bit better to pay the total at the end.
Dmitry Buterin commented
We do now have the ability for people to register to several events and then pay once for all of them. Does this meet your needs?
Griff Wigley commented
Has there been any further discussion/consideration of adding this functionality?
MPA commented
Yes, the current method of registering for multiple events and then paying all at once is extremely clunky, and not intuitive for the average user. The majority of our members are not computer experienced enough to figure this out the first time around. We had to build a go-around on our website, putting in a top frame that has a "menu" and "checkout" button along with a help document and still most people end up paying individually for events. It adds up for a non-profit when paypal charges a per transaction fee in addition to a percentage.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
You can register for multiple events now, apply for membership and pay in a single transaction after that. Each registration or other transaction generates an invoice and several invoices can be paid together with a single payment transaction.
I assume that you are speaking about usability rather than possibility, right? As far as I understand you'd like to simplify the process of registering to multiple events so that your attendees are not forced to fill in same forms again and again.
Jenn commented
I would love to see this feature moved up on the wishlist. It has been a frustration since 2008 and by reading the posts it seems it is an ongoing request and frustation for many since 2009, if not longer.
Over the years, our organization has seen a decrease of online registration and an increase in snail mailed checks because of the lack of a shopping cart feature. Receiving checks in the mail defeats the purpose of maintaining a website allowing online registration and montly fees to have a PayPal account.
Event attendees are irritated with the process of having to re-register and pay for each event separately. At times they may have to repeat the process up to 5 times if they wish to register for our Annual Conference, 2 separate workshops, come to lunch, and purchase a membership. Groups attending with 8 separate people have to register and pay 40 separate times.
Guest regisitration is not helpful since our prices are member and non-member based and does not add guests as a contact. We we cannot use the add on feature for events since those fields do not feed into the event itself and our events are limited by available space. (Please correct me if I am wrong on these functions).
It would also be beneficial to organizations since fees are paid for each of these single transactions.
Thank you for considering this option as it is sorely needed.
Jennifer Taylor
Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitors Association
Website, Membership and Registration Chair -
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Unfortunately, we cannot promise a release date for any requests that has not been scheduled into the next release development. This one has not been scheduled yet.